Butterflies: India
This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content. |
National butterfly
The top seven contenders
Shobita Dhar, September 10, 2020: The Times of India

From: Shobita Dhar, September 10, 2020: The Times of India
Common jezebel, five-bar swordtail, Krishna peacock, yellow gorgon and Orange oakleaf are names of some butterflies common in most parts of the country. One of these might just become famous now as they are among the seven finalists in a first-of-its-kind poll to choose India’s ‘national butterfly’. A group of 50 butterfly enthusiasts, researchers, writers and experts from across India have got together to elect a national butterfly, just as we have a national bird and national animal. The poll process started in September, the ‘butterfly month’. The selection panel has well-known experts like Dr Krushnamegh Kunte and Issac Kehimkar.
The winged beauties were judged on nine criteria — they needed to have charisma, should not be a pest and too rare or too common wouldn’t do. They also had to be significant to culture and ecology and attractive to the younger generation. An important aspect was that the species should not already be a ‘state butterfly’. Seven states in India have that.
“Today — September 10 — we’ll open the poll to citizens. We’ll share the butterfly ballot on social media groups and websites,” said Divakar Thombre, a butterfly enthusiast in Mumbai and part of the 50-member core polling group. “The result will also be told to the environment ministry. Informal communication has already taken place with the environment minister… by the end of this year or beginning of 2021, we’ll get a national butterfly.”
But why a national butterfly? Dr Kalesh Sadasivan, plastic surgeon and part of the “poll panel”, said butterflies are biological indicators. “Changes in the environment, like global warming and increasing pollution, reflect first in smaller creatures like butterflies. They warn us in time.”
Butterflies in India, the overall picture
Priyangi Agarwal, August 12, 2021: The Times of India

From: Priyangi Agarwal, August 12, 2021: The Times of India

From: Priyangi Agarwal, August 12, 2021: The Times of India

From: Priyangi Agarwal, August 12, 2021: The Times of India
A report on the butterfly census says 74 species have been recorded in the city in 2020, up from 66 in 2019. The total population stood at over 3,100.
Across the country, over 500 butterfly species have been found, with a total population of more than 38,000. At over 300, the highest number of species were sighted in Assam, while West Bengal and Kerala recorded over 200 species each.
The survey was conducted during the big butterfly month held last September. Delhi has been conducting a butterfly census since 2017, but it was held at an all-India level for the first time in 2020. Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), iNaturalist, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Titli Trust, Diversity India, India Biodiversity Portal are among the 50 organisations that came together to host this event.
Experts say butterflies play an important role in the ecosystem as they are pollinators and components of the food chain. Sohail Madan of BNHS said, “Butterflies help scientists in ascertaining the health of environment.” The winged insects can be seen near homes and people don’t have to visit a forest to spot a butterfly, he added. The rare butterflies spotted in the capital were dark cerulean, common albatross, striped albatross, common shot silverline and common mime. Among the common species were plain tiger, common grass yellow and common emigrant. Over 55 locations were surveyed in Delhi.
For the census, around 31,000 observations were submitted in September on iNaturalist, Indian Biodiversity Portal and Butterflies of India. Nearly 77 awareness programmes were held along with schools, colleges and other educational institutions that saw participation of 4,927 students.
Records were submitted from all states and Union territories except Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep and Tripura. “Chocolate pansy, common mormon, common grass yellow, great eggfly and common crow were the most frequently encountered butterflies across the country,” said Madan.
Big Butterfly Month 2021 begins on September 4 and the theme is “habitat development”. As butterflies lay eggs on their host plants and caterpillars feed on leaves of these plants, people will be educated to plant host plants at home.
2017/ First butterfly count, Delhi
69 butterfly species recorded in NCR, September 24, 2017: The Times of India
Butterfly lovers and lepidopterists were delighted with the results of the first `butterfly count' in NCR, recording 69 species in the region. The results were announced on Saturday in an event which also saw butterfly enthusiasts submit the names of four butterflies -one of which will be chosen as the state butterfly of the capital.
Armed with a checklist and cameras in their hands, hundreds of people had set out across different parts of NCR to take part in the first ever butterfly count for Delhi. Organised by the conservation education centre (city wing of Bombay Natural History Society), the census was part of the butterfly month which aimed to provide an accurate and updated list of butterfly species found in the region.
Among the rare and uncommon butterflies recorded included psyche, chocolate pansy , Indian red flash, red pierrot, chocolate pansy , African babul and painted lady some of which were sighted after several years.
Common cerulean
Kushagra Dixit, Oct 31, 2023: The Times of India

