Salman Khan, film actor

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=Bad boy=
=Bad boy=
==The Blackbuck Poaching Case, 1998==
==The Blackbuck Poaching Case, 1998==
=== 1998: Peter Popham’s report in ''The Independent,'' UK===
[  Peter Popham | The deer hunter| Sunday 15 November | ''The Independent,'' UK]
In India, a Bollywood superstar is facing prison. The charge: killing an antelope so cherished that one tribe suckles its fawns
A BOLLYWOOD GOSSIP column called Neeta's Natter [in Stardust] once wrote off Salman Khan as the "puny, pony-tailed" boyfriend of a well-known actress. Today, after 10 years in the film business, he is arguably the hottest star in India, certainly one of the top three or four; one of the handful whose name on the credits can make even the silliest, frothiest film a hit.
He's done it by hanging on to the baby face that first brought him fame, then pumping his physique into the Bruce Willis league, and leaving "puny" far behind. The result is a walking contradiction: he has the saccharine smiles, long droopy eyelashes and goofy grins of a baby; but on screen he also manifests the vicious temper, the mean streak and the reckless brutality to go with those awesome pecs. Khan is India's bionic star, perfectly engineered for the modern Bollywood blockbuster; which typically is a sort of smorgasbord, a long, rambling concatenation of Love Story, Oklahoma, Carry on Camping and Diehard 2. He's the dream combination: River Phoenix, Bruce Willis and Norman Wisdom in a single package.
But if Harish Dulani, a jeep driver in the former princely state of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, is telling the truth, the mean streak is coming to the fore.
In September, Salman Khan and a number of other top Indian stars were filming on location in Jodhpur, putting up at the Umeda Bhawan Palace, once the Maharaja's vast and pompous palace, now a magnificent hotel. On the night of Saturday 26 September, according to Mr Dulani's statement, Khan and his co-stars left the hotel at 10pm in a four-wheel drive Suzuki Gypsy, Khan himself driving; accompanying them was Dushyant Singh, a local travel agent and guide and a relative of the former Maharaja, who is now wanted by the police. Equipped with two rifles and powerful searchlights, they drove through the town and out to the south. Here the straggling new suburbs soon give way to flat scrubland, punctuated by fields of powdery, amber-coloured earth.
They drove down the pitted, two-lane highway for several miles, then branched off on to a smaller, rougher road, then broke out into the scrub. The searchlights foraged and quested among the babul, the thorny bushes that infest the semi-desert, and soon they picked up what the party was looking for: a group of chinkara, the diminutive Indian antelope with straight, spiralling horns, a wagging tail and a cry like a sneeze.
Twenty or 30 years ago, these scrublands were full of chinkara, as well as blackbuck, nilghai, hares, peacocks and tortoises. But poaching and loss of habitat have cut the number of all the wildlife here drastically: now there may only be a thousand or so chinkara left in the world, all of them living in unprotected areas such as this.
Chinkara and blackbuck are as rare and endangered as India's other beleaguered living treasures, such as the tiger, the one-horned rhino and the Asiatic lion. Like them, they are in Schedule One of India's list of endangered species; anyone caught poaching them is liable to a maximum of six years in prision, under the Wildlife Protection Act. Unlike the poachers of tiger and rhino, however, which are confined to reserves and national parks, the Indian deer hunter does not have to contend with forest wardens who are armed and frequently shoot to kill. And chinkara and blackbuck are not hard to hunt: thanks to the tender treatment they receive from the Bishnoi, a community of farmers who live in these parts, they are virtually tame. Frozen in the searchlight, they make a simple target. They are also said to be very good to eat.
A short distance out into the wild the group spotted a chinkara. Salman Khan took a rifle from the bag, aimed and fired. The wounded animal ran; Khan leaped from the car and chased it on foot and shot it again. When it collapsed, someone took a knife and cut the deer's throat, draining the blood, while the animal uttered its dying wail.
Soon afterwards two more chinkara were spotted. Khan shot again, wounded one of them, then jumped out and slit its throat while the deer struggled and cried and finally died. They took the two carcasses back to Jodhpur, where staff at a hotel were roused from their beds and obliged to clean and cook them for the party.
If any of the villagers in the area of the hunt heard anything that night, they kept quiet about it. Likewise, the guide, the driver, the hotel staff and the cook. The party, again led by Khan, went out hunting again and again: on the 27th, the 28th, the 30th. No-one breathed a word. These, after all, are the kings of Bollywood, India's new maharajas, and they do as they please. By day Khan strolled around the Umeda Bhawan Palace topless, baring his glorious torso; management implored him to cover up but he ignored them. By night he and his friends hunted. Who could deny them? Who would have the courage to stop them?
They must have begun to feel invulnerable, beyond any law. That is perhaps the only explanation for what happened next. Until now they had been hunting across land which, while close to the communities of the Bishnoi, the special protectors of the deer, is peopled by other local groups which do not have this tradition of benevolent concern. That may explain why no alert was sounded, why Khan and his friends hunted with impunity. On the night of Thursday 1 October, though, they became reckless: they strayed on to the Bishnois' land.
The village of Gudda-Bishnoiya looks no different to the rest of the scrubland: dry, dusty, covered with the sprawling unkempt babul bushes, dotted with hardy trees. Houses and people are widely spaced. Some of the Bishnois' homes are structures which were built by the British many years ago for officials of the nearby aerodrome - structures which are now in a state of slow-motion collapse.
On this night, Salman Khan again took the wheel, and when they were 20km from Jodhpur they veered off the road into the country of the Bishnoi. Five kilometres into the wild they spotted a group of blackbuck, beautiful dark brown antelopes with white underbellies. Khan braked, grabbed the rifle, took aim and shot the deer in the leg. But before he could dispatch the animal with his knife, local Bishnoi farmers, roused by the noise, were out of their houses to find out what was going on. The jeep drove off at speed, but when they came across another group of blackbuck, Khan could not resist having another go. This time an animal was hit in the neck. By now the Bishnoi were giving chase on motorcycles - seven on three machines - and though one bike was knocked over by the jeep, the farmers were able to record the number on the plates.
The actors made it back to Jodhpur. There they may have hoped the matter would rest: for although India has an apparently tough Wildlife Protection Act, prosecutions under it are few and convictions even fewer - only two or three since the Act was passed 26 years ago. So when, seven days later, Khan and his friends were arrested for offences under the Act; and when, four days after that, Khan's application for bail was refused, and he was consigned to judicial custody, it must have seemed as if some gruesome Bollywood potboiler had come to life.
Khan's mistake was to have crossed the path of one of India's most singular communities. The Bishnoi is a caste of farmers with roots in the Jodhpur region. They look not unlike other farming castes in the area, the men tall and gaunt, their heads crowned by big white turbans, the women cowled in the unmistakeable Rajastani fashion with layers of dazzlingly coloured and patterned cotton, and with noses and ears strung with golden ornaments. In these dry, dusty fields they plant barley and mustard; they drive cattle and water buffalo to the sparse, rocky pastures.
But in the Bishnois' case, the poverty and simplicity are misleading. One of the community's prominent members, a Jodhpur High Court advocate called Mahesh Chandra Bishnoi, who I met among the clattering old typewriters and milling litigants in the court's chambers, found the phrase that fits them: "Plain living and high thinking." The Bishnoi follow the radically pacifist teachings of their 15th-century guru, Shri Jambheshwar, a syncretic teacher who extracted what he found most satisfactory from the creeds that cohabited in the region, Hinduism, Islam and Jainism, and added a special attitude of gentleness towards the environment which has defined the Bishnoi ever since. The Bishnoi were Gandhians 500 years before the Mahatma. The keystone of Gandhi's teaching, the injunction ahimsa -"do no harm" - has been ingrained in their thinking for centuries. It encompasses whatever they encounter in their lives: the animals, the plants, the trees.
In Rajasthan's harsh, semi-arid environment, it has proved a superbly far-sighted philosophy. North and west of Jodhpur lies the Thar Desert, where nothing of use to man grows, largely because of man's folly and mismanagement. Where the Bishnoi dominate, however, man-made deserts do not arise. They may not harm a living tree; and Jodhpur's gnarled and wiry trees help the soil retain as much water as possible. All animals are made welcome, even the nilghai, the tall, ungainly antelope which most other farmers despise. The animals may damage the crops, but they also fertilise the soil. So tenderly do the Bishnoi regard the deer that if a fawn is abandoned, a lactating Bishnoi woman may breastfeed it along with her own child.
Guru Jambeshwar, Jambhaji as they refer to him, laid down 29 principles by which the Bishnoi live - "a very practical and convenient code", as Mahesh Bishnoi puts it. Yet all might have been forgotten now, but for an incident that occurred in 1730 when the Maharaja of Jodhpur needed wood to build new structures in Jodhpur Fort.
The only locally available stand of trees was a wood of kejri trees that grew under Bishnoi protection on Bishnoi land. The Maharaja's officials set off to cut the trees down, but when the community saw what was about to happen to their cherished trees, they clung to them, forcing their bodies betwen the trunks and the Maharaja's men's axes. So not only were the trees cut, but the Bishnoi too - men, women and children. As they fell dead, more ran forward to take their place. In all, 363 Bishnoi were massacred before word of the atrocity reached the Maharaja and he called a halt. Shocked and penitent, he vowed never again to harm the Bishnois' trees. And thus an extraordinarily potent myth was born: a myth of self- sacrifice for the sake of nature that is at once archaic and strikingly modern.
"Bishnoi revere all the birds and animals on their land," says Mahesh Bishnoi, "the hare, the tortoise, the peacocks and the partridge as well as the deer." But it is over the deer, especially the desperately rare blackbuck and chinkara, that Bishnoi have repeatedly been called on to make good their pledge. If poachers show up on their land, they do everything in their power to thwart them. Many Bishnoi have died in the process - some 17, I was told, in recent decades. In 1978, for example, a farmer called Birbal Bishnoi was eating dinner at home in Lohawal village near Jodhpur when he heard gunshots outside. He rushed out and chased the two poachers, but when he managed to bring one of them down, the other took a shot at him. Birbal was badly injured, but clung to the poacher until help arrived. He later died from his wounds.
In other cases it was the poacher who died, destroyed by the villagers' collective fury. The seven Bishnoi who, on the night of 1 October, leaped on motorcycles and chased Salman Khan's jeep, were keeping faith with a remarkable tradition. Khan and his friends were lucky to get away unharmed. As it was, the jeep arrived back at the Umeda Bhawan Palace covered in mud and with both front tyres punctured. The damage has yet to be accounted for.
Poaching endangered animals, for profit or fun or both, is rampant in India today, because, although there is a good law on the books which outlaws it, it is not properly enforced. In the rare event of a poacher being caught in the act, he has numerous opportunities to get off the hook: by bribing the forest guards, who are paid starvation wages; bribing vets who perform post mortems; pulling political strings to have the case aborted. Even if a poacher is charged, the case can disappear into the bowels of India's grossly underfunded legal system for years. Very rarely do cases come to a conclusion.
Salman Khan's case looked as if it was headed the same way. A hurried post mortem carried out on the two blackbuck at the site of the shooting declared, fatuously, that one died from "injuries suffered during leaping", one from "overeating". The deer were buried at the spot. The weapons used to kill them were spirited away to Bombay. The case looked like ending before it had even started. Bollywood rules.
Two things made that impossible. First, the Bishnoi would not let the matter rest. In the days after the killings, they held demonstrations in Jodhpur demanding justice. Furthermore, it is election time now in India: polls for state assemblies all over the Union were due in a few weeks. The Bishnoi community in Rajasthan is numerous - no-one knows how many, but an educated guess puts them at two per cent of the state's population, about one million people. They are tight-knit, too, capable of voting as a block. Bishnoi leaders made it clear that the political parties' stand on Salman Khan would powerfully influence how they voted.
It took seven days - days of fevered meeting, long phone calls, smoke- filled rooms, VIP "air-dashes" - before the political will to proceed was mustered. A new post mortem was ordered, the deers' carcasses exhumed, and a body of learned men declared that they actually died from gunshot wounds. The vet responsible for the faked report disappeared, and is sought by the police. Finally, a full 10 days after the event, Khan and his friends were arrested and charged.
The case is far from over yet, and the outcome is far from certain. Like all trials in India, it will drag on for many months, possibly years. Dushyant Singh, the guide who is alleged to have arranged the poaching trips, has yet to be arrested, and there are dark rumours that he is being protected by the powerful Rajputs who used to rule Jodhpur (Singh is a Rajput himself), and who still wield great power.
But already something has changed. As a result of the case, poaching has been all over India's front pages for weeks. The right of Bombay's rich punks to butcher at will has, for the first time, been seriously questioned.
An unexpected casualty of the affair has been the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The mammoth organisation's Indian branch has been criticised lately for ineffectuality. But this was much worse: just as Salman Khan was being produced in court, accused of one of the worst wildlife crimes one can think of, the Fund's glossy 1999 calendar was rolling off the presses - with 12 artful photographs of the hottest Bollywood stars, one for each month.
Salman Khan's month was February. There he was, moody, sensitive and stripped to the waist as usual. "Travel your way to good health," twittered the copy at the foot of the page. "Use bicycle or better still, walk whenever you can." WWF issued a furious denunciation of the poachers and arranged for February to be pulped and replaced.
In the field that surrounds a tumbledown Bishnoi house in Gudda-Bishnoi, a couple of kilometres from the scene of the final night's poaching, Bishnoi elders gathered recently to give a ceremonial send-off to a local girl who had just got married. Under the bright shamiana in the mellow October sunshine, the towering white turbans and divided whiskers and hawk-like brown profiles were assembled. What, I asked them, would they consider a suitable punishment for Salman Khan? The reply was instantaneous and vehement, and a bit surprising if one takes the Bishnois' pacifism at face value. "He should be hanged." "His ears and nose should be cut off," said another, "and he should be beaten black and blue."
Gudda-Bishnoiya is Edge City: the suburbs where middle-class Bishnoi like Mahesh Bishnoi the advocate build their pink stone villas are only a few miles away. The perimeter fence of the British-built aerodrome borders the road. Other groups with no special concern for wild animals or the enviroment live in close quarters with the Bishnoi. To see the Bishnoi lifestyle in its purest form you must travel far from the city and out into the fringes of the desert, to villages like Osian, Phalodi, Jamba and Mukaon, which the contamination of city life has yet to reach. But in fact this proximity to the city makes what one sees here all the more striking. Rural Indian life goes on all around. A line of Bishnoi women pass with big brass water pots on their heads, others crammed into a tractor trailer, a family of five squeezed on to a scooter. And over and over again we see deer, placidly cropping grass a few yards away. A group of chinkara dashes away at our approach, then stands there staring, wagging their broad, flat tails. A full-grown male blackbuck steams across the road, head and long, twisting horns lowered, almost under the bumper of an Ambassador. At the spot where Khan made his last killing, another male blackbuck chases the eight or 10 does in his harem back and forth, the does shooting almost vertically up into the air as if on pogo sticks.
A few miles away is a grove of sacred kejri trees: 363 of them, for the 363 Bishnoi who died nearly 270 years ago protecting their community's woodland. When I arrived the sun was poised above the horizon, and the trees were dense with the cries of returning birds. At the end of the avenue between the trees stands a simple whitewashed shrine; inside, a flame burnt before the portrait of Guru Jambaji. As the sun set, the priest, clad in orange, beat a tattoo on drum and gong in memory of the Bishnoi martyrs.
Back in Bombay, life for the stars is getting back to normal. Salman is out on bail, as are his alleged accomplices, Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Nee- lam, Sonali Bendre and the comedian Satish Shah - hot Bollywood properties all, and back into the hectic Bombay film round, sprinting from set to set of half a dozen movies in production simultaneously.
What the Jodhpur escapade will do for Salman Khan's career it is too early to judge. In Jodhpur after his arrest, the two films of his that were showing in the town were promptly pulled from the screens. But thousands of fans besieged the court to catch a glimpse of him, while inside his supporters and the Bishnoi traded slogans and nearly came to blows.
At the arraignment, Khan himself was full of rich brat conceit, lolling in his chair and joking with his co-accused. But his questioning lasted seven hours, and after a few nights on a hard cot in the forester's hut which was his makeshift prison, the stuffing had come out of him. In court now he was meek and tame. To the press he declared his innocence - "I love wild animals," he bleated, "how could I harm them?"
It must have been hard for him to judge how to play it; for now the contradictions in his screen persona were coming home to roost. For Khan the on-screen bully boy, a reputation for slitting furry animals' throats in real life might be almost helpful; and Blitz, a Bombay tabloid, duly weighed in with anonymous "film industry sources" describing Khan as "a very violent person" and a former girlfriend calling him "a maniac". But what help will such a reputation be for Khan the shy lover, Khan the bumbling clown, Khan the Indian Norman Wisdom?
And then of course Salman Khan might be convicted and go to jail - whereupon not only his fans but the producers who have tens of millions of rupees invested in his half-finished films would be seri- ously distraught. But few Indians believe that this is how the story will end. For the Bishnoi and the blackbuck it might be the only just outcome. But Indians have become resigned to the fact that the rich and powerful very rarely serve sentences in prison. The motto at the base of India's national symbol, the three lions of the great King Ashok, reads Satyamev Jayate, "Let Truth Prevail." But in India today, that is an increasingly rare occurrence
===1998- 2014: a timeline===
[[File: salman after verdict.png|April 2015: Salman Khan going to a Jodhpur court: He pleaded 'not guilty' in the black-buck case|frame|500px]]
[[File: salman after verdict.png|April 2015: Salman Khan going to a Jodhpur court: He pleaded 'not guilty' in the black-buck case|frame|500px]]
'' Blackbuck poaching case: Salman Khan to appear before Jodhpur court on March 10 ''  [  Express News Service | New Delhi | January 29, 2014] (With PTI inputs)
'' Blackbuck poaching case: Salman Khan to appear before Jodhpur court on March 10 ''  [  Express News Service | New Delhi | January 29, 2014] (With PTI inputs)
'''The offence'''
'''The offence'''

Revision as of 15:53, 5 April 2018

Salman Khan outside the court of the Jodhpur District Presiding Officer, on the day of his conviction in April 2018 in The Blackbuck Poaching Case of 1998 (details below)
(Left) Salman Khan in the jailor’s office of the Jodhpur Central Jail, and (right) walking to the cell.
A collage based on ANI and NDTV photographs, respectively.
2018, April

Who is Zhu Zhu? Indpaedia has a page on the Chinese actress

An early Salman Khan
Salman Khan at age 1.
Salman Khan as a boy: his famous features had begun to form
An early Salman Khan with Hrithik Roshan.
Salman Khan with Bhagyashree in Maine Pyar Kiya 1989
Salman Khan in Maine Pyaar Kiya (1989)
Salman Khan starred with Sridevi in Chand Kaa Tukdaa 1994
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Who is Salman Khan?

