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2020: Three Chola era sculptures found

From: K Sambath Kumar, Three Chola era sculptures found in TN village, February 9, 2020: The Times of India

From: K Sambath Kumar, Three Chola era sculptures found in TN village, February 9, 2020: The Times of India
TRICHY: Epigraphists stumbled upon three Chola era sculptures – two of them depicting goddess Mahishasuramardini and another depicting goddess Lakshmi’s sister Jeyshta – in a village on the Kolli hills in Tamil Nadu.
A team of epigraphists from Trichy found the sculptures in Karayankattuppatti village.
The sculpture of Jeyshta dates back to 10 century CE. Jeyshta is depicted as being seated on a bench with both her legs down. A beautiful flower medallion appears on her head gear.
“Jeyshta is also known as Muuttadevi. This deity is mentioned in Thirukkural where she is called Thavvai and Mamugadi,” said R Kalaikkovan, director of Dr M Rajamanikkanar Centre for Historical Research.
One of the two Mahishasuramardini sculptures appears in standing posture, with the feet resting on the head of buffalo demon Mahisha whom the goddess killed, said R Akila, who was part of the explorative study team.
The other Mahishasuramardini sculpture resembles the first one in posture, ornamentation and apparel. However, it differs from the other in some aspects. One difference is that the front hands are depicted in abhaya gesture (bestowing protection).
The local people, who were not aware of the significance of the sculptures, have assured to safeguard them, according to Akila.