Sasta Sahitya Mandal

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Press Information Bureau

SSM is a Trust established by Mahatma Gandhi in 1925 and mandated to promote, develop and publish high class literature in Hindi and to make it available to the public at affordable prices. Since its inception SSM has brought out more than 2500 titles on Indian culture, heritage, Indian epics, & stories and has created a huge corpus of children literature to infuse in them the values of life and love for the nation and humanity.

Steps taken by government to promote literature

February 2017: Ministry of Information & Broadcasting

Press Information Bureau

MoU signed between Publications Division and Sasta Sahitya Mandal for Joint Publication of books

Publications Division, a Media Unit under Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and Sasta Sahitya Mandal (SSM) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for joint publication of books on heroes of freedom struggle, cultural leaders and other eminent personalities who worked towards Nation development. The agreement is a joint initiative between the two organisations to sensitise the young generation about India’s rich and diverse culture and history. It would promote availability of good literature for the people on diverse topics.

The MoU included joint publication of a set of 20 books out of which 10 books will be selected through each other’s catalogue. In addition a set of 10 small new books would be finalized on topics such as the freedom struggle, Indian culture, ethics and values for Joint Publication. The agreement would also provide an opportunity, for both the organizations to enhance their reach by displaying and offering on sale any of publications published by either of the organizations. This MOU is valid for three years from the date of signing of this MOU, which can be extendable for similar terms by mutual agreement.

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