Salman Khan and Madhuri Dixit’s iconic image from Hum Aapke Hai Koun...! 1994
Salman Khan with Karisma Kapoor in Judwaa (1997)
Salman Khan with Kajol in Pyar Kiya to Darna Kya 1998
Salman Khan ‘singing’ O O Jaane Jaana in Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya (1998)
Salman Khan with Kajol in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998)
Salman Khan with Aishwarya Rai
Salman Khan in Tere Naam (2003)
Salman Khan starred with Sushmita Sen in Biwi No. 1 1999 and Maine Pyar Kyun Kiya 2005
Salman Khan with Sneha Ullal in Lucky 2005
Salman Khan with Rani Mukherjee in Baabul 2006
Salman Khan with Govinda and Katrina in Partner 2007
Salman Khan with Ali Larter in the Hollywood film Marigold 2007
Salman Khan ‘singing’ Tumhe Aksa Beach Ghuma Doon in God Tussi Great Ho (2008)
Salman Khan with Kareena in Main Aur Mrs Khanna (2009)
Salman Khan starred with Asin in London Dreams 2009 and Ready 2011
Salman Khan as Chulbul Pandey (2010-12)
Salman Khan with Sonakshi Sinha in the Dabbang series 2010 and 2012
Photographs from Salman's films after 2013 resume lower down on this page.

Most successful Hindi-Urdu actor in history?

Till 2010 Salman Khan was at Number 3 (tied with SRK) in the list for having the highest number of top grossers of the year in the history of Hindi-Urdu cinema. He had till then five in the list (‘Maine Pyar Kiya’, ‘Hum Aapke Hain Kaun’, ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai', ‘Biwi No.1’, and ‘No Entry’). Amitabh Bachchan had seven films as the top grossers of the year, while Dilip Kumar had ten films.

This arguably made him, at least till 2011, the 3rd most successful Hindi-Urdu film actor in history. His films since then have been even more successful.

The next no.1 films of the year were Dabangg (2010),Bodyguard (2011, with Ready at no.2), Ek Tha Tiger (2012, with Dabangg 2 at no.2), Kick (2014), Bajrangi Bhaijaan (2015, with Prem Ratan Dhan Payo close at its heels). With ten no.1s, Salman has tied with the legendary Dilip Kumar.

(The Filmography in this article looks at the box office success of every Salman film. Similarly, the article Amitabh Bachchan looks at the box office success of every Amitabh film. A similar analysis is being done for Dilip Kumar films.)

According to another yardstick: Despite being the huge stars in the likes of Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan, Rajesh Khanna, Dharmendra, and Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan still has more All-Time Blockbusters than any other star in Bollywood history e.g. ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’, ‘Hum Aapke Hain Koun’ and ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’. The closest star to beat him is Shah Rukh Khan with two All-Time Blockbusters. Also, Salman Khan is one of the few stars to have other records at the Box-Office. He is one of the few stars to have:

- Four or more releases in one year (1998), and were all HITS – ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hain’, ‘Pyar Kiya To Darna Kya’, ‘Bandhan’, ‘Jab Pyar Kisse Se Hota Hain’

- Top Grossers In One Year (1999) – ‘Biwi No.1’, ‘Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam’, ‘Hum Saath-Saath Hain’

- Most Hits than any other actor in the 90s

In 1994, ‘Hum Aapke Hain Kaun’ smashed ‘Sholay’ records Gross to become the biggest grosser film at that time and did excellent business in the overseas for a Bollywood film. It was the first film to do over Rs. 10 crores in the overseas market.

Maine Pyar Kiya broke records not only in India, but also in overseas market.

Trends that were started by Salman Khan Despite SRK being the ruler of the overseas market, it’s in fact Salman Khan films which opened Bollywood films to the overseas market. Yes, Amitabh Bachchan films in the 70s and 80s films succeeded in the West Indies, North American and UK territory, but it was ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ that made the huge impact. It broke records everywhere especially in the West Indies. It was dubbed in English ‘As When Love Calls’ and in Spanish as ‘Te Amo’. ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ was Rs.1 crore short of beating ‘Sholay’ record Gross.

Then came ‘Hum Aapke Hain Koun’ that smashed records everywhere. HAHK was the first film to gross over Rs.50 crores, and settled for a Rs.65 crores run at the BO. Plus, it was the first film to gross over a $1,000,000 in the US market, and over 1,000,000 Pounds in the UK market. Since then, Bollywood has made a huge impact in the overseas market. If trade reports are to be believed, it was Salman Khan who started the bumper opening trend. That’s why back in the 90s, most of his films were HITS at the BO because they had took huge opening at the BO (he did it on a consistent basis). Even his flop films were nearly recoverable thanks to the good opening it received.

100 Crore Club Salman Khan is the only Indian film actor who has six films in the 100 Crore Club to his credit. With a huge fan base across the globe, Salman Khan must be the most loved actor.

Two Salman films collected Rs 200 crore or more (Kick, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo) and one crossed Rs 300 crore (Bajrangi Bhaijaan). Ek Tha Tiger made Rs198 crore. (Joginder Tuteja

Top 10 worldwide earners in history Salman Khan has three films in this list (Kick, Bajrangi Bhaijaan and Prem Ratan Dhan Payo), as does Amir Khan. (Shah Rukh Khan has two, Hrithik Roshan has one in the Top 10 and two in the Top 11; and then there is the phenomenal Baahubali: The Beginning at no.3.)

What makes Salman Khan great?

Launched the careers of many stars Himesh Reshammiya, Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Sajid-Wajid were brought into the industry thanks to Salman Khan’s help. Even Hrithik Roshan went through training through him.

Helped Govinda at the time of crisis Govinda was practically forgotten in our industry, and was written off by the critics and media. However, Salman Khancame and saved the day by giving him a hero lead in ‘Partner’. Although he had a role in ‘Bhagam Bhag’, Govinda was wasted in the film, and with ‘Salaam-E-Ishq’, he got appreciated for his role, but this time it flopped at the Box-Office. However, with the big success of ‘Partner’, Govinda got both a huge HIT and also the critics/audience appreciation. Now, Govinda is back in the running. It has also been written that Salman Khan gave Govinda a Mercedez-Benz car when Govinda refused fees from him.

Stars turn to Salman Khan for help Many celebrities have turn to him for help, e.g. when Sushmita Sen adopted daughter fell ill, no one was there to help her, and then she called Salman Khan. And within a couple of minutes, he showed up at her doorstep. When Dia Mirza mom fell ill, it was Salman Khanwho made the rescue. Saawan Kumar Tak came to Salman Khan – who thought he needed money. However, Saawan Kumar asked him to play a part in ‘Saawan’, which Salman Khan did for FREE. When no one was willing to play supporting role to ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’, it was Salman Khan who ended up doing it for Karan Johar.!

Despite controversy, he still remains a top star at the BO! Despite all the bad stuff he has done, he still remains a top star at the Box-Office Take for example, ‘Maine Pyar Kyun Kiya’ release at the Box-Office. Two days before its release, the tape controversy happened in India. And Salman Khan was accused, as they assumed it was his voice on the tape. Shows were cancelled, however, ‘Maine Pyar Kyun Kiya’ was recording 90%+ opening at the Box-Office. On top of that, Salman Khan was the only bankable star in the film. The movie according to the trade, was a Semi-Hit. Had that controversy didn’t happen, it would’ve done Hit business. Despite some flops, he could still surprise everyone with a ‘Partner’.

One of the few actors to make it on People’s Magazine That’s right, Salman Khan had made it in People’s Magazine for being one of the most handsome man ever in the world. Only three actors in Bollywood have achieved that; Dharmendra, Salman Khan and Hrithik Roshan. And to be honest, those are the three most handsome men ever in Bollywood history. Another news that made Bollywood and India proud.

Unique style of dancing The best dancers today in Bollywood are Govinda and Hrithik Roshan for actors. But what sets Salman Khan different (even Shah Rukh Khan) is that whatever moves he does, it looks good. Points in case include ‘No Entry’ title track, Just Chill (Maine Pyar Kyun Kiya), O Jaana (Tere Naam), Oo Oh Jaane Jaana (PKTDK), You’re My Love (Partner), Tenu Leke (Salaam-E-Ishq), and many more to back up this statement.

No Sad Endings, Please! Whenever Salman Khan dies in a film, it’s a flop at the Box-Office. ‘Veergati’, ‘Hello Brother’, ‘Phir Milenge’, ‘Kyon Ki’, ‘Baabul’ are examples to prove this theory. Even ‘Tere Naam’ which took a huge opening at the BO settled for Above Average – Semi-Hit status because of the huge drop in the second week. What’s funny is that SRK, Amitabh Bachchan and Dilip Kumar can die in their movies, yet they can be HITS.

No One Gives an Interview like Salman Khan One always knows when Salman Khan is on the mike, it will be memorable. One characteristic that sets Salman Khan different from the other stars is that he speaks from the heart. Look at the 1999 Filmfare Awards, when he got the Best Supporting Actor, he clearly said on stage, “I don’t deserve this award”. He is one of the few people who clearly said that he hated ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham’. He was honest as to why he didn’t take ‘Chak De India’ and ‘Baazigar’. Despite being close friends to Aamir Khan, he states why Aamir doesn’t want to work with him in the future.

First Commercial Bollywood Superstar to work with a Hollywood director [Second, actually] Salman Khan is the first commercial Bollywood star to work with Hollywood director (William Carroll), and actress (Ali Larter). The film was a Disaster at the BO, still.

[Actually, Shashi Kapoor was the first--and remains the only Indian commercial star to have played a non-Indian hero (a Malaysian in A Matter of Innocence) in a Hollywood film. This is in addition to all the Indian characters that Kapoor played in Anglo-American art films, mainly by Merchant-Ivory, Kapoor played the lead in Conrad Rooks' big-budget commercial film Siddhartha.

[Kabir Bedi was quite big abroad, especially in Italy, but not in India itself. Amitabh Bachchan was an Indian superstar and he has done a commercial Hollywood film (The Great Gatsby), but he was not the male lead.

[So, comparing like with like, Salman Khan is the second, and a distant second, to Shashi Kapoor, who did several commercial Hollywood films.]

Body Measurements

In 2004 People magazine, USA ranked Salman Khan as the 7th Best looking man in world.

Height 1.74 m / 5 feet 7 inches

Weight in 2013 75kg/ 165 lb

Chest =43 inch

Waist =32 inch

Biceps =17 inch

Neck =11 inch

Eye Colour Black

His life so far

Modelling: Salman started his career as a model before entering the film industry

His First Role: Salman Khan started his film career in 1988 with ‘Biwi Ho Toh Aisi’ as Farooq Sheikh’s younger brother. However, Salman Khan first played lead role in Sooraj Barjatya’s ‘Maine Pyaar Kiya’ which gave him the giant leap to stardom. But

A swimming Champion: How is Salman Khan fit even today?? Apart from exercise, he used to be a swimming champion in school. He had represented India at various International events.

Wanted to be a writer: Salman Khan did not want to become an actor. He wanted to follow his dad’s profession and become a writer. He has scripted ‘Baaghi: A Rebel For Love’, ‘Veer’ and ‘Chandramukhi’, but unfortunately all these films failed at the box office.

Health Problems: However, Salman Khan takes care about his fitness and health but very few know that Salman Khan suffers from a facial nerve disorder ‘trigeminal neuralgia’ which is commonly known as suicide disease.

The original Baazigar? Salman was the first choice for the role that Shahrukh Khan played in ‘Baazigar’.

Early life

Name at birth: Abdul Rashid Salim Salman Khan

Born on: December27, 1965

Birthplace: Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India


First day first show

Salman Khan debuted in Bollywood feet first, literally. The film was Biwi Ho To Aisi which released on August 22 1988. With Bonny Tyler's Holding Out For A Hero blasting in the background, his feet bound onto the screen, in an un-coordinated jig. We soon get our first glimpse of the would-be superstar. Before the bad reputation and the shaved chest, here is the actor as a floppy haired young man with no bulging biceps to boast of.

Punchlines/ Dialogues

Top 10 Salman Khan dialogues (onscreen)

The Times of India/ Top 10 Salman Khan’s Kick-Ass Dialogues The Times of India

Andaz Apna Apna bombed at the box office, but later went on to become a cult classic. The dialogues in the film are hilarious and Aamir and Salman’s introduction to each other in the film has made an impact on their followers. Salman calls Aamir, 'circus ka retired sher' and it added to the comedy in the film and is remembered as one of Salman’s best comic dialogues.

Bodyguard Salman Khan and Kareena starrer Bodyguard created history at the Box Office. “Mujh par ek ehsan karna ki mujh par koi ehsan na karna” was Salman’s signature dialogue in Bodyguard. Salman's these lines grabbed the attention of cine goers.

Dabangg created a new record at the Box office. It also made Salman Khan win his first award as an actor. The action in the film was appreciated and it also marked the successful entry of Sonakshi Sinha into films. The famous dialogue of Salman from Dabangg about claiming himself to be Robinhood tickled the funny bone. “Hum yaahan ke robinhood hai, robinhood pandey,” said Salman in Dabangg and the rib-tickling line entertained his fans and the film turned out to be a mega hit at the ticket window.

Dabangg made Salman's entry into many award functions and the actor also successfully launched Shatrunghan Sinha's daughter Sonakshi Sinha in the film. Dabangg’s dialogues were appreciated and Salman’s style gave a new definition to it. Another such dialogue, 'hum tumri jaan mein itna ched karenge itna ched karenge…confuse ho jaoge ki..saas kaha se ley aur pade kaha se' became entertainment as the film released.

Dabangg 2 Salman is back and he didn’t leave any stone unturned. The promos grabbed attention as the actor says 'Jhuthiya saala' and assures full dose of entertainment. Chulbul Pandey has his own tactics to keep his viewers hooked! In Dabangg 2, Salman was again seen sharing screen space with Sonakshi Sinha. This time when Abhinav Kashyap didn't want to direct the film, Arbaaz Khan took the responsibility to take forward the franchise.

Garv: Pride and Honour was based on three cops. Salman plays the honest cop and claims to be Ma. Po. Se (Maharashtra Police Seva). His dialogue from the movie depicted his strong headed character. 'Yeh dekh, sun san sadak, na banda, na bande ki jaat' became popular as its rightly stresses on the personality of angry young man required for a cop.

Hum Aapke Hain Koun: When Salman Khan asks Madhuri Dixit, “Hum Apke Hain Kaun?”, it surely steals your heart as it is emotional and full of depth. Another beautiful dialogue is “Kaate Nahin Kat Te Lamhe Intezaar Ke, Nazaren Bichaein Baithe Hain Raste Pe Yaar Ke, Dil Ne Kaha Dekhe Jo Jalwe Husne Yaar Ke,Laya Hain Unhe Kaun Falak Se Utaar Ke."

Karan Arjun (dir: Rakesh Roshan), released in 1995 was based on revenge and rebirth. Karan Arjun was directed by Rakesh Roshan. Raakhee, Shahrukh Khan, Salman Khan, Amrish Puri, Kajol, Mamta Kulkarni and Ranjeet were seen donning vital characters in the film. The film was the second the biggest hit of 1995. Salman’s 'Bhag Arjun Bhag' dialogue became popular and it’s still cherished by Karan Arjun fans. Arjun played by SRK is reincarnated as Vijay in the film, but Salman (Karan) always addresses him as Arjun which helps in attaching the strings in the film.

Kick “Aap Devil ke Peeche, Devil Aapke Peechhe.”

“Wo Jeena bhi koi Jeena Hai..Jismein Kick Na Ho Pagli.”

“Mere Bare mein Itna mat sochna..Dil Mein aata hoon. Samajh Mein Nahi.”

Maine Pyar Kiya Salman at his innocent best, conquered many hearts with Rajashri Production’s Maine Pyar Kiya and became the lover boy of Bollywood. Salman entered the industry with Biwi Ho Toh Aaisi, but Maine Pyar Kiya marked a new beginning for Salman’s career. 'Dosti ka ek usool hai madam, no sorry, no thank you' was one dialogue which stole the hearts of youngsters and people of all ages still cherish these words.

Ready Salman’s confidence was truly visible in the film Ready as he said, "Teen cheezo ko kabhi underestimate mat karna; I, me and myself." The filmi punch line became popular along with the promo of the film and got it a dhamakedaar opening at the box office. Salman and Asin's chemistry too was appreciated by their fans in the film.

Tere Naam: “Sari duniya pyaar mein padi hui hai ... sirf ek mujhe hi hak nahi hai? ... Ki main kisi se pyaar kar sakun, koi mujhse pyaar kar sake ... Kyun”, is an unforgettable dialogue as it is powerful, emotional and passionate.

Veer was Salman Khan’s ambitious project and also the launch pad of Zareen Khan. The film grabbed headlines and a lot of publicity was done before the release. However, this big budget film too didn’t entertain his audience and failed to make a mark at the Box Office. Though expectations were high, it failed to do business. Salman Khan and the dialogue ‘Yeh mere dadda ki talwar’ wooed many of his fans. The film didn’t ring the bell for the actor, but was appreciated for his acting.

Wanted: Salman's famous dialogue, “Ek baar jo maine commitment kar di... Uske baad main apne aap ki bhi nahi sunta” shows the robustness of his character 'Radhe' in the film.

Thus spake Salman Khan, offscreen

Salman Khan: Interesting statements by the actor |By Amann Khuranaa et al| TNN | June 16, 2017 | IndiaTimes/ The Times of India

On war-mongering

"In war, the Armies of both sides lose their lives. The families are without their sons or their fathers. They have to live their whole lives without them." "Those people who order war, they should be given guns and made to fight. Within a day all conflicts will get over as their legs will start shaking," he added.

'No sex, no marriage' till date

"Sex and marriage, both have not happened in my life."

Salman Khan on Ranveer Singh’s ‘Sultan’ dance performance

“You know, I want to kill him (laughs). I swear I want to break a chair or something on his head, is the right thing to say. Watch the film. Don’t go dancing and disturb the film.”

“He is not watching ‘Sultan’, he is making people watch him there. He should have charged money for that,” he quipped.

Salman Khan jokes with Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone at IIFA press con

The 'Sultan' star stated that he missed the trailer of 'Mirzya' and asked the organisers to play it once again. The actors present on the stage were taken aback with Salman's spontaneity to which the 50-year-old superstar kiddingly said, "If you don't want to see the video then stand here." As soon as the stage was cleared, PeeCee and DP saw each other and exchanged pleasantries. "These two have gone abroad now. Doing films overseas. They have got nothing to do with Indian films now," quipped Salman.

Arbaaz Khan on Salman's 'rape' comment: I hope that he would give a clarification

While explaining the kind of effort he had put in to portray the role of a wrestler on-screen,Salman Khan landed himself in a fresh round of controversies [by saying that he felt like a] 'raped woman'. Salman's father Salim took to Twitter to apologise on behalf of the family, Arbaaz Khan, on the other hand, broke his silence and spoke at length on this. In an event held recently, he was quoted saying, "There is no doubt that in what Salman said, the intention was not bad. Sometimes you say something out of context but your intention is not bad. But if you become oversensitive over it then you can create a controversy out of anything. I am sure that Salman must have realised that the comparison he made was not appropriate and for that if he feels that he needs to apologise, he will apologise. I don’t think I am entitled to say that he has to apologise or not. I hope that he would give a clarification as a controversy has been created. People look up to him and he has a lot of following. So if he has made a statement that does not look appropriate or does not sound good to the ears, I think in time he will give a statement."

