Karnail Singh Benipal of Isru

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A brief biography

September 29, 2023: Hindustan Times

Benipal was one of those who wanted Goa to be free from Portuguese rule after India’s independence.

The Goa Vimochan Sahayak Samiti, a Pune-based organisation working for Goa’s liberation had decided to hold satyagraha by crossing Goa border on August 15, 1955. The satyagrahis divided themselves into groups.

One group attempted to enter Goa through Patradevi border, while the other planned to enter South Goa via Pollem border.

Sahodradevi Rai, a young widow from Madhya Pradesh, holding the national flag was leading the group of satyagrahis at Patradevi. When her group tried to enter Goa, she was shot at and injured.

At this juncture, 25-year-old Benipal came forward and challenged the police to shoot him instead of attacking a woman. He too was shot on the Goa border at Patradevi and became a martyr.

“This incident in Goa’s history is hardly known at the national level even as several unarmed satyagrahis from various parts of India were shot by the Portuguese authorities on August 15, 1955,” an official spokesperson said.

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