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I still remember that answering machine message that I heard that went, Hi! You have achieved...

Do you have an answering machine? In that case which kind of answering machine messages do you have? The reason why Im asking this to you is that recently, I have been realizing that many people have commenced personalizing their answering machine messages. Even people who never bothered to do so for years and years. And most of these answering machine messages, or even all of them are rather funny.

I still remember that answering machine message that I noticed that went, Hi! You have achieved XYZ. Im not home today. Please send money, If it is mom or dad. When it is the bill collector, the check is in the mail. Ill get there right away and if it is the IRS I dont have money and if you owe me money, tell me where you're! There is no doubt that an machine message that sounds like that will surely have your sides in chips as well.

There clearly was another answering machine message I heard that went, You have reached the house of the XYZs. Clearly we are not in today, why dont you call us back at an even more easonable time? When we have been in we promise to just take your call. In my experience, this kind of a message sounded nearly rude. However when it involves answering machine messages and a sense of humor, consistency or sameness can hardly be anticipated.

In recent years, probably because of the want of some thing better, answering machine messages have reached some sort of cult status. Many people I know shudder at the notion of storing and creating the right type of answering machine messages.

This isn't because they dont know very well what to say or how exactly to say it, but simply because everybody seems to be in the search for the perfect sort of answering machine messages that is funny, wonderful and a lot better than the scores of answering machine messages they have already heard.

But answering machine messages dont just end there. Even people who leave messages on answering machines tend to take humor rather significantly. As follows one unforgettable response to a fairly simple answering machine message went. Hey! I was hoping to find someone interesting to offer this service to, when I called in. But after reading your answering machine message, Im unsure you are the best type of person Im trying to find. Therefore farewell. And dont bother calling me even if you have my number on your own machine! Now how does that grab you as a clever retort to answering machine messages. open site in new window

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