Salman Khan: Won't hide my wife like yesteryear actors

"If I had got engaged or was getting married, I wouldn't wait for the news to leak out. I would announce it myself...thode hi main chup rahoonga like those yesteryear stars who hid their wives thinking that it would lessen their fan following..."

Salman Khan: 'Prem Ratan…' should have done better than 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan'

Salman Khan's last two releases, 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan' and 'Prem Ratan Dhan Payo' garnered high praises for its content. Of the two films, ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ earned more than the other at the box office. However, Salman feels that 'Prem Ratan Dhan Payo' should have done better than 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan' for Sooraj Barjatia (director) had worked hard for the movie, reports The Dabanng Khan was quoted saying that Sooraj should have got more happiness because he had made a very beautiful story about a brother and his sisters.

'Katrina is a mazdoor'

"Katrina says that whatever [she is] today, is because of Salman Khan. Katrina Kaif has achieved everything on her own because she is very hard working. I have NEVER seen a more hardworking girl than Katrina in my whole life. She is India's biggest star for you. But according to me, Katrina is a mazdoor (labourer). That is how much she works on herself. You guys have to learn from her."

Salman accuses Sanam Teri Kasam makers of stealing?

Salman accused 'Sanam Teri Kasam' makers of stealing a track from his film, 'Tere Naam.' The music director for both the films - 'Tere Naam' and 'Sanam Teri Kasam' - are same. He tweeted, "Directors of my film Lucky n Sanam Teri Kasam churaud my song from Himesh. lovely song Had selected it for Tere Naam"

Salman Khan: Katrina is the strongest woman I know

Salman said that Katrina is the strongest woman that he has come across. Sallu then mentioned as to how Kat had started struggling in Bollywood at the age of 16 and reached this stage through sheer hard work.

Salman Khan: I sleep during my own films

Salman is quoted confessing that he sleeps off during all his films. The report also quoted him saying that this, obviously, means that he dozes off while watching films of other actors too. Sallu also reportedly mentioned that he might get beaten up after this confession. The superstar also went on to say that he doesn’t like when grownups address him as ‘Bhai’. Salman Khan: Bhansali is only surviving because of 'Khamoshi' and 'Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam'

“Bhansali saab abhi tak Khamoshi aur Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam ki wajah se hi bache hue hain…(Bhansali is surviving only because of Khamoshi and HDDCS)." Salman further added that he loved the Bajirao Mastani promos and was all praises for Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra.

They work very hard in Hollywood, I won’t go there: Salman Khan

“I like to work in India a lot and I like to deliver dialogues in Hindi. Suddenly, after Hindi dialogues since so many years, if I say dialogues in English, it would look a bit weird on me. I’m very happy here,” Salman said when asked if he would be interested in Hollywood. “They (Hollywood) work extremely hard but we don’t need to work that hard here. I’ll have to establish respect again and when I’m already receiving so much respect here then why? We work for respect, it’s taken so many years to earn respect here, so I don’t see any point” .

Salman Khan: Agenda should be to watch ‘Prem Ratan…’ with entire family

Salman was asked to comment on the fact that viewers had made it an agenda to watch the film with their entire family, to which he said that that should be the agenda for everyone and that there was nothing better than a family film. Salman revealed that his mother Sushila Charak, stepmother Helen and sisters Alvira and Arpita also watched the film.

Salman Khan: Interesting statements by the actor

Salman Khan: I will be turning 27

According to a report on Desimartini, Bajrangi Bhaijaan actor, Salman Khan, who will turn 50 in the month of December 2015, stated that he is going to be just 27.

Salman Khan was sleeping when his engagement rumours broke out?

There were rumours about Salman Khan getting engaged to Romanian model Lulia Vantur. According to a report, when asked about how he felt when he heard about the engagement rumour, Salman responded saying that he loved it. The actor further went on to reveal that when the rumours broke out, he was actually fast asleep. The report further states that Salman let the rumours about his engagement continue; as he felt that it did not make any kind of a difference.

Salman Khan: Shah Rukh Khan always gets me into troubles

Salman was asked to comment on controversy surrounding his friend and colleague, Shah Rukh Khan, who was called a ‘Pakistani agent’ and compared to the 26/11 mastermind, Hafiz Saeed by BJP leaders, Kailash Vijayvargiya, Sadhvi Prachi and Yogi Adityanath.

Bombarded by questions revolving around the issue, a distraught Salman joked, “Hamesha Shah Rukh mujhe vivadon mein phasa dete hain...wo bolke nikal jate hain...fir mujhe aana padta hai unko support karne ke liye.”

Salman Khan patches up with Aamir Khan post ugly fight?

It was rumoured that Aamir Khan and Salman Khan were involved in an ugly fight recently but it seems the two are friends again. When Salman was asked about his tiff with Aamir at an event, the Kick actor said, "Aamir khan ki kisi ke saath anban ho sakti hai kya?” Salman chose to answer in the rhetorical by asking if it was possible for Aamir Khan to have a tiff with anyone? as reported online. For the record, the rumours claimed that Aamir had allegedly teased Salman Khan on his choice of films which was not taken well by Salman and he had blasted the PK actor with the choicest expletives.

Salman Khan: Sonam Kapoor in PRDP better than Madhuri in HAHK

Salman Khan while talking about Sonam's performance in the film said that she had performed wonderfully and that she did much better than what Madhuri Dixit did in Hum Aapke Hain Kaun. The actor then said that Madhuri will know that it is not true and that she would understand that. The actor who is known for his quirky oneliners further said that Madhuri would know that he was just promoting Prem Rata Dhan Payo and she too would agree to what he said.

Salman Khan requests fans not to link his life troubles with his film

Even when Salman Khan goes through rough patches in his life, his films do exceptionally well at the box office. While his Bajrangi Bhaijaan was loved by the moviegoers of all ages and groups, his next big flick Prem Ratan Dhan Payo is lined up for Diwali release. Talking at the trailer launch of the Sooraj Barjatya film, Salman Khan asked the cine lovers to not let his personal reasons hamper the release of his film because they have worked a lot for this film, as reported by IANS.

Salman Khan: When I am not interested in your salary then why are you interested in mine?

When a reporter wanted to know from the Dabangg Khan that whether his pay cheque doubled or not, the superstar counter-questioned him saying that when he is not interested in his (the reporter's) salary, why is he (the reporter) interested in the his (Salman's) salary. The Kick actor further added that even if his salary increases, it doesn’t stay with him but goes into Being Human. So it is used for a good cause, as reported by IANS.

Salman Khan holds Kangana Ranaut responsible for Katti Batti’s debacle

Kangana had disclosed that it was Salman who had persuaded her to hear the script. However, according to reports, Salman seemed to hold Kangana responsible for the failure of the film. In the report, the Dabangg star was quoted as saying that he had just told Kangana that Nikhil was willing to narrate a script and that she should go and hear it out. The report further states Salman had said that if someone asks him to hear something, he will do it but he will accept it only if he likes it.

Salman Khan holds himself responsible for his troubles

The Dabangg Khan is still bothered by several court cases and hearings. Salman said that he doesn’t think that there has been anyone who has troubled him, as reported by IANS. He added that if anybody is responsible for his troubles is - his luck, destiny and he himself as it is his own journey.

Kiss yourself, says Salman Khan

For his film Hero [produced by him, but he did not act in it], the 49-year-old actor was asked about editing out the lip-locks from the film, he quipped, "Yes, there are no kissing scene in the film. We wanted to put one but they refused. I myself haven't done one, so how can I ask them to do. I don't think anyone-whether it's Nikhil (director Nikhil Advani) or Sooraj and Athiya, are interested in kissing. Why do you want to see someone else kiss? Kiss yourself."

'I have become a lot calmer after Bajrangi Bhaijaan'

Salman Khan was quoted as saying that Bajrangi Bhaijaan had changed his outlook towards life and that he had become a lot calmer after doing the film. However, in the same interview, Salman has also stated that he would continue doing masala entertainers, as there is a need for variation.

Salman Khan: I don't believe in love

"I don't believe in love. There's like, care, respect, but that's not love. Love is what attracts you to someone even if he's not nice. For me the word is need, but very few people have the same amount of need for each other. One day you're chasing the person you need to be with, even if he she doesn't feel the same way. Aap samajh rahi hain? Then pffft, you no longer feel the same way and the other person is like, “What did I do?" The Kick actor, who has recently been talking a lot about marriage reveals that he has just been joking, "That's just a joke. Today, I say I'm open to an arranged marriage, tomorrow it's a love marriage and on the third no marriage. It's not on my agenda, if it has to happen, it will".

Salman Khan: I would rather see myself getting married than the three Khans doing a film together

According to a report on IANS, the actor was posed with a choice between seeing himself getting married in 2015 or starring in a film along with Shah Rukh and Aamir Khan. The actor chose the former over the latter. The report also quotes the actor as saying that he would rather see himself getting married than seeing the three Khans doing a film together.

Salman Khan: It was challenging to return as a simple character

Salman Khan has impressed everyone with his innocent side in Bajrangi Bhaijaan. Speaking to IANS, Salman Khan said, "It was a difficult thing for me right now to play after the Dabangg, Wanted and other films. It was challenging to come back to play a simple character." "There is action and everything but it is simple and all heart. We've shown a typical Hindustani character where people get a feeling, 'What a nice guy', 'bechara' (innocent)"

Salman Khan: Sooraj Pancholi will replace me in Bollywood

Salman Khan, who launched Sooraj Pancholi in Bollywood with Hero, feels that the newcomer may take his position in future, reports PTI. "Both are stars. They look good on screen. Sooraj has a great endearing quality on screen. I think Sooraj will come into my slot. He is going to lessen the gap between me and him. He is going to push me," Salman said. The report further stated that Salman even recalled his debut on silver screen, "When Biwi Ho To Aisi was made, I was confused whether people should watch it or not. It had a run for 100 days. I want to spread love I got. I am close to both Anna (Suneil Shetty) and Aditya Pancholi. We have been friends," he said. Addressing Aditya and Athiya, who were present at the function, Salman even joked about their launch and said, "You guys better do well or else I will be a punching bag. Both your dad's Aditya and Sunil will punch me."

Salman Khan: SRK's track record against me is 100 percent

Both Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan have had clashes at the box office in the past, and the next time they will be facing each other at the BO is on Eid 2016 with Sultan and Raees respectively. According to an IANS report, Salman says that SRK doesn't need to worry as he has always had a 100 percent record against him. "I have released two films with Shah Rukh Jaan-E-Mann with Don and Saawariya with Om Shanti Om. And both the times Shah Rukh's track record was 100 percent. So, he has got nothing to worry about. If anyone should worry, then it is me," Salman said in an interview.

Blockbusters that he declined

Salman Khan: Blockbusters he has rejected

Amann Khuranaa, The Times of India

Baazigar: Salman Khan was the first choice to play the anti-hero in Abbas-Mastan’s blockbuster, Baazigar. But as fate would have it, he literally handed over the film to Shah Rukh Khan. The film not only established Shah Rukh as a star but also fetched him many Awards for his iconic performance.

Josh: So tempting was the character of Max Dias that every other actor in the film wanted to play it. Salman Khan cited date issues and the role once again went to Shah Rukh. For Sallu, it was not just a film missed but also an opportunity to salvage his then sinking career.

Kal Ho Na Ho: Kal Ho Na Ho is one of those rare films which touched millions of hearts across the world. But Salman Khan turned down the offer as he didn't want to play the second fiddle to King Khan. Barring a cameo in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, we are yet to see bhai in a Karan Johar film.

Chak De! India: The Indian women hockey team in the film had 70 minutes to take the World Cup trophy home but so unfortunate it was of Sallu that he had no dates available. Chak De! India was a superhit not only at the box-office but also won critical acclaim bagging several awards. Shah Rukh’s portrayal of the patriotic coach is remembered as one of his finest performances till date.

Ghajini: Rumour has it that Aamir Khan himself recommended Salman Khan’s name after going through the script of Ghajini as he thought that the Dabangg Khan would be better suited for the role. Not much is known about how the film ultimately fell into Aamir’s lap which went on to become the highest-grosser of the year.

Bad boy

The Blackbuck Poaching Case, 1998

1998: Peter Popham’s report in The Independent, UK

Peter Popham | The deer hunter| Sunday 15 November | The Independent, UK

In India, a Bollywood superstar is facing prison. The charge: killing an antelope so cherished that one tribe suckles its fawns

A BOLLYWOOD GOSSIP column called Neeta's Natter [in Stardust] once wrote off Salman Khan as the "puny, pony-tailed" boyfriend of a well-known actress. Today, after 10 years in the film business, he is arguably the hottest star in India, certainly one of the top three or four; one of the handful whose name on the credits can make even the silliest, frothiest film a hit.

He's done it by hanging on to the baby face that first brought him fame, then pumping his physique into the Bruce Willis league, and leaving "puny" far behind. The result is a walking contradiction: he has the saccharine smiles, long droopy eyelashes and goofy grins of a baby; but on screen he also manifests the vicious temper, the mean streak and the reckless brutality to go with those awesome pecs. Khan is India's bionic star, perfectly engineered for the modern Bollywood blockbuster; which typically is a sort of smorgasbord, a long, rambling concatenation of Love Story, Oklahoma, Carry on Camping and Diehard 2. He's the dream combination: River Phoenix, Bruce Willis and Norman Wisdom in a single package.

But if Harish Dulani, a jeep driver in the former princely state of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, is telling the truth, the mean streak is coming to the fore.

In September, Salman Khan and a number of other top Indian stars were filming on location in Jodhpur, putting up at the Umeda Bhawan Palace, once the Maharaja's vast and pompous palace, now a magnificent hotel. On the night of Saturday 26 September, according to Mr Dulani's statement, Khan and his co-stars left the hotel at 10pm in a four-wheel drive Suzuki Gypsy, Khan himself driving; accompanying them was Dushyant Singh, a local travel agent and guide and a relative of the former Maharaja, who is now wanted by the police. Equipped with two rifles and powerful searchlights, they drove through the town and out to the south. Here the straggling new suburbs soon give way to flat scrubland, punctuated by fields of powdery, amber-coloured earth.

They drove down the pitted, two-lane highway for several miles, then branched off on to a smaller, rougher road, then broke out into the scrub. The searchlights foraged and quested among the babul, the thorny bushes that infest the semi-desert, and soon they picked up what the party was looking for: a group of chinkara, the diminutive Indian antelope with straight, spiralling horns, a wagging tail and a cry like a sneeze.

Twenty or 30 years ago, these scrublands were full of chinkara, as well as blackbuck, nilghai, hares, peacocks and tortoises. But poaching and loss of habitat have cut the number of all the wildlife here drastically: now there may only be a thousand or so chinkara left in the world, all of them living in unprotected areas such as this.

Chinkara and blackbuck are as rare and endangered as India's other beleaguered living treasures, such as the tiger, the one-horned rhino and the Asiatic lion. Like them, they are in Schedule One of India's list of endangered species; anyone caught poaching them is liable to a maximum of six years in prision, under the Wildlife Protection Act. Unlike the poachers of tiger and rhino, however, which are confined to reserves and national parks, the Indian deer hunter does not have to contend with forest wardens who are armed and frequently shoot to kill. And chinkara and blackbuck are not hard to hunt: thanks to the tender treatment they receive from the Bishnoi, a community of farmers who live in these parts, they are virtually tame. Frozen in the searchlight, they make a simple target. They are also said to be very good to eat.

A short distance out into the wild the group spotted a chinkara. Salman Khan took a rifle from the bag, aimed and fired. The wounded animal ran; Khan leaped from the car and chased it on foot and shot it again. When it collapsed, someone took a knife and cut the deer's throat, draining the blood, while the animal uttered its dying wail.

Soon afterwards two more chinkara were spotted. Khan shot again, wounded one of them, then jumped out and slit its throat while the deer struggled and cried and finally died. They took the two carcasses back to Jodhpur, where staff at a hotel were roused from their beds and obliged to clean and cook them for the party.

If any of the villagers in the area of the hunt heard anything that night, they kept quiet about it. Likewise, the guide, the driver, the hotel staff and the cook. The party, again led by Khan, went out hunting again and again: on the 27th, the 28th, the 30th. No-one breathed a word. These, after all, are the kings of Bollywood, India's new maharajas, and they do as they please. By day Khan strolled around the Umeda Bhawan Palace topless, baring his glorious torso; management implored him to cover up but he ignored them. By night he and his friends hunted. Who could deny them? Who would have the courage to stop them?

They must have begun to feel invulnerable, beyond any law. That is perhaps the only explanation for what happened next. Until now they had been hunting across land which, while close to the communities of the Bishnoi, the special protectors of the deer, is peopled by other local groups which do not have this tradition of benevolent concern. That may explain why no alert was sounded, why Khan and his friends hunted with impunity. On the night of Thursday 1 October, though, they became reckless: they strayed on to the Bishnois' land.

The village of Gudda-Bishnoiya looks no different to the rest of the scrubland: dry, dusty, covered with the sprawling unkempt babul bushes, dotted with hardy trees. Houses and people are widely spaced. Some of the Bishnois' homes are structures which were built by the British many years ago for officials of the nearby aerodrome - structures which are now in a state of slow-motion collapse.

On this night, Salman Khan again took the wheel, and when they were 20km from Jodhpur they veered off the road into the country of the Bishnoi. Five kilometres into the wild they spotted a group of blackbuck, beautiful dark brown antelopes with white underbellies. Khan braked, grabbed the rifle, took aim and shot the deer in the leg. But before he could dispatch the animal with his knife, local Bishnoi farmers, roused by the noise, were out of their houses to find out what was going on. The jeep drove off at speed, but when they came across another group of blackbuck, Khan could not resist having another go. This time an animal was hit in the neck. By now the Bishnoi were giving chase on motorcycles - seven on three machines - and though one bike was knocked over by the jeep, the farmers were able to record the number on the plates.

The actors made it back to Jodhpur. There they may have hoped the matter would rest: for although India has an apparently tough Wildlife Protection Act, prosecutions under it are few and convictions even fewer - only two or three since the Act was passed 26 years ago. So when, seven days later, Khan and his friends were arrested for offences under the Act; and when, four days after that, Khan's application for bail was refused, and he was consigned to judicial custody, it must have seemed as if some gruesome Bollywood potboiler had come to life.

Khan's mistake was to have crossed the path of one of India's most singular communities. The Bishnoi is a caste of farmers with roots in the Jodhpur region. They look not unlike other farming castes in the area, the men tall and gaunt, their heads crowned by big white turbans, the women cowled in the unmistakeable Rajastani fashion with layers of dazzlingly coloured and patterned cotton, and with noses and ears strung with golden ornaments. In these dry, dusty fields they plant barley and mustard; they drive cattle and water buffalo to the sparse, rocky pastures.

