Rice paddy art: India

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Oct 29, 2022: The Times of India


The origin of tambo art or rice paddy art can be traced to Japan where people plant paddy of various varieties and hues to create the desired images.

Depiction of Ashoka Chakra: Wayanad

Oct 29, 2022: The Times of India

Wayanad farmer creates Ashoka Chakra using paddy art

Rice paddy art depicting Ashoka Chakra created by Johnson Oliappuram. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT
From: Oct 29, 2022: The Times of India

Tourists and pilgrims on their way to the Thirunelly Sree Mahavishnu temple in Kerala’s Wayanad are flocking to a farm at Thrissilery to view the Ashoka Chakra created by Johnson Oliappuram, a progressive farmer. The 58-year-old farmer hopes his experiment will attract people to paddy cultivation.

For the past six years, Mr. Johnson has been creating different patterns and images on his 20 cents of land. His creations include pookalams (floral carpets) with varying hues of paddy varieties, a map of Kerala, diya (earthen lamp) with a flame and a heart image with butterflies and flowers.

“This year I have created the image of Ashoka Chakra by using four varieties of paddy seeds such as Nazar bath, Kala bath, Kaki sala and Ramlee that will ripen in shades that range from brown to golden, light brown to black, green to black and green to white and black, says Mr. Johnson, who won the State award for best organic farmer in 2020-21.

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