Rewari Town

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Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts. Some units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.

Rewari Town

(Rtwdn ). Head-quarters of the tahsil of the same name in Gurgaon District, Punjab, situated in 28 12' N and 76 38' E., on the Delhi and Jaipur road, 32 miles south-west of Gurgaon, and the junction of the Rewan-Bhatmda branch with the main line of the Rajpu tana-Mai wa Railway , distant by rail from Calcutta 1,008 miles, from Bombay 838, and from Karachi 904 Population (1901), 27,295, including 14,702 Hindus and 11,673 Muhammadans. Rewari was foimerly a halting -place on the trade road from Delhi to Rajpu tana, celebrated for the manufacture of brass and pewter. These manufac- tures are still carried on , but since the opening of the railway the chief importance of the town lies in ith trade in gram and sugar, sent west- ward, while salt and iron from Alwar are forwarded to the United Provinces.

The ruins of Old Rewari, which local tradition connects with a nephew of Pnthwl Raj, he some distance to the east of the present town and are said to have been built about 1000 by Raja Reo 01 Rawat, who called it after his daughter Rewati. Under the Mughals, Rewari was the head-quarters of a sarkdr^ but its Raja seems to have been almost independent. In the reign of Aurangzeb the town and territory of Rewari were obtained by a family of Ahirs, who held them until annexation by the British. Rewari was brought directly under British administration in 1808-9, and tn e village of Bharawas in its vicinity was until 1816 the head-quarters of the District. The municipality was created in 1867, The income during the ten yeais ending 1902-3 averaged Rs. 56,300, and the expenditure Rs, 58,100, In 1903-4 the income amounted to Rs. 48,800, chiefly derived from octroi, and the expenditure to Rs. 56,400. Rewan contains the only high school in the District, managed by the Educational department. The town has a Government dispensary, and another belonging to the S. P. G. Mission in charge of a lady doctor.

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