But in the Bishnois' case, the poverty and simplicity are misleading. One of the community's prominent members, a Jodhpur High Court advocate called Mahesh Chandra Bishnoi, who I met among the clattering old typewriters and milling litigants in the court's chambers, found the phrase that fits them: "Plain living and high thinking." The Bishnoi follow the radically pacifist teachings of their 15th-century guru, Shri Jambheshwar, a syncretic teacher who extracted what he found most satisfactory from the creeds that cohabited in the region, Hinduism, Islam and Jainism, and added a special attitude of gentleness towards the environment which has defined the Bishnoi ever since. The Bishnoi were Gandhians 500 years before the Mahatma. The keystone of Gandhi's teaching, the injunction ahimsa -"do no harm" - has been ingrained in their thinking for centuries. It encompasses whatever they encounter in their lives: the animals, the plants, the trees.

In Rajasthan's harsh, semi-arid environment, it has proved a superbly far-sighted philosophy. North and west of Jodhpur lies the Thar Desert, where nothing of use to man grows, largely because of man's folly and mismanagement. Where the Bishnoi dominate, however, man-made deserts do not arise. They may not harm a living tree; and Jodhpur's gnarled and wiry trees help the soil retain as much water as possible. All animals are made welcome, even the nilghai, the tall, ungainly antelope which most other farmers despise. The animals may damage the crops, but they also fertilise the soil. So tenderly do the Bishnoi regard the deer that if a fawn is abandoned, a lactating Bishnoi woman may breastfeed it along with her own child.

Guru Jambeshwar, Jambhaji as they refer to him, laid down 29 principles by which the Bishnoi live - "a very practical and convenient code", as Mahesh Bishnoi puts it. Yet all might have been forgotten now, but for an incident that occurred in 1730 when the Maharaja of Jodhpur needed wood to build new structures in Jodhpur Fort.

The only locally available stand of trees was a wood of kejri trees that grew under Bishnoi protection on Bishnoi land. The Maharaja's officials set off to cut the trees down, but when the community saw what was about to happen to their cherished trees, they clung to them, forcing their bodies betwen the trunks and the Maharaja's men's axes. So not only were the trees cut, but the Bishnoi too - men, women and children. As they fell dead, more ran forward to take their place. In all, 363 Bishnoi were massacred before word of the atrocity reached the Maharaja and he called a halt. Shocked and penitent, he vowed never again to harm the Bishnois' trees. And thus an extraordinarily potent myth was born: a myth of self- sacrifice for the sake of nature that is at once archaic and strikingly modern.

"Bishnoi revere all the birds and animals on their land," says Mahesh Bishnoi, "the hare, the tortoise, the peacocks and the partridge as well as the deer." But it is over the deer, especially the desperately rare blackbuck and chinkara, that Bishnoi have repeatedly been called on to make good their pledge. If poachers show up on their land, they do everything in their power to thwart them. Many Bishnoi have died in the process - some 17, I was told, in recent decades. In 1978, for example, a farmer called Birbal Bishnoi was eating dinner at home in Lohawal village near Jodhpur when he heard gunshots outside. He rushed out and chased the two poachers, but when he managed to bring one of them down, the other took a shot at him. Birbal was badly injured, but clung to the poacher until help arrived. He later died from his wounds.

In other cases it was the poacher who died, destroyed by the villagers' collective fury. The seven Bishnoi who, on the night of 1 October, leaped on motorcycles and chased Salman Khan's jeep, were keeping faith with a remarkable tradition. Khan and his friends were lucky to get away unharmed. As it was, the jeep arrived back at the Umeda Bhawan Palace covered in mud and with both front tyres punctured. The damage has yet to be accounted for.

Poaching endangered animals, for profit or fun or both, is rampant in India today, because, although there is a good law on the books which outlaws it, it is not properly enforced. In the rare event of a poacher being caught in the act, he has numerous opportunities to get off the hook: by bribing the forest guards, who are paid starvation wages; bribing vets who perform post mortems; pulling political strings to have the case aborted. Even if a poacher is charged, the case can disappear into the bowels of India's grossly underfunded legal system for years. Very rarely do cases come to a conclusion.

Salman Khan's case looked as if it was headed the same way. A hurried post mortem carried out on the two blackbuck at the site of the shooting declared, fatuously, that one died from "injuries suffered during leaping", one from "overeating". The deer were buried at the spot. The weapons used to kill them were spirited away to Bombay. The case looked like ending before it had even started. Bollywood rules.

Two things made that impossible. First, the Bishnoi would not let the matter rest. In the days after the killings, they held demonstrations in Jodhpur demanding justice. Furthermore, it is election time now in India: polls for state assemblies all over the Union were due in a few weeks. The Bishnoi community in Rajasthan is numerous - no-one knows how many, but an educated guess puts them at two per cent of the state's population, about one million people. They are tight-knit, too, capable of voting as a block. Bishnoi leaders made it clear that the political parties' stand on Salman Khan would powerfully influence how they voted.

It took seven days - days of fevered meeting, long phone calls, smoke- filled rooms, VIP "air-dashes" - before the political will to proceed was mustered. A new post mortem was ordered, the deers' carcasses exhumed, and a body of learned men declared that they actually died from gunshot wounds. The vet responsible for the faked report disappeared, and is sought by the police. Finally, a full 10 days after the event, Khan and his friends were arrested and charged.

The case is far from over yet, and the outcome is far from certain. Like all trials in India, it will drag on for many months, possibly years. Dushyant Singh, the guide who is alleged to have arranged the poaching trips, has yet to be arrested, and there are dark rumours that he is being protected by the powerful Rajputs who used to rule Jodhpur (Singh is a Rajput himself), and who still wield great power.

But already something has changed. As a result of the case, poaching has been all over India's front pages for weeks. The right of Bombay's rich punks to butcher at will has, for the first time, been seriously questioned.

An unexpected casualty of the affair has been the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The mammoth organisation's Indian branch has been criticised lately for ineffectuality. But this was much worse: just as Salman Khan was being produced in court, accused of one of the worst wildlife crimes one can think of, the Fund's glossy 1999 calendar was rolling off the presses - with 12 artful photographs of the hottest Bollywood stars, one for each month.

Salman Khan's month was February. There he was, moody, sensitive and stripped to the waist as usual. "Travel your way to good health," twittered the copy at the foot of the page. "Use bicycle or better still, walk whenever you can." WWF issued a furious denunciation of the poachers and arranged for February to be pulped and replaced.

In the field that surrounds a tumbledown Bishnoi house in Gudda-Bishnoi, a couple of kilometres from the scene of the final night's poaching, Bishnoi elders gathered recently to give a ceremonial send-off to a local girl who had just got married. Under the bright shamiana in the mellow October sunshine, the towering white turbans and divided whiskers and hawk-like brown profiles were assembled. What, I asked them, would they consider a suitable punishment for Salman Khan? The reply was instantaneous and vehement, and a bit surprising if one takes the Bishnois' pacifism at face value. "He should be hanged." "His ears and nose should be cut off," said another, "and he should be beaten black and blue."

Gudda-Bishnoiya is Edge City: the suburbs where middle-class Bishnoi like Mahesh Bishnoi the advocate build their pink stone villas are only a few miles away. The perimeter fence of the British-built aerodrome borders the road. Other groups with no special concern for wild animals or the enviroment live in close quarters with the Bishnoi. To see the Bishnoi lifestyle in its purest form you must travel far from the city and out into the fringes of the desert, to villages like Osian, Phalodi, Jamba and Mukaon, which the contamination of city life has yet to reach. But in fact this proximity to the city makes what one sees here all the more striking. Rural Indian life goes on all around. A line of Bishnoi women pass with big brass water pots on their heads, others crammed into a tractor trailer, a family of five squeezed on to a scooter. And over and over again we see deer, placidly cropping grass a few yards away. A group of chinkara dashes away at our approach, then stands there staring, wagging their broad, flat tails. A full-grown male blackbuck steams across the road, head and long, twisting horns lowered, almost under the bumper of an Ambassador. At the spot where Khan made his last killing, another male blackbuck chases the eight or 10 does in his harem back and forth, the does shooting almost vertically up into the air as if on pogo sticks.

A few miles away is a grove of sacred kejri trees: 363 of them, for the 363 Bishnoi who died nearly 270 years ago protecting their community's woodland. When I arrived the sun was poised above the horizon, and the trees were dense with the cries of returning birds. At the end of the avenue between the trees stands a simple whitewashed shrine; inside, a flame burnt before the portrait of Guru Jambaji. As the sun set, the priest, clad in orange, beat a tattoo on drum and gong in memory of the Bishnoi martyrs.

Back in Bombay, life for the stars is getting back to normal. Salman is out on bail, as are his alleged accomplices, Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Nee- lam, Sonali Bendre and the comedian Satish Shah - hot Bollywood properties all, and back into the hectic Bombay film round, sprinting from set to set of half a dozen movies in production simultaneously.

What the Jodhpur escapade will do for Salman Khan's career it is too early to judge. In Jodhpur after his arrest, the two films of his that were showing in the town were promptly pulled from the screens. But thousands of fans besieged the court to catch a glimpse of him, while inside his supporters and the Bishnoi traded slogans and nearly came to blows.

At the arraignment, Khan himself was full of rich brat conceit, lolling in his chair and joking with his co-accused. But his questioning lasted seven hours, and after a few nights on a hard cot in the forester's hut which was his makeshift prison, the stuffing had come out of him. In court now he was meek and tame. To the press he declared his innocence - "I love wild animals," he bleated, "how could I harm them?"

It must have been hard for him to judge how to play it; for now the contradictions in his screen persona were coming home to roost. For Khan the on-screen bully boy, a reputation for slitting furry animals' throats in real life might be almost helpful; and Blitz, a Bombay tabloid, duly weighed in with anonymous "film industry sources" describing Khan as "a very violent person" and a former girlfriend calling him "a maniac". But what help will such a reputation be for Khan the shy lover, Khan the bumbling clown, Khan the Indian Norman Wisdom?

And then of course Salman Khan might be convicted and go to jail - whereupon not only his fans but the producers who have tens of millions of rupees invested in his half-finished films would be seri- ously distraught. But few Indians believe that this is how the story will end. For the Bishnoi and the blackbuck it might be the only just outcome. But Indians have become resigned to the fact that the rich and powerful very rarely serve sentences in prison. The motto at the base of India's national symbol, the three lions of the great King Ashok, reads Satyamev Jayate, "Let Truth Prevail." But in India today, that is an increasingly rare occurrence

1998- 2014: a timeline

April 2015: Salman Khan going to a Jodhpur court: He pleaded 'not guilty' in the black-buck case

Blackbuck poaching case: Salman Khan to appear before Jodhpur court on March 10 Express News Service | New Delhi | January 29, 2014 (With PTI inputs)

The offence

In 1998 it was alleged that Salman Khan had carried arms with an expired license during Blackbuck poaching at Kankani village. Besides Salman, actors Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu and Neelam were accused of poaching two Blackbucks in the intervening night of October 1 and 2, 1998 in Kankani village near Jodhpur during the shooting of the film ‘Hum Saath Saath Hain.’

A case had also been registered against Salman Khan by the forest department under the Arms Act mentioning that licence of the arms used by Khan during alleged poaching of black bucks at village Kankani near Jodhpur on the intervening night of 1-2 October, 1998, had expired and hence the actor had been using the arms illegally.

In 1998, Salman Khan spent three days in prison for killing a black buck, an endangered species of deer, in Rajasthan. Blackbuck being a protected animal and hunting or poaching of the same is a punishable offence under law.

2006: Conviction

In February 2006, Salman Khan was convicted under the Wild Life Act for poaching a Chinkara at Bhawad near Jodhpur during the shooting of film Hum Saath Saath Hain.

Salman Khan was sentenced to one-year imprisonment and was slapped a fine of Rs 5,000.

2012: High Court

The High Court had revised the charges against the actors in December 2012. In the fresh charges, Salman was charged with Section 9/51 of the Wildlife Protection Act and others including a local accused Dushyant Singh with sections 9/51, 9//52 of the same Act and section 149 of IPC.

In December 2013, Salman Khan's counsel had said that there was no direct evidence against the actor that he carried arms with expired license during the alleged Blackbuck poaching at the nearby Kankani village in 1998. The actor had earlier been exempted from appearing in the court, but he was summoned by the Chief Judicial Magistrate this time.

He has since been out of jail on bail. According to the report, the Rajasthan High Court had put the jail term on hold to help the actor procure a British visa. However, under the British immigration rules, a person sentenced to more than four years in jail is not eligible for a visa.

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court cancelled the court order that had put his five-year jail term in a 1998 poaching case, on hold.

The Supreme Court set aside the stay order and stated that convicted politicians can also come to the court and demand a suspension of the conviction on grounds that they were facing hardship much like the actor. The court further implied that the actor could appeal the decision in the High Court if he felt that "irreparable damage was done to him." The Times of India


On April 23 , the chief judicial magistrate accepted an application moved by Khan's counsel seeking exemption from his appearance in the court on the ground of ill health, and asked him to appear in May 2015 to record his statement.

In a setback for Salman Khan, a Jodhpur court in May 2015 rejected his plea for re-examination of witnesses in a case related to illegal possession and use of arms.

Salman Khan had filed an appeal for re-examination of five witnesses in the case registered against him under the Arms Act. The Times of India

2016: Acquittal by High Court

Salman Khan acquitted in two chinkara poaching cases, Ajay Parmar | TNN | Jul 25, 2016, The Times of India

  • The Rajasthan High Court acquitted Salman Khan in two cases of chinkara poaching
  • The actor still has 2 more cases pending against him — one under Arms act and of poaching 2 blackbucks in Kankani

In July 2016, the Rajasthan High Court acquitted Salman Khan in two cases of chinkara poaching after a long trial.

In 2006, the trial court had sentenced him to one year and five years of imprisonment, respectively, in cases of poaching two chinkaras on September 26-27, 1998, at Bhawad and another chinkara at Ghoda Farm in Mathania on September 28-29, 1998.

While acquitting Salman, Justice Nirmaljit Kaur did not find any incriminating evidence pointing to his involvement in poaching chinkaras, an endangered species and Rajasthan's state animal.

With the relief, the actor now has only two more cases pending against him in the trial court -- one each under the Arms Act for allegedly using weapons with an expired licence and of poaching two blackbucks in Kankani on October 1-2, 1998, during the shooting of his film, 'Hum Saath Saath Hain'.

Said Salman's counsel Mahesh Bora: Khan was falsely implicated on the basis of statements given by Harish Dulani, the driver of the vehicle.

In its observation, the high court said that the cases were built on the statements given by Dulani, but he could not be cross-examined by the prosecution as he had disappeared suddenly. "So, the statements of Dulani could not be considered," said the court. The court observed that since Dulani's statements were taken while he was in the custody of forest department, it could not be considered.

The court also rejected the plea of the prosecution to consider the statements of forest officer Lalit Bora.

Besides, the court also found faults in the attempts of the prosecution to prove the case on circumstantial evidences such as the vehicle allegedly used while poaching, bloodstains, hair strands and pellets.

The court had already arrived at the conclusion that the pellets recovered from the vehicle did not match those taken from the rooms of Salman Khan and Saif Ali Khan.

‘Salman shot chinkaras:’ driver

Jul 28 2016 : The Times of India (Delhi) Driver returns, says Salman shot chinkaras

Two days after Salman Khan was acquitted in two cases related to poaching of chinkaras in Jodhpur in 1998, driver Harish Dulani resurfaced and stuck to his claim that Salman had got off his jeep and shot the animals.

Dulani, the prosecution's only witness, was `missing' all this while and hence the court couldn't consider his statement. “I was scared after I received threats,“ he said. Salman could be in for trouble as Dulani is also a witness in the black buck poaching case which is pending against the actor.

Dulani, diver, changed statement in 2006

Ajay Parmar TNN, The Times of India

Dulani had ignored summons, changed his statement in 2006

Harish Dulani, the main witness in the chinkara poaching cases against Salman Khan, skipped the trial despite the several summons and bailable warrants issued against him. The court hearing the cases stopped summoning him two months before the first judgment, involving the Bhawad poaching case, in February 2006. The second judgment, for the Ghoda Farm poaching case, followed in April. The then additional director (prosecution) Jeevan Ram Choudhary said the prosecution had looked for him at every possible address. Interestingly, five days before the April verdict, Dulani appeared before the media and said he had not seen Salman hunt the animals.

2017: acquitted in Arms Act case

Ajay Parmar, Booked under wrong section of Arms Act, Salman let off Jan 19 2017 : The Times of India

Jodhpur: Actor Salman Khan was acquitted [in Jan 2017] in an Arms Act case connected to other cases of poaching endangered species becau se he had been booked under the wrong sec tion of the law.

Khan had been charged under Sections 325 and 27 of the Arms Act for possessing and using firearms for which the licence had expired. The court of the chief judicial magistrate, however, said the licence was valid but needed renewal every year.

“The licence was valid for three years, till August 8, 1999... it was valid during the period in question and the offence was just that it was not renewed (in 1998) for the next one year,“ the order said. According to the Arms Act, Salman's licence was to be renewed annually even while it was valid for three years. The CJM said Salman should have been prose cuted under Section 21, and not Section 3, for failing to renew the licence and, even in that case, the present court had no jurisdiction to hear the matter.

The Arms Act case was supplementary to three other criminal cases of poaching endangered species (blackbuck and chinkara) filed against him by the Rajasthan wildlife department in October 1998. While pronouncing judgment, CJM Dalpat Singh Rajpurohit remarked that the prosecution had failed to prove the charges brought against the actor under Sections 325 and 27 of the Arms Act. The court ruled no case was made out against Salman and said the permission for prosecution granted by then district magistrate Rajat Kumar Mishra had been a “mindless job“ for which Salman had suffered for such a long period.

Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi Threatened to Kill Salman In Jodhpur

Isha Sharma| Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi Openly Threats Salman Khan, Says He'll Be Killed In Jodhpur!| January 06, 2018 | IndiaTimes/ The Times of India

In a shocking turn of events, Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi of Rajasthan issued a death threat to Salman Khan.

"Salman Khan will be killed here, in Jodhpur... Then he will come to know about our real identity," Bishnoi told media persons while being taken to a Jodhpur court in police security.

Bishnoi was being produced in the court following his arrest on charges of terrorizing traders and extorting them. The gangster claimed that he had been framed in false cases and till date, not even a single witness had deposed in the court to prove the charges.

"Now, if the police want me to do some major crime, I shall kill Salman Khan and that too in Jodhpur."

It was the Bishnoi community which had brought up the black buck hunting case, and ever since the community considers the Bollywood actor a "villain".

Several onlookers claimed that gangster's threat to Salman was just to create a sensation.

Reports claim that Bishnoi is one of the most notorious gangsters and has been charged in over 20 cases of attempt to murder, carjacking, extortion, snatching and under the Arms Act in Punjab-Haryana belt.

