This article has been extracted from THE IMPERIAL GAZETTEER OF INDIA , 1908. OXFORD, AT THE CLARENDON PRESS. |
Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts. Some units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.
Township of Myaungmya District, Lower Burma, lying between 15*^ 45' and 16° 34' N. and 95° and 95° 35' E., with an area of 561 square miles. It is really a large island, bounded on the east by the Irrawaddy and on the west by the Kyunpyatthat and Pyamalaw rivers, and cut up by numerous creeks. The northern portion is somewhat densely populated, but the southern is mostly jungle-covered, though cultivation is rapidly extending.
The township was constituted in 1903, out of a portion of the old Wakema township and an area transferred from the former Thongwa District at the time that the District of Pyapon was created. The population of the town- ship as now constituted was 97,931 in 1901, distributed in 129 villages, Moulmeingyun (population, 1,782), on one of the numerous branches of the Irrawaddy, being the head-quarters. In 1903-4 the area under cultivation was 273 square miles, paying Rs. 2,85,000 land revenue.