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Children can create a stutter at an early on age and for the parents it can be described as a very worrying time. It is difficult to learn how to proceed. Parents wonder if it's just an thing or just a phase. They think about whether to simply take their child with a form of speech therapy, however fear that that might be an over-reaction.

I myself designed a stutter at the age of four or five. My mother had left work when I was created to maintain me and I began to talk as typical. Until I started college everything was fine. My mother who now had more hours on her behalf hands decided to re-start work and I'd now be going to a friend of the familys after school. This friend was called Jean and she had a son my age called Graham. On the very first day I spent at her home every thing was going well till We were called by Jean set for our dinner. Meal times at my own personal house were an extremely comfortable matter, we were able to eat our food wherever we wanted to in the house.

At Jean's house they ate in a room around a dining dining table. There were plenty of people round the dining table who used to do maybe not know very well and eating in front of them itself made me feel quite uncomfortable. During the meal people were asking me various questions and for reasons uknown, I found it difficut to answer and started to stutter. It was the initial day of my entire life as a stutterer.

My parents a few months later took me to speech therapy, the speech therapist advised them that most children can grow out of these stutter. I continued unfortunatelt to stutter until I was 22.

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