(With agency inputs)

DNA ‘fingerprinting’ identified bones, skin as blackbuck’s

U Sudhakar Reddy | Hyderabad DNA expert nailed Salman Khan, test identified the species as blackbuck | TNN | Apr 5, 2018 | IndiaTimes/ The Times of India


  • The crucial evidence of a DNA fingerprinting expert from Hyderabad helped the prosecution nail the actor
  • The Jodhpur court on Thursday convicted actor Salman Khan in the blackbuck poaching case

HYDERABAD: The crucial evidence of a DNA fingerprinting expert from Hyderabad, who conducted wildlife forensic tests on the samples of a blackbuck sent to a Hyderabad lab — the Centre for DNA fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD) — helped the prosecution nail actor Salman Khan.

The evidence provided by GV Rao, who is now an ex-staffer of CDFD, was crucial in the case.

Rao had deposed in December 2015 in the court when he was then chief staff scientist of CDFD’s DNA fingerprinting lab. His team had used specially developed markers in 1999 to identify the species of blackbuck.

Speaking to TOI after the judgment, Rao said, ”In October 1998 the incident took place. The investigating officer and the then assistant conservator of forests of Jodhpur, Lalit K Bora, conducted a careful investigation. He exhumed the bones and skin after the blackbuck was buried. When he sent us a requisition, we told him we would try to establish the identity of the species. During that time, wildlife forensics, particularly DNA identification, was in a nascent stage. Officials did not want a vague report that said the species belong to antelopes. With the newly-developed markers and methodology, we were able to identify the species and could establish that the bones and skin belonged to the animal," he said.

He added, ”When I deposed in December 2015 in court, I explained how we developed the methodology and how the test was conducted to identify the species. In the cross-examination too I was able to explain the authenticity of the test and results. I am happy that at last the court has convicted Salman Khan.”

Rao lives in Alwal in Hyderabad and is now into civic activism. He was also associated with the forensic investigation of other sensational cases such as the killing of tigress Sakhi at the Hyderabad Zoo.

“I am happy about the judgement as it reinforces faith in the judiciary even though the accused is so powerful,” Rao remarked.

Since 2001, the Hyderabad-based Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology’s Laboratory for Conservation of Endangered Species (LaCones) has been involved in wildlife forensics in connection with such cases.

LaCones senior principal scientist Karthikeyan Vasudevan told TOI, ”We have done DNA fingerprinting in around 3,000 cases of wildlife poaching and smuggling and identified the species and helped investigators. Tadoba tiger poaching is one of the major cases. In 1998 CCMB scientists developed Universal Markers that are being used for various species.”

2018: Salman gets 5 years in jail, other accused let off

Blackbuck poaching case: Salman Khan gets 5 years in jail, other accused let off | TIMESOFINDIA.COM | Apr 5, 2018


Salman Khan has been sentenced to five years in jail in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case

Co-accused Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Neelam and Tabu have been acquitted

Blackbuck poaching case: Salman Khan gets 5 years in jail, other accused let off

NEW DELHI: In a major setback to actor Salman Khan, a Jodhpur trial court today sentenced him to 5 years in jail in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case. Other accused in the case were acquitted.

Jodhpur District Presiding Officer Devkumar Khatri pronounced Salman guilty of killing two blackbucks, which are an endangered species, on October 1, 1998 during a hunting expedition near Jodhpur, Rajasthan. A penalty of Rs 10,000 has also been levied on him.

Co-accused Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Neelam and Tabu were present in court during pronouncement of the verdict. There are two other accused in the case -- travel agent Dushyant Singh and Dinesh Gawre, Salman's assistant at the time. Gawre is still absconding.

The actors are accused of hunting down two blackbucks in Kankani village near Jodhpur on the intervening night of October 1 and 2, 1998. The actors were in the city for the shooting of the film 'Hum Saath Saath Hain'.

Salman, 52, had earlier pleaded innocence in the case, claiming before the court that the blackbuck died of "natural causes" and he was being "framed".

Salman is facing charges under Section 51 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act and the other actors have been charged under Section 51 read with Section 149 (unlawful assembly) of the Indian Penal Code. Maximum punishment under Section 51 is six years.

H M Saraswat, the defence counsel for Salman Khan, said there are many loopholes in the prosecution's case and the prosecution has failed to prove the case beyond any doubt.

"Prosecution has failed to prove allegations against the accused and has engaged in tampering and fabricating evidences and documents as well as roping in fake witnesses to prove the case. It has even failed to prove that black bucks were killed by gunshots. Hence such investigation cannot be trusted upon", Saraswat said during final arguments on March 28.

This is last of the three poaching cases against Salman from 1998 that is being heard at Jodhpur trial court. He was convicted in two poaching cases by trial court, only to be acquitted by the Rajasthan high court later.

Salman’s jailing: financial stakes involved

Trade analysts say Rs 400-600 crore riding on Salman Khan | PTI | Updated: Apr 5, 2018

Trade analysts say Rs 400-600 crore riding on Salman Khan

Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who was today sentenced to five years in jail has Rs 400 to Rs 600 crore riding on him in the industry and the verdict will affect three major film projects, according to trade analysts.

The 52-year-old actor was in the middle of shooting 'Race 3' but it is not clear whether his work is complete on the film, being directed by Remo D'Souza.

"Whatever is left of 'Race 3' will have to be completed soon because the film is releasing in June. 'Kick 2', 'Dabangg 3' and 'Bharat' were yet to start so there isn't much monetary loss. It is a huge loss to the industry and trade as he is a big star who guarantees big success," trade analyst Komal Nahta said.

"'Race 3' has Rs 125-150 crore riding on it. For other films, not money but may be time has gone. He has not started any other film so it isn't that films will be stuck. He may have planned it like that knowing that April 5 is the date of the judgement," Nahta added.

Trade analyst Girish Wankhede also maintains that it is a big blow to the industry as Salman has been extremely profitable as a brand with back-to-back blockbusters to his credit.

"All his films make a minimum of Rs 200 crore. Three films have already been announced. 'Race 3' is the biggest Eid release. So approximately 600 crore are riding at the box office," Wankhede told .

The trade insiders believe that besides the films, the actor's endorsement deals and TV appearances will also be negatively affected.

"There is about Rs 400 crore riding on him, including Rs 150 crore on 'Race 3' and signing amounts and rights of films such as 'Bharat', 'Dabangg 3' etc and the TV show 'Dus Ka Dum' and TV commercials," Amod Mehra, trade analyst said.

"'Race 3' is almost complete, only dubbing is left so I don't think any of the films would be affected by the verdict... As other films have just been announced," Mehra said.

The Mumbai hit-and-run case, 2002

A summary of the facts that most people need about the case, as it stood before the May 2015 judgement, is contained in the two graphics below. For a detailed and regularly updated account please visit the page Salman Khan: hit-and-run case, 2002

The Salman Khan hit and run case of 2002: a summary
In May 2015 a sessions court convicted Mr Khan under Section 304 of the Indian Penal Code
Details of the case will be found elsewhere on this page,
Graphic: The Times of India
The Salman Khan hit and run case: The position after the conclusion of arguments in April 2015. The Times of India

Veer ‘overflow' case

Hindustan Times, Jun 23, 2015 Salman Khan sued for Rs 250 crore, Veer producer files defamation case

It seems 2015 is going to be the year of legal troubles for Bollywood actor Salman Khan. After the hit-and-run case and black buck case, Salman is now faced with a defamation case lodged by

Veer producer Vijay Galani filed a Rs 250-crore defamation case against Salman Khan in June 2015.

According to the English daily DNA, Galani said: "I agreed to give Salman a signing amount of Rs 10 crores for Veer. In his entire career, Salman had not received this kind of a signing amount. In fact his entire fee for Yuvraaj and Wanted and other films during that period was around Rs 7-8 crore each. Even Salim Saab said this signing amount was unprecedented. Besides this amount, we agreed that Salman would get Rs 15 crore if and when there is an 'overflow' (profits made by the film). Salman completed the film happily. And I sold the film to Eros Entertainment. Eros, Salman and I drew up a tri-party agreement that the first overflow amount of Rs 15 crore would go to Salman."

Galani says that the film didn't earn any profit, yet Salman's office sent him a letter that asked Galani to show the original copy of the agreement letter: The most interesting thing about this letter was that on the night before I received it I was at Salman's place laughing and joking as usual. He mentioned that his new business manager was sending me a letter and I should just ignore it.

Galani gave the case details: Firstly the 'overflow' agreement was on paper and secondly Veer showed no profits. So CINTAA ruled in my favour. Then I took the help of my producers' association. Salman then complained to the Federation Of Western India Cine Association. But I responded saying there was no overflow.In the meanwhile Salman got upset with CINTAA. So to please him they issued a non-cooperation letter against me which was totally invalid and baseless.

He further said: The honourable has now ruled in my favour and issued an absolute stay on the non-cooperation letter.

Other controversies

The Times of India

Aishwarya Rai

When he was dating Aishwarya Rai, she had accused him of physical assault. Whenever somebody asked a tricky question like one on Aishwarya’s allegations, for instance, [Salman Khan] chose silence over explanation. (Biswadeep Ghosh.India

When Shah Rukh Khan was shooting for a film with Aishwarya, Salman went to the venue and created a ruckus. Shah Rukh being the producer was worried about suffering losses. Eventually, he was forced to replace Aishwarya with Rani Mukherjee, the second and final choice, resulting in Chalte Chalte. Was this a lie? (Biswadeep Ghosh.India

Bitter break-up

March 9, 2002

Aishwarya Rai walked out of her relationship with Salman, and it was said that Salman had physically assaulted her.

After they broke up in 2002, Aishwarya alleged that the actor harassed her, as he was unable to come to terms with the ending of their relationship. A case was also registered by Aishwarya’s parents. The Hindu

June 2016: Salman’s ill-chosen rape metaphor to describe his own condition drew hysterical attacks, highlighting the rapidly deteriorating state of freedom of speech in 21st century India. The Times of India

Fatwa against Salman

September 12, 2008

Some religious organisations issued fatwa (religious edict) against Salman Khan for celebrating Ganeshotsav at his Mumbai residence.

Mahinda Rajapaksa: campaign for

December 29, 2014

Salman Khan drew flak when he visited Sri Lanka and participated in a campaign for Mahinda Rajapaksa before the presidential elections in the country.

He exonerated Pakistan for its role in 26/ 11

August 24, 2010

Salman Khan faced criticism for saying, during an interview to a Pakistani channel, that the 26/11 attacks were hyped because 'elite people' were targeted.

“It was the elite that was targeted this time. So they panicked. Then they got up and spoke about it. My question is why not before? Attacks have happened in trains and small towns too, but no one talked about it so much,” Salman said in 2010. He claimed that Pakistan cannot be held responsible. He later apologised The Hindu

Salman's film Jai Ho! makes the same point: that local Maharashtrian politicians caused bomb blasts.

[In Sept 2016 some Pakistani terrorists killed 18 sleeping Indian jawans in Uri, Kashmir.]

Maharashtra Navnirman Chitrapat Karmachari Sena, the film wing of the Raj Thackeray-led MNS, made it clear that they will stall the release of every film that has Pakistani actors in it. Mumbai-based Indian Motion Picture Producers Association (IMPPA), on Friday, had even passed a resolution to ban Pakistani actors from the industry in the wake of the Uri attack.

"They (Pakistani actors) are artists, not terrorists. It's the government who gives them permits and visas," said Salman Khan.

Speaking about India's surgical strike conducted in Pakistan [a few days later], Salman said, "Terrorists na? Proper action tha." (The Times of India)

Rape metaphor/ June 2016

June 2016: See graphic on this page

`It's offensive but may not amount to an offence'

The Times of India

The comment made by actor Salman Khan has drawn flak from lawyers and activists alike.

While they said it was in poor taste, they added that it may not amount to an offence.

“It's a silly, immature and an offensive statement but I think it should be ignored and it does not amount to any criminal offence,“ said senior counsel Mahesh Jethmalani.

While some lawyers said Khan must “apologize“ for “the insensitive comment“, others said “it deserves no debate“. Majlis founder and women's activist Flavia Agnes said, “The actor's comments are unwarranted, silly and in poor taste and according to me, no weightage should be given, even by the women's commission, because it would only give him undue publicity.“

Senior criminal law advocate Niteen Pradhan did not consider it worthy to comment on Khan's quote. He said, “Who is he to even merit any serious reaction? Is he an intellectual?“ Former Maharashtra state women's commissioner chief Susieben Shah, on the other hand, said, “As a celebrity, one has to be extremely careful when speaking about the dignity of women.It was a very loose comment, one for which he ought to apologize. Although it may not amount to any offence, his comment was in bad taste about the plight of women who are victims of criminal sexual assault and he ought to have been sensitive in his utterances.“ Swati Deshpande | TNN

Saifai Mahotsav row

January 9, 2014

Salman Khan was criticised for performing at Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav's Saifai Mahotsav, while children were dying in relief camps in Muzaffarnagar due to lack of proper rehabilitation.

Salim Khan, an abusive father?

Biswadeep Ghosh writes: Within the industry, some discussed in hushed whispers that Salman’s relationship with his father Salim Khan had made an impact on his mind. What was also reported elsewhere was that Salim Khan beat him to pulp when he, as a young boy, had tried to practise karate and left a mark on the wall. On another occasion, he was said to have been mercilessly thrashed because he had tried to flee from his father’s wrath by locking himself up in a bathroom after committing some childlike mistake.

Biswadeep Ghosh adds: Salman does have a history of untamed behaviour. It has caused discomfort to many, including his father after he reportedly got drunk and beat up a well-known director (also, very drunk) at a party. Things spiralled out of control. His dad had to intervene. After that, the man who beat up and the one who got beaten up patched up.

Shah Rukh Khan: fight with

July 16, 2008

Salman apparently picked up a fight with Shah Rukh Khan at Katrina Kaif's birthday. Buzz had it that SRK cracked a joke which didn't go down well with Salman.

However, the two actors got back together on a good foot in an Iftar party and SRK attended Salman’s sister’s wedding. SRK visited Salman hours before the verdict on hit-and-run case. The Hindu

Somy Ali

He had reportedly poured Thums Up on the head of his first girlfriend Somy Ali in a public place. (Biswadeep Ghosh.India

Vivek Oberoi: at loggerheads with

May 30, 2003

Salman Khan was at the receiving end of accusations by actor Vivek Oberoi who spoke to media over Salman's ill-treatment of Aishwarya Rai.

Vivek Oberoi accused Salman of "threatening to kill him, abusing and indulging in character assassination." Vivek Oberoi and Aishwarya Rai were close friends at that stage. The Hindu

Good boy

Salman Khan as Chulbul Pandey in Dabangg
Salman Khan as Radhe in Tere Naam
Salman Khan in Tere Naam: after he joins an ashram to regain his sanity
Dec. 2014, Pune: Mika Singh, Paris Hilton (wearing Mika’s diamond necklace), Salman Khan
See how glum Mika is looking, obviously regretting his impulsive generosity. Salman is khush becuse it was Mika's necklace, not his. (Salman gave away his bracelet the same day.)
Ladies' men and their jewellery are soon parted.
Salman Khan as Devilal Singh Devil in Kick
Jacqueline Fernandez and Salman Khan in Kick (2014)
Kick is the biggest hit of 2014, overtaking '2 States' and 'Queen'. It is also the eighth highest overseas grosser ever.
After 24 days Kick had earned Rs. 230.80 crore (domestic) and Rs 374.50 crore worldwide. It thus became the 3rd highest domestic earner ever (after Krrish 3 and Dhoom 3) and India’s fourth highest worldwide earner (after Dhoom 3/ Rs542 crore; Chennai Express/ Rs422 crore and 3 Idiots/ Rs395 crore.) This is the first time when a Salman film crossed the Rs 200-crore mark. (Source Koimoi).
For details see 'Filmography' in this article.
See also Box office records of Hindi-Urdu films
In Bajrangi Bhaijaan Salman Khan plays Bajrangi, a devotee of Hanuman ji, who would rather die than tell a lie.
Bajrangi meets a little Pakistani girl (Harshaali Malhotra) who has strayed into India. That she cannot speak adds to the problems.
Harshaali Malhotra and Salman Khan in Bajrangi Bhaijaan.
Bajrangi decides to help the Pakistani girl (Harshaali Malhotra) get back to Pakistan. A Pakistani reporter (Nawazuddin Siddiqui) joins their efforts.
Salman Khan, Harshaali Malhotra and Nawazuddin Siddiqui in Bajrangi Bhaijaan .
’How will you find her ammi-abbu (parents, in Pakistan)?’ the Pakistani reporter (extreme right) asks.
‘Bajrang Bali will help us,’ Bajrangi replies.
‘Even in Pakistan?’ the Pakistani reporter asks, incredulously.
Salman Khan, Harshaali Malhotra and Nawazuddin Siddiqui in Bajrangi Bhaijaan .
And, of course, there is Kareena with Salman Khan in Bajrangi Bhaijaan .
Bajrangi Bhaijaan: first look, as tweeted by ‘Brother’ Shah Rukh Khan.
India Today's report was headlined, ‘Shah Rukh, Aamir together for Salman,’ because a while later even Aamir Khan tweeted the first look
Salman Khan once again as Prem in Prem Ratan Dhan Paayo
Salman Khan and Sonam Kapoor in Prem Ratan Dhan Payo (2015)
Box office figures are given on that page.
Salman Khan in Sultan (2016)
The film’s box office performance is being updated periodically on the page Sultan (2016).
Sultan rekindled interest in wrestling in some akhârâs (wrestling pits) that had lost their allure.
In July 2016 the pehelwans (champions) of Kanpur’s Chându Akhara started performing aarti before Salman’s picture [i.e. they started worshipping him] before beginning their training for the day. Before the release of the film this group of wrestlers had begun to lose interest in wrestling even at a time when at the international level Indian wrestlers have been doing well. Like Sultan in the film they had developed paunches. Besides, their diet was (and remains) poor. The film gave them the hope that they, too, could get a second innings.
Zhu Zhu and Salman Khan in Ladakh, while shooting for Tubelight
Salman Khan with Katrina Kaif in Tiger Zinda Hai (2017)


The Being Human Foundation

Condensed from BusinessToday Branded for life Ajita Shashidhar April 14, 2013

Ekta Aggarwal, Creative Director of marketing consultancy Landor, got into an autorickshaw in Mumbai that was festooned with Salman Khan's photographs soon after Dabangg 2 was released. The driver said he decked up his autorickshaw with new cutouts of Khan each time he released a film because the actor had paid for his son's operation.

For millions of fans such as the autorickshaw driver, Khan isn't just a larger-than-life superstar. He is the Bollywood bad guy with a heart of gold who helps them out when they are down and out. "Being Human has become a cult. In fact, it has become larger than Brand Salman," says Aggarwal.

The star's social clout comes from the Being Human Foundation which provides affordable health-care and primary education to underprivileged people across the country. Set up in 2007, the foundation has teamed up with organisations such as the Marrow Donors Registry India to help patients who suffer from diseases such as leukemia and thalassemia.

It recently tied up with Coca-Cola and infotech company NIIT to help a career development centre which provides computer and electrical training to people from rural areas.

