Vulnerability Index: India

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Vulnerability Index


The Times of India Jul 26 2014


Some sections of society are more vulnerable to violence than others -children more than adults; women more than men; SCs and STs more than the general population. TOI devised an index that combines crimes against all these sections to give a composite picture of where these groups are most vulnerable. For every category, each state/UT was assigned a value ranging from 0 to 1. The worst state in each case was given a score of one and the others given proportionate scores based on the rate of crimes against that category.

States with the lowest crime rates (incidents per lakh population) will have values closest to 0 while those with the highest rates will be valued as 1. The final index is calculated by taking the averages of the values for each category. Where states don't have SC or ST populations, averages were calculated for the remaining categories

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