Diplura: India

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This is an extract from
Protozoa to Mammalia
State of the Art.
Zoological Survey of India, 1991.
By Professor Mohammad Shamim Jairajpuri
Director, Zoological Survey of India
and his team of devoted scientists.
The said book is an enlarged, updated version of
The State of Art Report: Zoology
Edited by Dr. T. N. Ananthakrishnan,
Director, Zoological Survey of India in 1980.

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Diplura still remains one of ,the least studied group of Indian fauna. These are soft bodied wingless insects. Mouthparts are retracted within the head capsule, eyes absent, body without scales (rarely with a few localised ones), cerei long and filifonn or shorter and annular or foreep¬like, and median tail appendages absent These insects occur in large. numbers in humus soil or in the forest floor throughout-India.

Historical Resume

Knowledge on the Indian Diplura is available due to the contributions of Silvestri (1913, 1937) and Conde (1957, 1972). In 1977 Rao and Mitra conducted some research on this group.

Estimation of Taxa

The world fauna of this group is represented by about 355 species under 77 genera. From India, so far only 16 species under seven genera are known, belonging to three families namely Japygidae, Projapygidae and Campodidae.

Classified Treatment

Diplura has two suborders, namely Rhabdura and Dicellurata. Under Rhabdura there are two superfamilies Projapygoidea and Campodeoidea. The former superfamily has two families Anjapygidae and Projapygidae, and the lat~r has two families namely Procampodeidae and Carnpodeidae. The suborder Dicellurata has only one superiamily, Japygoidea, .under which there are tWo families namely Japygidae and Pamjapygidae.

No one in India is actively engaged in studying this group and most parts of the country remain unexplored.

Expertise India


S. K. Mitra, Z.S.I, Estuarine Biology Station, Berhampur (Orissa).


C.. Bareth, Laboratory Zoologie approfondie, University de Nancy 1~•Caseofficielle 140,54037 Nancy ( France ).

B. Conde, University de Nancy 1, ZOOlogie approfondie, 30, rou Sainte-Cathessine, 54-Nancy (France).

J. Nossek, Ceskoslovenska Akademia Viel, Virologicky Ostaut Mlynaka dolina, Bratislave (Czechoslovakia).

J. Paclt, Institute de Phytopatho~ogic et d' Entomologie, Experimentales, Academic Slovaque dar, Science, Ivanka pri Dunaji (Czechoslovakia)-.

J. Stach, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Systematic Zoologie, Slawkowska 1'1, Krakow ( Poland).

Selected References

Bareth, C &Conde, B. 1965. La Prelarve de Campodea (C.) Remyi, Rev, Ecol. Bioi. Sol., 2 : 397-401.

Conde, B. &Thomas, J. 1957. Contribution a la fauna des campodeides de Califomie (Insects. Diploures), Bull. menS. Ser:. Linn. Lyon, 26 :81-96; 118-127; 142-155. Delany, M. J. 1954. Thysanura and Diplura, R. ent. Soc. Handb.Jdent. Brit. Insects, 1 (2): 7 pp.

Manton, S. M. 1972. The evolutio~ of arthropodan locomotory mechanisms. Part 10. Locomotory habits, morphology and evolution of the bexapod classes. Zool. J. LiM. Soc., 51 : 203-400. Pages, J. 1952. Parajapyginae (Insecta, Entotrophi, Japyginae) de l' Angola.prml. Cultur. Compo Diamantes de Angola, 13 : 53-96.

Pages, J. 1959. Remarques sorIa classification des Diploudes, •Trav. Lab. Zool. Stn. aqJlic, Grimalde, 26 : 1-25.

Smith, L. M. 1960.•The family Projapygidae and Anajapygidae (Diplura) in North America,Ann. ent. Soc. Am., S3 : 575-583.

Smith, L. M. 1961. Japygidae of North America. 8, Postembryonic development of Parajapyginae and Evalljapyginae (Insec~ Diplura), AM. em. Soc. Am., 54 :'437-441.

Wygodzinsky, P. W., 1941. Beittaye Zur Kenntinis der Dipluren and 1bysananuren der Schweiz. Denkschr. Schweiznati/r. Ges., 7: 113-227.

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