Being Human is a charity with an unusual revenue model. It does not ask for donations but raises most of its funds from royalty from the sale of Being Human merchandise. Khan has extended Being Human into a successful fashion brand that sells both in India and several stores in Europe and West Asia. Ten per cent of every sale of a Being Human product goes to the foundation. Khan recently picked up a minority stake in travel portal and one rupee from every transaction goes to the foundation.

Manish Mandhana, Managing Director of Mandhana Industries, which manufactures and retails the Being Human apparel line, says it is already a Rs 100-crore brand. "At the front end, it is a lifestyle brand and at the back end, it is a philanthropic organisation. All royalties from the lifestyle brand support the philanthropy we do," he says.

Marketing experts say the Being Human brand helps boost the Salman Khan brand and has slowly succeeded in overshadowing his bad boy image

He is working on an education video for schoolchildren which will be sold at video stores across the country and distributed free to underprivileged

Always helping the needy The Facebook on SK adds: This man will always have a golden heart, despite the bad times he has been through. He gives bicycles to the kids, always gives money to the needy and even blankets to people who sleeps on the street at night. He always helps a certain foundation or an association, and the best part about it is that he does it privately and doesn’t involve the media into it. He is probably one of the few Bollywood actors today who does help a lot.

Victim: Salman’s charity a myth

Stories that Salman helps poor are myth: Victim

The Times of India Vijay V Singh,TNN | May 7, 2015, 01.53 AM IST

Mohammed Abdulla Shaikh was one of the four accident victims and was a witness in the case.

He had sustained a fracture in a leg along with other body injuries in the 2002 accident. He spent two months in a hospital and then shifted to his native place in Uttar Pradesh. He spent around a year in his village to heal his injuries. He was the only earning member in the family. For two years his family survived on loan provided by relatives and friends. Abdulla has four kids and one of his daughter is under medical treatment since years.

Abdulla returned to [Mumbai] in 2003, but the A-1 bakery owner, where he used to work at the time of the accident, refused to provide him work. He started to work in another bakery at Bandra (West).

"We heard lots of good things about Salman in our village and in the city that he helps the poor and needy. But he did nothing for us. Sometimes I used to think that he will come to us, try to understand our family problem and provide us with some help. But it remained a fantasy. I believed that all his helping hand stories are imaginary," said Abdulla.

" Initially, I had a strong opinion against action but not now. I don't want him to be punished as it is not going to help me anyway. What we expect is more help from him, for disturbing our lives," said Abdulla Shaikh. Initially, Abdulla had the feeling of punishing Salman for running the bakery workers lives. "But gradually I accepted the reality. He is big man, we cannot harm him," said Abdulla.

Some examples of his good work

The Times of India adds:

When Salman Khan was shooting for his film Bajrangi Bhaijaan in Kashmir, he helped a family of six there. Zaina Begum met Salman when he was shooting in Pahalgam, the actor listened to all her problems, stated a Mumbai Mirror report. The actor apparently helped her eldest grandson, Gowhar Ahmad Bhat with an immediate job and assured the family that they would never want anything else

Salman Khan had apparently promised to rehabilitate the family. Moved by Zaina Begum's application for help, he had offered a job for the only male child in the family and a house. The destitute widow has been quoted in the report as saying that, "He left us after promising much. The new house is incomplete. I've tried to call his bodyguard, Shera, several times. He never answers and sometimes his phone is out of reach. Before the release of the film, they would call us, but now they have stopped taking our calls. I've left my studies and I'm looking for odd jobs to support my family, still hoping that Salman Khan will keep his promise to us." However, a source close to the actor has refuted the family claims and said, "We got work for the old lady's grandson in the art department of Bajrangi Bhaijaan while we were shooting in Kashmir. He is the only male child in the family and needs a job in the vicinity. We have requested few people for a job for him in the Valley. The source also insists that the house that Bhaijaan had promised the family is under construction but it will take a month's time to complete, post which he has assured that the pictures of the new house will be shared with the media.

Salman Khan’s Being Human is largely involved in charity work. The NGO has adopted ome villages in Maharashtra and outside the state, reports PTI.

Salman Khan's humanitarian side was seen once again when the actor extended his support for the staff of Filmcity. The actor apparently arranged for a health checkup camp for all the staffers there, stated a report on Salman also distributed gifts, gave brand new sarees to women and Being Human T-shirts to the men, the report further stated. Apparently, he wanted to express his gratitude to all the workers for their impeccable service, the report quoted a source.

Close to the success of his last film Kick, Salman Khan took Twitter to make a charity announcement. The actor had posted that his NGO, Being Human, would help patients with heart ailments. He wrote, "If any kids on F B ya twitter who has a heart condition n can't afford to get it treated, B H vil get 100 genuine patients treated." [sic] He made this announcement close to the festival of Eid last year.

It is a known fact that Salman Khan loves to paint and he has also gifted several of his artworks to celebrities in Bollywood. According to a report, in 2007, Salman had decided to auction his paintings and donate all the money earned to an organisation. Previously, the actor had donated some of his paintings to an NGO headed by Ramola Bachchan, and the money earned from selling them was given to the NGO, stated the report.

Detachment from money

Salman Khan gets just 10% of his income to spend on himself

Priya Gupta,TNN | Jan 12, 2014

The Times of India

From the time Salman started working, only 10% of his income went into his account, allowing him to spend it the way he wished to. Salman started operating his bank account for the first time only [in late 2013], which is when he started signing cheques.

Salman has taken after his father, Salim Khan, when it comes to giving. Salim sahab himself is a man of few needs and enjoys helping others, who are genuinely in need. From the beginning, he fixed 10% for Salman, that he was allowed to spend on himself. A part of the balance 90% was used for charity and now, for Being Human. Till late 2013, when Salman was 48 years of age, he had never signed a cheque in his life. Initially, while he started enjoying signing cheques, we now learn from his sister Alvira that he is already fed up and keeps wanting to write a power of attorney for even signing that amount and, of course, no one is willing to take it up. She further told us, "He doesn't even know how much money he has and is completely detached from money." Well, all we can say is, we hope we have more stars and human beings like Salman Khan.

Why he stays in a flat, not bungalow

Stuti Srivastava | Salman Khan on why he will never leave his parents and stay in a luxurious bungalow| Jun 4, 2017 | Miss Kyra

Salman Khan's family is closely knit and that the superstar still looks up to his parents, Salim Khan and Salma Khan when it comes to his life decisions. The family, for over years, have lived at the Bandra Galaxy Apartments and even have flats in close proximity to each other.

A contestant asked Salman as to why he stays in a flat when he can very well afford a luxurious bungalow.

To this, Salman was quick to quip, "I love staying at my flat in Bandra over a big, luxurious bungalow because my parents live in the flat above mine. Ever since I was a child I have taken the same left turn or right turn and I would not have it any other way."

The actor further added, "The entire building is like one big family. When we were little, all the kids of the building would play together in the garden below and sometimes even sleep there. Back then, there weren't different houses, all the houses were treated as our own and we would go into anyone's house to eat food. I still stay in the same flat because I have countless memories attached to that house."

He: Proud to be Indian

(Reader ji, please to excuse grammar of above headline. That is kind of English at least brother Suhail use at home.)

Indian Express

In April 2015 Salman Khan appeared before a Jodhpur court. He came up with a dramatic response when the judge asked him his caste. First Salman Khan, looking baffled, responded saying, 'Indian', but when asked yet again, he maintained, he was Hindu and Muslim.

While taking down his personal details, chief judicial magistrate Anupama Bijlani, asked Salman his name, father’s name, occupation and other details to fill in a legal form.

When the judge asked him his caste, the actor first said, ‘Indian’, looking perplexed. Someone from the court even prompted him to say ‘Muslim’ but Salman ignored it and said, “I am Hindu and Muslim. My father (Salim Khan) is a Muslim while my mother (Susheela Charak) is a Hindu.”

The Hindu nationalist Shiv Sena applauds

Sanjay Raut, Shiv Sena member and executive editor of Saamna, the Shiv Sena mouthpiece in a signed article commented, “Salman kept unanswered the Jodhpur court's question... He stuck to his Indian tag. He should be complimented for this.“

The Times of India added: Although Salman's family maintains excellent equations with both Uddhav Thackeray and his cousin Raj, Sena and MNS refrained from officially commenting on the [6 May 2015] verdict in the 2002 `hit and-run' case. Political experts said the Saamna article was aimed at placating [consoling? Cheering up?] the Khans. Raj Thackeray on [the day after the ‘guilty’ verdict] visited Salman's Bandra flat and spent time with the actor and his father, scriptwriter Salim Khan.


Virgin no. 1

In 2013, on his 48th birthday, Salman Khan revealed to the entire nation that he was a virgin. Despite high profile dates with at least 11 women, and counting. None of the ladies rumoured to have been in his life denied his claim/ admission.

Three years later, in Aug 2016, at a promotion for Freaky Ali Salman repeated that sex had not entered his life.

Women who benefited from Salman

The Times of India

Daisy Shah made her debut in Bollywood with Jai Ho and feels that it was a great opportunity to work with Salman Khan. Daisy has apparently said that she owes her career to Salman. Daisy was one of the background dancers in Salman's 'Maine Pyaar Kyu Kiya'.

Sana Khan, who grabbed eyeballs with Bigg Boss 6, made her great Bollywood debut with Jai Ho. Salman noticed her in the Bigg Boss house and decided to launch her in films. Sana also reportedly claimed that there can be no big platform than a Salman movie.

Sneha Ullal entered Bollywood in 2005 opposite Salman Khan in Lucky: No Time for Love and was also compared with Ash as few called her Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s look alike. The actress debuted with Salman but couldn’t make it big in Bollywood. She took a break from Bollywood and did a few films in Tollywood.

Sonakshi Sinha Salman Khan launched Sonakshi Sinha in Dabangg and later there was no looking back for the actress. Her simplicity impressed many in B’town and later the actress shared screen space with Akshay Kumar, Saif Ali Khan, Shahid Kapoor and also was seen again opposite Salman in Dabangg 2. The actress gives lot of credit to Salman for her career and he has been her guide when it came to losing weight before she was launched in Bollywood.

Zarine Khan entered Bollywood with Salman Khan’s ambitious film Veer. The actress was termed as Katrina Kaif’s look alike and grabbed attention for her looks. Later she struggled for a few years before she got into shape and did Housefull 2.

1999: Almost got married

Salman Khan apparently wanted to tie the knot on his parents' wedding anniversary day - November 18, and he had even admitted that he came close to marriage once. Interestingly, close friends Salman and filmmaker Sajid Nadiadwala were to wed on the same day. While talking to mid-day, Sajid said that the two have been friends for more than 20 years. and in 1999, they had decided to get married, which unfortunately didn't happen. Sajid, however, didn't divulge which of his girlfriends Salman almost married on that day, the report states. From The Times of India

Actresses Salman could have married

The Times of India The Times of India

IANS/ Mahiram

Daily Bhaskar| Aug 26, 2013 Salman Khan and the story of his 11 girlfriends

Shaheen Actress Kiara Advani adds, ‘My mom knew Salman sir as they grew up together in Bandra. He would often tell my mother Genievev Advani how one day he would be a star. They have been friends for the longest time and would go cycling together. She introduced my mausie Shaheen to him and Salman sir and Shaheen mausie dated each other long back. It may have possibly been their first relationship.’

Sangeeta Bijlani: Salman Khan's personal life made news for the first time when the reports of him being 'close' to former beauty queen Sangeeta Bijlani made headlines. During her short stint in the industry (Hathyar, Tridev etc), Sangeeta found a confidante in Salman and this was just the beginning of their affair. Unperturbed by their names making headlines, the duo could be spotted everywhere and anywhere together. But right when industry people were thinking she is the woman of his life, Sangeeta bailed out from the relationship citing Salman's infidelity as the reason. After her Miss India win in 1980, Sangeeta Bijlani (born c.1961) did a few films and started seeing Salman in the late 80s. Salman’s sister Alvira played Cupid. The two parted ways in the early 90s. In early 2013, Salman, then 47, came out in support of Sangeeta, 52 by then, when her marriage with Mohd Azharuddin hit a rocky patch.

Somy Ali: After parting ways with Sangeeta Bijlani, Salman found solace in Somy Ali's arms. The Pakistani journalist-turned-actress, Somy claimed to have fallen for Salman at the age of 15. Though Somy's dad was quite against the relationship, the 'love- struck' couple remained oblivious to it. However, fate had something else written for Salman. Their closeness soon turned into hatred when Somy Ali came open to the open in the media and spoke about Salman's alcoholism. On the other hand, Salman who was a well known name in the industry chose to drift apart as he could not handle her immature behaviour Somy Ali met Salman through a common friend soon after her acting debut in 1993, at the age of 19. As per rumours, she could not tolerate Salman’s excessive drinking and abusive behaviour, and so left him in 1999. Rumours around them rekindling their love surfaced when Somy (born c.1976), accompanied him for a shooting schedule for Ready (2011). He now supports her NGO.

Aishwarya Rai: One of the most memorable affairs in Bollywood was when the then 21-year-old Aishwarya Rai came into Salman’s life while shooting for Hum Dil Chuke Sanam (1999). In March 2002, they had an ugly breakup and Ash’s family filed a police complaint against himThe world seems to have a continuing love affair with her and Salman was no different. Roped in opposite Aishwarya Rai (not Bachchan at that time) in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam'; it was love at first sight for Salman. He is rumoured to have gifted her a lavish bungalow and a high end car too. Though Aishwarya never admitted to the relationship openly, industry insiders vouched for the chemistry (read: love) that was brewing between them. But like the rest of his relationships, Salman again went through a heartbreak. All hell broke loose on the sets of 'Chalte Chalte', where Salman is said to have manhandled Aishwarya who was cast opposite SRK in the movie. It is also rumoured that Salman got into an ugly verbal exchange with the actor while he tried saving Aishwarya. After this episode, not only did Salman lose Aishwarya but lost his friendship with Shah Rukh Khan too. And now that Salman and Shah Rukh have ended their decade long feud, we wonder if Aishwarya is ready to forgive him too? Sneha Ullal: While Salman was in his rebound phase he came back with Aishwarya look- alike Sneha Ullal and gave her a dream debut 'Lucky'. The actress who was a friend of Salman's sister Alvira, was just 18 then. The sparks faded as soon as they flew

Sneha Ullal: After Ash, Sallu chose her lookalike Sneha Ullal, then 18. She reportedly befriended Salman's younger sister Arpita and became part of the Khan-daan. The two starred together in the dud Lucky (2005) and the spark seemed to have faded off soon after. later Sneha, born c.1988, started working in Telugu films. While Salman was in his rebound phase he came back with Aishwarya look- alike Sneha Ullal and gave her a dream debut 'Lucky'. The actress who was a friend of Salman's sister Alvira, was just 18 then. The sparks faded as soon as they flew

Katrina Kaif: Next in line was the ravishing beauty, Katrina Kaif. Salman’s last serious relationship was with actor Katrina Kaif. They broke up in 2010. Kat's career got a kickstart when Salman co-starred with her in Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya? (2005). While the two say they remain friends, Sallu reportedly got violent with her on the sets of Ek Tha Tiger (2012).After a failed and forgettable debut 'Boom', the actress sought help from Salman. Salman being a man of his words helped her bag a couple of films. Both seemed completely smitten by each other and the reports of Salman's true love again began making rounds. Katrina's career with the Salman starrer 'Maine Pyar Kyun Kiya' and there was no turning back for the actress after that. Though both remained in a state of constant denial in front of the media, paparazzi caught hold of them time and again sharing warm hugs and solace with each other

Claudia Ciesla Buzz was that German model, Claudia Ciesla, born c.1986, was the reason behind the Salman-Kat split. The rumours began after he invited her to his place. Salman had said, “Claudia is a very nice girl. I’ve introduced her to my family.” She, however, said they are ‘good friends’. Claudia continues to do small roles in films.

German supermodel-turned-actress Claudia Ciesla hoped to boost her career in Filmistan by participating in the third season of reality show ‘Bigg Boss,’ which Salman Khan then hosted.

‘I don’t see a problem with my English at all. I know I don’t speak Hindi as of now, but hopefully my ‘Bigg Boss’ inmates will teach me and I might catch up on the language in a few months,’ Claudia said in 2009. She featured in M.R. Shahjahan’s ‘Karma: Crime, Passion, Reincarnation’.

Zareen Khan: Again, during his rebound phase after a supposed fall- out with Katrina, he came back to the screen with Zareen Khan. The actress made news because of her uncanny resemblance to Katrina Kaif. It was expected that Zareen would finally light up Salman's life, but the pair became a dud just like their film (Veer) together Sallu’s lookalike fetish was further fanned by Zareen Khan, with whom he co-starred in Veer (2010) and was seen at many a late night party thereafter. Zareen, born c.1984, who looks like Katrina, however, denied the romance. The two will reportedly work together in Partner 2.

Mahek Chahel, Starlet, made an appearance with Salman in Wanted (2007) and participated in a reality show hosted by him in 2011. Salman was said to be biased towards her on the show, and grapevine suggested the two were more than just friends.

Salman was also linked with the new actresses he introduced in Bollywood through Jai Ho, Daisy Shah and Sana Khan.

Iulia Vantur Salman’s next rumoured girl, Romanian actor-anchor, Iulia Vantur, born c. 1981, met him [around 2012] on one of his trips abroad, and she has made two long trips to India ever since with Sallu as the host. Interestingly, he was introduced to Iulia by her then boyfriend, Marius Moga, and later, helped her get over him. She is a Romanian actor, Iulia Vantur. Though pictures of Iulia taking a jungle tour with Salman have been flashed all over, Iulia and Salman both have refrained from commenting on it.

Salman Khan had introduced his 'girlfriend' at his sister Arpita Khan's wedding [in Nov 2014]. The actor was accompanied by Iulia Vantur at the grand wedding that took place in Hyderabad, making it known to everyone that he and Iulia are in love. The report also quoted a source stating that Iulia is very comfortable with Salman Khan's family, and stays a stone's throw away from his apartment in Bandra. [There was speculation that] the actor was planning to marry Iulia []but because of the May 2015 verdict, marriage] may have to be kept on hold. The Times of India

Elli Avram: The latest tinselville bombshell to have caught Salman's attention is debutant Elli Avram. She may not have grabbed eyeballs because of her performance in 'Mickey Virus' but her debut stint in Bigg Boss 7 and 'hide and seek' chemistry with host Salman definitely raised eye brows

Romania’s "future Mrs Khan"

The March 21, 2016 issue of Click , which is Romania’s leading tabloid, referred to Iulia Vantur (spelt Iuliei Vântur, and not Iulia Vântur in Romanian) as "Doamna Khan" which translates as the "future Mrs Khan" (and not as "the royal Mrs Khan" as two of India’s most respected publications have translated it, and as late as on 16 August 2016 at that). For a full translation of that article , see Iulia Vantur .

Rivalries, misunderstandings--and patch-ups

Salman versus Shah Rukh: cold war

See the article Shah Rukh Khan vs. Salman Khan: the cold war

Vivek Oberoi vs. Salman Khan

OMG: Vivek Oberoi apologises to Salman Khan again?

The Times of India TNN | May 30, 2014

May 26 2014 was a historic day of sorts as it saw Narendra Modi taking oath as India's new Prime Minister, heralding a new era. However, it was a historic day for Bollywood as well as it saw arch-rivals Salman Khan and Vivek Oberoi present at the same venue and at the same time.

While Salman was attending Modi's swearing-in ceremony in Delhi with his father Salim Khan, Vivek made a solo performance. Though Salman was unfazed by Vivek's presence, Vivek shocked onlookers when he folded his hands to do a namaste to Salman.

While some feel that Vivek was greeting Salman and his father, gossipmongers feel that Vivek was apologising to Salman again.

Vivek had called a press conference against Salman Khan and spoke about how Khan was threatening him on SMS over his former girlfriend Aishwarya Rai.

Patch ups

Salman Khan’s new foe-turned-friends

The Times of India

Let’s look at a list of his enemies who have now become his good friends.

Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan have been enemies and rivals for so long that it is actually difficult to trace when their friendship turned sour. Not only are they the two biggest names of the industry and undisputed leaders of the Box-Office, they hold their separate camps of close friends in the industry. However, things changed when they greeted each other with the formal handshake and then hugged each other at Baba Siddiqui's Iftar party in Mumbai last year. In fact they hugged again at a recent awards ceremony and SRK sportingly said Jai Ho in front of the audience. Salman and SRK became enemies way back in 2003 also when Salman had barged on the sets of SRK's film Chalte Chalte in order to forcibly meet his then girlfriend Aishwarya Rai and created a ruckus. Things worsened when they had a fight on Katrina Kaif’s birthday a few years ago. Since then the two have been in the news for their box-office rivalry.

Hrithik Roshan, who has always shared a rocky equation with Salman, turned to the superstar for advice on matters of the heart. Hrithik, who is suffering from a heart break after his separation from wife Sussane, met Salman on New Year's Eve. News of a spat between the actors first surfaced when Salman criticized Hrithik’s film Guzaarish in 2010. Reports emerged that Salman did not allow Hrithik to promote his film ‘Krrish 3’ on Bigg Boss, whereas he welcomed Krrish heroines Priyanka Chopra and Kangana Ranaut in the show. However, things seem to have been resolved as Salman has become Hrithik’s love guru. In fact Hrithik even admitted that Salman has really added and contributed to his life in many ways.

Salman Khan, who was not on friendly terms with Shahid Kapoor, was touched when Shahid thanked the superstar at an awards ceremony recently. Shahid, who achieved success with his latest release R... Rajkumar, thanked Salman for not releasing a single movie in the year 2013. He conveyed that it was because of that his movie did well at the Box-Office. Salman, who was hosting the show, graciously accepted Shahid’s compliment and bonded with him on stage. In fact both Salman and Shahid danced to Agal Bagal from the movie Phata Poster Nikhla Hero. Several years back Salman had a fallout with Shahid when the latter offered him some professional help in 2006. This infuriated Salman, who called Shahid’s comment ‘immature’. Salman had tried to avenge his humiliation by getting him ousted from the show Rockstars. He also opted out of the film Milenge Milenge, in which he was to perform a cameo in a song. However, these issues have been resolved as Shahid recently appeared on Bigg Boss 7, hosted by Salman, to promote his film Phata Poster Nikhla Hero.

Priyanka Chopra, who was not very close to superstar Salman Khan, now considers Salman as her new good buddy in the industry. The actress recently admitted in a chat show that all issues were resolved between her and the Bigg Boss host. In fact Priyanka has allegedly called Salman her favourite co-star. According to rumours, the once-good friends had a fallout when Salman reportedly manipulated things to ensure that Katrina Kaif bagged the lead role in 2007's Namastey London. Priyanka was the original choice of the movie. Priyanka then turned down Sohail Khan’s Main Aurr Mrs Khanna. Salman also infuriated her by calling his close friend and Bodyguard co-star Kareena the "original desi girl". Also with Priyanka’s closeness with his rival Shah Rukh Khan, Priyanka was the one from the enemy camp. However, things have been resolved and the actress has been spotted coming out of Salman’s home in the middle of the night. In fact, Salman recently said,” 'Priyanka is a very dear friend of mine. I've really liked her. I think she's one of the most talented actresses. I love Priyanka Chopra. I think she is phenomenal.

Sonakshi and Prem Ratan Dhan Payo

The Times of India

Salman Khan, who will be seen in Sooraj Barjatya's next, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo reportedly advised the director, in August 2014, to not cast Sonakshi Sinha. Later, the role was grabbed by Sonam Kapoor.

Nawazuddin Siddiqui, not invited in Salman's parties

Here’s why Salman Khan doesn’t invite Nawazuddin Siddiqui to his parties, Mar 24, 2017: The Times of India

Salman Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui have forged one of the most uncanny and lasting on-screen friendships in their film 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan'. The two stars were previously seen in a cat-and-mouse chase in their superhit action flick 'Kick' and Nawaz was also cast in Salman's home production 'Freaky Ali'. One may think that their off-screen bond runs deep and that the two are often invited to the other's private bashes. However, in a recent interview, Nawazuddin revealed that, that was not the case. He claimed that Salman has stopped inviting him to his many parties and private bashes.

Before you jump to any conclusions, Nawazuddin explained that as he often feels "uncomfortable at a typical desi party" he has almost always turned down the actor's invitations. Now, he says people in the industry know better than to invite him, as they know his reply will always be 'no'.

Nawazuddin Siddiqui reveals his equation with Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Aamir Khan and Irrfan Khan

Although he shies away from Bollywood parties, the actor has no qualms when it comes to walking the red carpet at various international festivals like Sundance, Berlin and Cannes.


Khan’s online market vs. Delhi’s Khan Market

Why is Delhi's Khan Market miffed with Salman Khan? [

New Delhi/ Mumbai, Dec 30: Bollywood actor Salman Khan, who turned 50-year-old on Dec 27, 2015 forayed into another business venture with, especially for his fans.

But the superstar earned the wrath of Delhi's extremely popular Khan Market, as the same name of Khan's online portal may reduce its shoppers.

According to The Times of India report, Khan Market Traders Association planned to sue the actor. The portal has opened registration but is expected to begin its operations shortly.

Established in 1951, Khan Market in central Delhi attracts lots of shoppers not only from Delhi, but also foreign tourists. It has around 154 shops and 35 food outlets.

Khan Market in New Delhi is the most expensive retail location in India and the 24th worldwide, a report by global real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield said on Thursday, Dec 17.

On the eve of his 50th birthday, Salman had tweeted, 'Thank u for ur bday wishes . Means a lot to me . Aur yeh raha aapka return gift, a gift for my fans . register now for a special treat . and lots more to come.'

Personal glimpses

24 lesser-known facts about Salman

20 interesting unknown facts about Salman Khan/India Today<> Top 5 interesting facts about Salman Khan / The Times of India

His full name is Abdul Rashid Salim Salman Khan.

Salman studied acting at actress Daisy Irani's institute along with his friends Sajid Khan and Chunky Pandey.

Salman suffers from trigeminal neuralgia, a facial nerve disorder, also known as the suicide disease.

Two fatwas have been issued against him - one relates to the wax statue of him in Madame Tussaud's, the second is in connection to his presence at Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations.

He is the only actor to have had five back to back 100 Crore plus films. 'Dabangg' (2010), 'Ready' (2011), 'Bodyguard' (2011), 'Ek Tha Tiger' (2012) and 'Dabangg 2' (2012).

Salman Khan is popular with all age groups. The actor has made a mark for himself in Bollywood. He is one actor who doesn’t bother about Box Office reports, but considers his fans as his biggest assets. Salman has always been appreciated for his simplicity.

He is one of the few actors, who made it to People magazine's list for being one of the most handsome men ever in the world. He thrilled his fans with his undying charm and bindaas attitude.

Every celebrity has a fascination about things and their fans always keep a check on it. There's an interesting piece of news for Salman’s fans. The actor has a soap fixation. Reportedly, his bathroom at home is stacked with soap. He loves natural fruit and vegetable extracts when it comes to soap. The actor prefers natural ingredients in his bathroom and has soaps of every type. Apart from soap, the actor has has an interest in cars. Salman loves to drive a BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Land Cruisers.

Ever thought Salman Khan as a swimmer ? Yes, the actor as a child was an excellent swimmer. He was even considered to represent India at swim meets when he was in school. He would have chosen swimming as a career if not acting.

The actor has also tried his hands on producing films, writing for films like Veer and hosting a TV reality show like Bigg Boss.

He wanted to be a writer. The story of 'Baaghi: A rebel for Love' was Salman's idea for which he was given credit in the film. He also wrote films like 'Veer' and 'Chandramukhi'.

Salman Khan, who entered Bollywood with Biwi Ho To Aisi, grabbed attention with Maine Pyar Kiya. Salman witnessed popularity and girls went gaga over him. The actor was jobless even after receiving appreciation for his performance in Maine Pyar Kiya. In an interview to a leading newspaper, Salman claimed that he was at home for six months after Maine Pyar Kiya. In tough times, his friends were beside him and always supported him. Now, the actor has completed 25 years in Bollywood and continues to be one of the most wanted Khan of the industry.

Salman is known as the most wanted Khan of Bollywood. His fans call him Salman, Sallu, Dabangg Khan and also the Khan with a golden heart. However, the actor's real name is Abdul Rashid Salim Salman Khan. He gets upset when people call him Sallu and is popular amongst kids. He too joined the bandwagon of actors who modified their names for the big screen. The actor is popularly known as Prem after the success of Maine Pyar Kiya and he has used the same name for many of his films.

Salman Khan has painted the Jai Ho posters [ie he did the artwork for those posters]. It is said that Aamir Khan's home has several paintings by Salman.

Salman Khan did his first playback singing for the film 'Hello Brother'.

Salman's favourite actor is Sylvester Stallone and favourite actress is Hema Malini.

Salman Khan has never done intimate/ kissing scenes on screen, nor has he gone for a lip lock.

Salman loves Chinese food and his favourite restaurant is China Garden in Mumbai.

During the shooting in Turkey for Ek Tha Tiger, he often visited a restaurant which was ultimately named as 'The Salman Restaurant'.

Salman flew his own cook to London from Mumbai to dish up biryani to the cast and crew of the movie London Dreams who were sick of eating continental food.

Salman has launched some of the biggest stars of Bollywood such as Himesh Reshammiya, Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Sajid-Wajid.

He has launched eight heroines in Bollywood: Bhagyashree in 'Maine Pyar Kiya', Nagma in 'Baaghi', Chandni in 'Sanam Bewafa', Bhumika Chawla in 'Tere Naam', Sneha Ullal in 'Lucky', Zarine Khan in 'Veer', Sonakshi Sinha in 'Dabangg' and Daisy Shah in 'Jai Ho'.

S alman is known for giving expensive gifts like BMW to Kareena, 4 BHK flat to Katrina and several Rolex watches to Zayed Khan.

Apart from the Galaxy apartment that Salman Khan lives in, the actor also owns a farmhouse in Panvel and a house in Hydra Towers, Jumeriah Village, Dubai.

Dirty dancing

If Salman shakes his derriere, the rest of the world follows and the actor is to blame for all the pelvic thrusting we see on dance floors across the country. Be it the towel dance from Mujhse Shaadi Karoge or the choreography of Dabangg which uses a belt as a prop, the complete lack of finesse does not seem to deter Salman fans. The moves are then replicated everywhere, from reality TV to kinder garten talent contests

Hair raising stuff

Salman's fans are a loyal bunch and they readily follow their idol into territories beyond good taste. A prime example is the infamous Tere Naam haircut. The actor played a man driven to madness by love and Salman's hair is testimony to the crazed state of the character's mind, gelled, long tresses parted in the middle. No one in his right mind would have emulated the look but millions of Sallu fans did and a trend was born.


In August 2016 Salman told the press who his best friends were. The list was topped by Sanjay Dutt and Shah Rukh Khan

When asked about his 'girl'friends, Salman Khan said his closest friend was former girlfriend Katrina Kaif.

Shirt off his back

The actor's hairy chest was splashed across the poster of the 1989 release Maine Pyaar Kiya, with Bhagyashree clinging to his knee. There began the macho posturing which has since become Salman's signature stance. It was after his 1988 hit Pyar Kiya To Darna Kya that his torso gained a fan following of its own. All and sundry have since joined the six-pack pack but no one does it better or more often than Salman, the original bare-chested hero.

Feroza, and other wrist candy

The Times of India

Blue eyed beauty

The Katrinas and the Aishwaryas may come and go, but a certain Feroza has stood by Salman through it all. The actor is rarely seen without his chunky bracelet with a blue stone and the accessory is now as much a part of Salman's pop culture oeuvre as his shiny, slippery chest. The bracelet is a Khan family tradition with Sallu's father Salim Khan too sporting one. The latest nod to Feroza came with Imran Khan sporting a similar one in OUATIMD.

What happens when Salman Khan loses what he values most in his life? His staff, drivers and bodyguards run for their lives. Salman Khan lost his firoza bracelet, at a party at his Panvel farmhouse.

A friend pointed out to him that the bracelet was gone, Salman didn't lose his cool but his face went blank. A frantic search followed but when his father's gift to him didn't turn up, he almost lost hope

Help came in an unlikely form. Actor Ashmit Patel, who recently teamed up with the superstar in Jai Ho, found the bracelet in the bottom of the swimming pool. You should have seen the relief on Salman's face.

Memorabilia and famed possessions

Salman Khan items we should keep in a museum The Times of India

His ripped blue jeans: How can we talk about Salman Khan's most eye-catching appearances and not mention his blue ripped jeans from the movie Pyar Kiya To Darna Kya. His blue jeans in the song 'O O Jaane Jaana' tops the list of his items that should be kept in a museum. Social media has been abuzz with Salman's shirtless appearances, and fans can never get enough of his bare chested looks. However, it is his shirtless look in 'O O Jaane Jaana' that still drives the nation crazy. What makes him look even more delectable in the song is his guitar and ripped jeans.

Towel: Salman Khan's crazy towel dance from the song 'Jeene Ke Hain Chaar Din' is one of the craziest and entertaining songs he has ever done. Women drooled over Salman's muscular looks and an attitude to-die-for in the song. The towel dance emerged as one of the highlights of 2014, when Salman, Shah Rukh, Aamir and Rajat Sharma performed this at the celebration of 21 years of Aap Ki Adalat.

A picture of Salman Khan's bald look: Salman Khan's bald look in Tere Naam broke a million hearts. His heart-touching performance in the movie vouches for his acting talent. While this was the first and perhaps the last time Salman went bald, we would definitely like to keep a picture of Salman in his bald look. Salman's Tere Naam hairstyle in the first half of the movie was also added to the list of most memorable hairstyles of Bollywood. Many youngsters were seen sporting the hairstyle soon after the movie was released.

His bracelet: Salman Khan is among the very few actors in Bollywood who are known for breaking their own box office records. And apart from his acting abilities and magnetic screen presence, what he thinks plays an important part in making his films click is his turquoise stone bracelet. Salman Khan is never seen without his turquoise bracelet, on or off-screen. Salman's father, Salim Khan too wears a similar bracelet and considers it to be lucky.

His 'chashma': We don't think Dabangg franchise could have created such a hit style statement without Chulbul Pandey's famous 'chashma'. Not only the way he kept his shades made headlines, but it also gave Chulbul Pandey the much needed edge over other stars, who have played cops on- screen. His shades became such a hit that other stars too started sporting them at various promotional events.

Paris Hilton: Dec 2014

Paris Hilton came to Pune in Dec 2014 to perform at a private party. Her 'good friend' Salman Khan was, naturally, invited. So was singer Mika Singh.

The two Indian guys got so carried away by the international celebrity in their midst—that they gifted Paris Hilton some of the jewellery that they wore. (See picture elsewhere on this page)

Salman Khan took off his favourite bracelet and put it on Paris Hilton's wrist.

Not to be left behind, Mika got so caught up in the mood of the party that he took off the beautiful diamond Sikh Khanda necklace he was wearing. Salman helped Paris Hilton wear it.

Some box office numbers (2007-11)

Adapted from The

Leading Actor in 5 films, with $199,874,714 worldwide aggregate box office (rank #591)

Most productive collaborators: Kabir Khan, Siddique, Katrina Kaif, Aditya Chopra, Anees Bazmee




Box Office

Box Office


Dabangg 2

Rs.252 crore







Ek Tha Tiger/

Rs374 crore









Rs306 crore









Rs232 crore









Rs282 crore















(some error?)



Rs120 crore









Pr: Charles Salmon

Writer Dir: Willard Carroll





Disapproval of Salman’s Eid releases

Muslim cleric asks devotees to stay away from Salman Khan films on Eid?

The Times of India TNN | Jul 29, 2014

Salman Khan’s films are often released to coincide with the festival of Eid. This has not gone down well with a Qazi of Bhopal. (Thousands of other Qazis have no objection.)

According to a report in Hindustan Times, thousands of devotees gathered at Bhopal's Eidgah for the Id-ul-Fitr namaaz in July 2014. And reportedly the Qazi there asked the devotees to not watch any film on Eid.

Without taking Salman Khan's name, he hinted 'Har saal uski film release hoti hai' (every year his film is released on Eid). He went on to urge the devotees to stop watching films on Eid.

The report further states there are messages circulated on mobile applications saying don't go and watch his films on Eid and he will stop releasing his films on Eid.

In early 2014 Salman's Jai Ho didn't do well at the Box Office and according to the report, there were rumours that clerics had run a campaign against Salman Khan after he was spotted with Narendra Modi [who was then the Chief Minister of Gujarat and was on his way to becoming the Prime Minister of India]. However the clerics stayed away from politics and cited religious reasons for the same.

Ingredients of a Salman Khan film

What you will surely find in a Salman Khan film

The Times of India

Salman Khan greets his fans on Eid (normally Eid ul Fitr) with a new film.

Only Salman Khan can fight on the roof of an electric train in Ek Tha Tiger besides crossing the rail track just a foot away from the speeding train in Kick. Jumping from very high rooftops and shooting from both the hands is also child’s play for the bhai. The actor is just a year away from entering his 50s but can still put even the fittest newcomers to shame with his never-seen before action sequences.

Salman Khan is ageless at 48 but confidently pairs up with actresses half his age. The actor has launched several newcomers opposite himself in big banner films. After pairing up with Zarine Khan in Veer, Daisy Shah in Jai Ho and Sonakshi Sinha in Dabangg, Salman Khan is now all set to share screen space with former Miss Sri Lanka Jacqueline Fernandez. The Lankan diva is twenty-years younger to Salman but she is still one of many B-town babes wishing to work with Salman Khan.

Even though a Salman Khan film is loaded with action-sequences and dance numbers, it cannot be over without a shirtless scene. His fans wait for him to remove his shirt on screen atleast once in a film. Unless he flaunts his six-pack abs and hits a one-liner, the film is far from over, no matter how serious the situation is. The hunk began his shirtless gimmick from the ‘O o Jaane Jana’ number and carried on the trend throughout his career.

Salman Khan can act, fight and dance without a break. The actor is known for his most memorable dance numbers and is counted among the best dancers of Bollywood. However, he doesn’t forget to add a special Salman touch to his every dance number. From his belt shaking act in ‘Hud Hud Dabangg’ to the towel act in ‘Jawani Phir Na Aaye’, Salman Khan knows the art of creating a musical anthem by introducing a customized dance step.

Salman Khan is a style trend in himself and no filmmaker has ever questioned him over his Turquoise bracelet. Salman is identified with the silver chain bracelet and was seen wearing it in the film Jai Ho. Salman considers the bracelet as his lucky charm which was gifted to him by his father Salim Khan. Moreover, the bracelet is now a popular accessory among the boys and is sold throughout the markets as ‘the Salman Khan bracelet’. Focus more and you can catch the actor with the bracelet in several films.

A new persona in Kick

Kick: Things Salman Khan is doing for the first time! The Times of India

Kick (2014) is a remake of a 2009 South Indian blockbuster with the same name.

Salman Khan's fans will see him sharing screen space with Sri Lankan beauty Jacqueline Fernandez for the first time. In all the six films she's acted in so far, Jacqueline Fernandez has never dubbed her own lines. However, Salman Khan was categorical that she makes her 'voice debut' with Kick and Jacqueline has dubbed for her character in the film.

Salman, was seen in a new look in Kick started sporting a beard when he turned up in Dubai for the premiere of Jai Ho. He grew a moustache and beard for a crucial sequence in Kick. Salman decided he didn't want a paste-up job this time. Kick marks the directorial debut of Sajid Nadiadwala and is Salman Khan’s Eid Release. Salman has a personality that makes him the true Dabangg star of B’town.

Salman wore a mask in the film. Salman played a grey character in the film.

This time Salman made the audience sit on the edge of their seats with his dark avatar. Salman Khan's 'Kick' sees him as a character with many faces, but the most important him being 'The Devil' in the film. Like his other films, Salman too has a famous dialogue that says, "Main dil mein aata hoon, samajh mein nahin."

In Kick Salman was seen doing different stunts. There is a sequence to be shot which required Salman to hang from the 40th floor of the Palace of Culture and Science, which is the tallest building in Poland. To the shock of everyone, Salman chose to do this scene himself without a body double. What catches the attention is the scene where he pushes aside the cycle and walks confidently in front of a train.

Complete filmography

...with the box office rank of each film

As an actor...

Salman Khan with Zarine Khan in Veer 2010
Salman Khan with Kareena - in Bodyguard 2011
Salman Khan with Katrina Kaif in her cameo in Bodyguard 2011
Claudia Ciesla
Lulia Vantur
Sana Khan
Shaheen Jaffrey, model
Somy Ali


1988 Biwi Ho To Aisi No. 40. Salman made his debut as the younger brother of the main male lead. The film was a super-flop

1989 Rajshri films were still at that stage of their fortunes when everything they touched turned to platinum and diamond. However, the heroes and heroines of their mega-hit films normally sank into obscurity after that one chart-topper made by Rajshri (think Dosti, Dulhan Wohi Jo Piya Man Bhaye or even the heroine of Maine Pyar Kiya).

1989 Maine Pyar Kiya No. 1 on all charts. Salman's first film in a lead role hit the jackpot.

1990 Baaghi: A Rebel for Love No. 7 or no. 12. The film did well by any standards--and even better considering its middling budget.

1991 Saajan indicated that Salman belonged to the top rungs. Sanam Bewafa, too, did well,

1991 Saajan No. 2. True, Salman played the second lead and lost the girl to the main lead (Sanjay Dutt) but the country now had a new A-list star. Maine Pyar Kiya, thus, had been no flash in the pan,

1991 Sanam Bewafa No. 7 or no.14, depending on the chart consulted.

1991 Love No.22 A sweet film that did not do well at the box office.

1991 Patthar Ke Phool No. 23

1991 Kurbaan No. 25

1992 Not a good year for Salman. All his films tanked, and quite badly so.

1992 Ek Ladka Ek Ladki No. 36

1992 Suryavanshi No. 42.

1992 Nishchaiy Not in the top 50.

1993 Chandra Mukhi Not in the top 50.

1993 Another bad year. But the goodwill earned by Maine Pyar Kiya continued to get Salman roles.

1993 Jaagruti No. 25

1993 Dil Tera Aashiq No. 36

1993 Pyara Bharat Yeh Kahe (Television film)

1994 Despite two bad years Filmistan did not write the future superstar off. As a result, in 1994 Salman was back at the very top. And how.

1994 Hum Aapke Hain Koun...! No.1. Another Rajshri film--the biggest of their hits ever but also their last major hit to date--brought Salman back to the top. Many analysts rank HAHK right up there with Sholay and Mughal e Azam as among the biggest hits in Indian cinema history.

1994 Andaz Apna Apna No. 5 on IbosNetwork, but not in BoxOfficeIndia's Top 25. An online article in The Times of India placed the film among 'flops with a cult status.' However, the film was extremely popular with educated, middle class audiences. And IbosNetwork is normally quite reliable.

1994 Chaand Kaa Tukdaa No. 30.

1994 Sangdil Sanam Not in the Top 50.

1995 brought Salman back to the top: not that HAHK, which ran for 50 continuous weeks in small towns and longer in places like Mumbai, had allowed him to go anywhere else despite the flop of films like Chaand Kaa Tukdaa and Sangdil Sanam.

1995 Karan Arjun No.2. By now Salman was one of the three highest paid stars in India. He was one of the Three Khans. Mr Bachchan's decline had begun, while Hrithik Roshan was nowhere on the horizon.

1995 Veergati No. 15 was a respectable rank, but not one to celebrate.

1996 Jeet alone ensured that Salman retained his position among the top actors.

1996 Jeet No. 4

1996 Khamoshi: The Musical No.17.

1996 Majhdhaar Not in the Top 50.

1996 Dushman Duniya Ka Not in the Top 50. In any case it was only a cameo.

1997 Salman had two successful films.

1997 Deewana Mastana No.5

1997 Judwaa No.7

1997 Auzaar No. 23

1997 Dus Not in the Top 50.

1998 Three films in the Top 8, plus a toehold in the year's biggest hit. Another good year for Salman.

1998 Kuch Kuch Hota Hai A cameo in the year's no.1 hit.

1998 Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya No.4

1998 Bandhan No.7

1998 Jab Pyaar Kisise Hota Hai No.8

1998 Sar Utha Ke Jiyo Not in the Top 50. A cameo in a C- film.

1999 Salman was in the lead in the three biggest hits of the year. A great year for him.

1999 Hum Saath-Saath Hain: We Stand United Ibos ranks the film as the year's No.1 hit. The audiences panned it but the momentum generated by HAHK propelled it to no.1

1999 Biwi No.1 No.2

1999 Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam No.3

1999 Hello Brother No.15 The film was a 'home production,' made to give brother Arbaaz Khan a chance to become an actor and to enable another brother, Sohail Khan, to direct (and produce) a film

1999 Jaanam Samjha Karo No.15

1999 Sirf Tum (Cameo) Not in the Top 50.


2000 This year belonged to debutant Hrithik Roshan--and many a Salman fan was heard wishing a premature death for young Hrithik, who was perceived as a threat to Salman's position as the heartthrob of Hindi-Urdu audiences. However, it was not as if Salman had a bad year. He had the no.6 and 9 hits, showing that India has enough room (and a big enough heart) for everyone.

2000 Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega... No.6

2000 Dulhan Hum Le Jayenge No.9

2000 Chal Mere Bhai No.14

2000 Dhaai Akshar Prem Ke No,24. A cameo

2000 Kahin Pyaar Na Ho Jaaye No.30 An unexpected disaster at the box office.

2001 Just one release, but it did well.

2001 Chori Chori Chupke Chupke No.9

2002 By the year 2000 megastar Amitabh Bachchan had made a grand comeback and Shahrukh Khan was enthroned at the very top. Salman, on the other hand, was going through a lukewarm period.

2002 Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam No.9

2002 Tumko Na Bhool Paayenge No.23. A well meant film that did badly at the box office.

2002 Yeh Hai Jalwa No.34. Another unexpected disaster.

2003 Salman's lukewarm spell continued to dog him.

2003 Baghban No.3. Baghban was 61-year-old Mr Bachchan's film all the way, but it was Salman;s cameo that brightened up the film and prevented it from sinking into terminal depression.

2003 Tere Naam No.13

2003 Love at Times Square (Cameo) Not in the Top 50.

2004 Mujhse Shaadi Karogi, a David Dhawan comedy in which he shared the lead with Akshay Kumar, was the only silver lining as Salman's lukewarm period continued.

2004 Mujhse Shaadi Karogi No.5

2004 Garv: Pride and Honour No.15

2004 Dil Ne Jise Apna Kaha No.26

2004 Phir Milenge No.44

2004 Indian Idol (TV Series)

2005 No Entry was the one bright spark that year.

2005 No Entry No. 2 This multi-star comedy resurrected Salman's standing among the highest paid actors, but other stars and over-the-top director Anees Bazmee were equally responsible for its success.

2005 Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya No.11 This home production (produced by brother Sohail), a comedy directed by David Dhawan, was meant to give a booster dose to Salman's career. It did above average business.

2005 Lucky: No Time for Love No.17. A spectacularly mounted film (with classical Russian oil paintings and interiors, as well Russian army tanks providing stunning backdrops) that was a below-average earner.

2005 Kyon Ki... No.23

2006 A decidedly poor year for Salman.

2006 Jaan-e-Mann: Let's Fall in Love... Again No.13

2006 Baabul No.17

2006 Saawan... The Love Season No.36. Cameo

2006 Shaadi Karke Phas Gaya Yaar A total write off. Not in the Top 50.

2007 Partner was the only good thing that happened to Salman's career in 2007.

2007 Partner No.3.

2007 Salaam-e-Ishq No.12. This was a 216-minute film of epic proportions, considering the budget of which no.12 was a bad rank. In any case it had five or six leading men.

2007 Saawariya No.14. A cameo

2007 Marigold A Hollywood film that did not do well.

2008 A very bad year for Salman's career.

2008 Yuvvraaj No.24. A film with a rich visual presence that did badly because the story belonged to the 1960s.

2008 God Tussi Great Ho No.27

2008 Heroes No.31

2008 Hello No.32

2009 Wanted, which was Salman's only success that year, had no reason to be a hit except for Salman's resurgent star power. With hindsight it is clear that Wanted broke Salman's seven-and-a-half year lean spell and heralded his return to the top rungs.

2009 Wanted No. 3

2009 London Dreams No.18

2009 Main Aurr Mrs Khanna No. 35. A small role in a 'home production' meant to help brother Sohail Khan's acting career.

2010 A great year. Though Veer did not do well, just on the strength of Dabangg's massive success. unofficially Salman Khan was being talked about, for the first time in his career, as North India's biggest star, ahead of Shahrukh Khan.

2010 Dabangg No.1 among Hindi-Urdu films./ Rs145 crore net income (Rajinikanth's Tamil/ Telugu/ Hindi-Urdu film Robot did better in the combined charts.) Dabangg set new records for Hindi-Urdu films.

2010 Veer No. 16

2010 Dance India Dance (TV Series)

2010 Prem Kaa Game (voice only)

2011--the present

2011 With the two highest grossers of the year, Salman was clearly the no.1 actor in Hindi-Urdu films in terms of commercial success.

2011 Bodyguard No.1/ Rs 142 crore net income

2011 Ready No. 2/ Rs 120 crore net income

2011 Koochie Koochie Hota Hai Not in the Top 50. Salman gave his voice to an animated film

2011 Tell Me O Kkhuda Not in the Top 50. Cameo.

2012 For the second year in a row Salman helmed the two top hits of the year. There was no doubt left that now he was the most saleable star in Hindi-Urdu films.

2012 Ek Tha Tiger No.1, No star--not even Amitabh Bachchan or Shahrukh Khan--had ever dared ask Yash Raj films to pay them their going market rate, because it was such an honour to act in YR films. Salman, then in the most successful period of his career, insisted--and got away with it. The film's success justified his stance.// Rs 198 crore net income

2012 Dabangg2 No.2. With a very ordinary script, the film had no business to be such a monster hit, except that it starred the new no. 1--and that it was a sequel to a historic hit.// Rs 158.50 crore net income

2012 Son of Sardaar No.11. Cameo.

2012 Diya Aur Baati Hum (TV Series)

2013 Bad spells do not last forever. Nor does good luck. There was no Salman release in 2013. Meanwhile Shahrukh had crawled out of his own lukewarm period with the monster hit Chennai Express. If the film finished only at no.2 in 2013 it was only because the Dhoom series was even bigger and Amir Khan had delivered the most successful film of his career with Dhoom 3 . Another much-loved franchise, Krrish, accounted for the year's third biggest hit with the Hrithik Roshan starrer, Krrish 3.


No Salman release in 2013 and a big-budget flop in 2014. Salman briefly went through another lean spell. However, his superstardom was Kick-started in July 2014 all over again--just before Eid ul Fitr.

2014 Jai Ho A very sincere and interesting film that did not go down well with the audiences--apparently it was too earnest and too do-gooding to bring in the crowds. The film was generally declared a flop. This is a superficial view. This probably means that it was unsuccessful with regard to its big budget. (Of the more successful films of the first half of 2014, only Holiday was a big-budget film.) Super Cinema called it a semi-hit and ranks it at no.10 among the box-office hits of the first half of 2014, BoxOfficeIndia, too, rated it as a 'semi-hit,' below the seven hits of the first half of 2014. However, one trade magazine reports that it was the highest earner of the first half of 2014. See also Hindi-Urdu cinema: 2010-19// Rs 111 crore net income: for a star other than Salman anything more than Rs100 crore would mean a major hit.

2014 Kick was a mega-hit. Its lifetime domestic earnings are estimated at Rs233 crore.Koimoi No.1 hit of the year.

For detailed box-office figures, see Kick (2014)


2015 was Salman's year. Salman has unofficially been no.1 since 2010, but SRK kept popping up from behind to reassert his claim, and Amir set almost unbeatable records with Dhoom 3 and PK. 2015 saw Salman Khan arrive as the undisputed no.1.

2015 Bajrangi Bhaijaan No.1 hit of the year. It was Salman Khan’s 8th consecutive Rs.100 crore film and second consecutive Rs.200 crore film. It became a mega-hit, earning around Rs626 crore gross and becoming the no.2 grosser in Indian film history. On all counts it overtook Kick.

For detailed box-office figures, see Bajrangi Bhaijaan

2015 Prem Ratan Dhan Payo opened to a very good response at the box office, and good reviews. It was Salman's all-time highest first-day grosser, having grossed Rs 40 crore on day one. It was Salman Khan’s 9th consecutive Rs.100 crore film (However, imdb's readers gave it only 5.7/ 10 after five days.) By its 22nd day it had earned Rs399 crore gross worldwide. No.2 hit of the year.

See Prem Ratan Dhan Payo for updated figures; and Box office records of Hindi-Urdu films


2016: Sultan No.1 hit of the year. It earned Rs 105 crore in its first 3 days,(beating Bajrangi Bhaijaan's record). It was a mega hit. It was also Salman Khan’s 10th consecutive Rs.100 crore film.

At Rs.300.45crore, the film had the highest Domestic gross among Hindi-Urdu films: 2016.

See Sultan (2016) for regularly updated figures.


Tubelight was Salman Khan’s own film, had modest ambitions and, for a Salman Khan film, a moderate budget. Its Domestic gross, ₹121.25 crore, can only be described as average and, till Tiger Zinda Hai came along, was the 7th highest among Hindi-Urdu films: 2017. No, the film was not a flop.

Tiger Zinda Hai got off to a very good start, with the 4th highest opening day in Hindi-Urdu film history.

As a story-writer

1990 Baaghi: A Rebel for Love (story idea)

1993 Chandra Mukhi (story idea)

2010 Veer (story)

As a singer

1999 Hello Brother

2008 Yuvvraaj

2009 Wanted

2010 Dabangg

2011 Bodyguard

Hit songs filmed on Salman

This is a list of some of the most popular songs lip-synched by Salman Khan

Selected by Sanoobar Patel 27th December 2012

Salman Khan has sung songs in the five films mentioned in his Filmography. However, he has lip-synced some of the most popular songs of his era.

i) Didi Tera Devar Deewana – Hum Aapke Hai Koun…! (1994)

Opposite: Madhuri Dixit

ii) Chalti Hai Kya Nau Se Baara – Judwaa (1997)

Opposite: Karisma Kapoor

iii) O O Jaane Jaana – Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya (1998)

With junior artistes.

Patel writes ‘The song went onto win the Filmfare Award for Male Playback Singer and Khan won best actor.’

iv) Saajanji Ghar Aaye – Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998)

Opposite: Kajol

v) Tere Naam – Tere Naam (2003)

By himself.

vi) Soni De Nakhre – Partner (2007)

With Govinda and Katrina Kaif.

vii) Tumhe Aksa Beach Ghuma Doon – God Tussi Great Ho (2008)

By himself

viii) Don’t Say Alvida – Main aur Mrs Khanna (2009)

Opposite Kareena Kapoor

ix) Teri Meri – Bodyguard (2011)

Opposite Kareena Kapoor

Playback singing by: Rahat Fateh Ali Khan

x) Udd Udd Dabangg – Dabangg (2010)

With junior artistes.

xi) Pandey ji seeti bajayein Dabangg 2 (2012)

With junior artistes.

Sister Arpita Khan

See Arpita Khan

Brother Sohail Khan’s legal problems

According to a report in Mid-day, the actor-producer is finding himself in the middle of a legal battle as his manager had delayed the payment of his staff's salaries. Apparently, one of the five disgruntled employees has sought redressal by moving the Labour court. A source has been quoted in the report as saying that the five employees waited for their dues of nearly Rs 1 lakh from Sohail's office for over four months. Apparently, tired with the wait, one of the five employees decided to file a petition with the Labour court. He has also sent two notices to the actor's manager which haven't been responded to. The actor has however rubbished the allegations. The Times of India

The authors of this article include

i) 27 Reasons Why Salman Khan Is Better Than Other Bollywood Stars Facebook18 February 2011

ii) 9 Interesting facts about Salman Khan By Editorial @indiacom/ Aadil Ikram | February 21, 2014

iii) Salman Khan - the original trendsetter of Bollywood/ Mumbai Mirror | Aug 23, 2013/ The Times of India

As Salman celebrates 25 years in the industry, here's looking at his trendsetting moments

iv) Salman Khan's sister Arpita Khan's alleged boyfriends The Times of India

See also

The Filmography in this article looks at the box office success of every Salman film.

Indpaedia has done similar analyses of the box office success of every film starring

Amitabh Bachchan

Dilip Kumar and


See also

Bajrangi Bhaijaan

Prem Ratan Dhan Payo

Sultan (2016)


Salman Khan, film actor

Salman Khan: hit-and-run case, 2002

Shah Rukh Khan vs. Salman Khan: the cold war

Arpita Khan, sister

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