From: Kushagra Dixit, Oct 31, 2023: The Times of India
New Delhi : NCR-Delhi recorded 71 species of butterflies this year, a density that has been described by ecologists as extremely thin. Last year, 70 species were spotted.
Stating that the low density indicates lack of adequate rain and absence of host plant, thus a poor habitat, ecologists point at dry months of August and September this monsoon and ongoing challenges of increased urbanisation.
They, however, have something to celebrate too — common cerulean (Jamides celeno), a species of butterfly, has been spotted in National Capital Region (NCR) for the first time. The species, which is seen in peninsular India, West Bengal, Uttarakhand, Northeast India, eastern part of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, was recently sighted in Jammu and Kashmir too.
A female specimen was spotted on September 23 at Aravalli Biodiversity Park in Haryana. Field biologists are trying to find out if it was a stray sighting or if the species is in the process of expan ding its range. “There is no published or confirmed record of this butterfly from Haryana, and a report mentioning this butterfly from Delhi does not provide any... evidence. The butterfly was observed for five-seven minutes and photographed with a digital camera,” stated a study authored by Rajesh Chaudhary, associate professor at Acharya Narendra Dev College of Delhi University, and published in the journal Bionotes.
Butterflies too migrate like birds, but their movement aligns with the movement of moisture, said Chaudhary, pointing out that a few species like tailless li me blue, common lime blue are being spotted regularly in the past two-three years, while earlier there were just one or two sightings over 50 years.
Over 40 locations in Delhi, Noida and Gurgaon were surveyed. The locations include various forest areas — Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary, Sanjay Van, Aravalli Biodiversity Park, Bhondsi, IGNOU, Najafgarh, Yamuna Biodiversity Park and Yamuna Khadar — and urban gardens in Dwarka, Pritampura, Janakpuri, Vikaspuri, Lajpat Nagar and Saket. “In July and through September and October, as compared with the previous year, the perspecies abundance was significantly low. If I had spotted 100 specimens of a species at a potential habitat last year, it was only 10-15 this year. The main reason is variation in rain due to which herbs didn’t stay green for a long time, which impacted reproduction,” said Chaudhary.
The census was done during Big Butterfly Month in September. A citizen science programme, it aims at monitoring butterfly population and increasing public awareness about the importance of their conservation. “India has great potential in conducting such citizen science initiatives... (for) sculpting a robust conservation science,” said Sohail Madan, a wildlife ecologist and educator.
In 2020, 74 species were recorded, while 66 were spotted in 2019, 69 in 2018 and 75 in 2017. Some of the rare species of butterfly in NCR include dingy swift, dark cerulean, common Albatross, striped albatross, common shot, silverline, common shot silverline and common mime.
Red Pierrot: anomalies in its ‘patterns’/ 2018

From: Jasjeev Gandhiok, Anomalies in butterfly patterns leave enthusiasts in a fix, November 19, 2018: The Times of India
Butterfly lovers and lepidopterists, working around Delhi’s Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary, have been in a fix for the last couple of weeks after a number of anomalies were detected in the ‘patterns’ of Red Pierrot — a butterfly commonly found in the Indian subcontinent.
At least four variations in its patterns have been detected so far, forcing the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) to launch a study to find out the reasons why this may be happening.
Sohail Madan, centre manager of BNHS at Asola said the variations could indicate a new sub-species, or it may simply be an evolutionary change. The reason, however, needs to be analysed. “The study will take place from Monday and we have asked for butterfly enthusiasts and experts to help us during the survey. So far, at least four variations have been detected in the patterns with the orange and the black markings either increasing or decreasing on its wings,” Madan said.
“Most butterflies have a winter form and a summer form. This particular butterfly has just one form and the markings are well defined. However, we are seeing a lot of variations in the orange and black markings, which could either indicate an evolutionary change, or it could even be sub-species,” Madan said.
According to the centre manager of BNHS, out of the 70-80 Red Pierrot butterflies recorded on Friday alone, almost 50% had anomalies. “The change in pattern does not seem to have affected the population and they are thriving at Asola. We saw around 34-35 such butterflies with variations in the pattern and a detailed study and sample survey should help us come to a conclusion,” Madan added.
The study will take a look at the lower stages of development, beginning from the caterpillar and its diet to determine what may be leading to the change in its designs. Delhi had seen 75 different butterfly species recorded in this year’s annual butterfly count — an increase from 69 species recorded last year.
Peter Smetacek, a lepidopterist said the variations could primarily be adaptive changes or signs of the butterfly coping with the cold. “Red Pierrot, earlier found in south India, has colonised Delhi and even moved up north to places like Kashmir. The difference in temperatures up north as compared to southern and Peninsular India could be the reason behind the change,” he said .
At least four variations in the patterns of Red Pierrot, a butterfly commonly found in the Indian subcontinent, have been detected so far, forcing the Bombay Natural History Society to launch a study to find out the reasons why this may be happening.
2019: spring delayed, butterflies increase
Vibha Sharma, April 22, 2019: The Times of India

From: Vibha Sharma, April 22, 2019: The Times of India
Season’s greetings: How delayed spring has made Delhi a hotspot for butterfly lovers
New Delhi:
The longer winter — and, consequently, the delayed spring — has turned out to be a blessing for nature lovers. They can now watch a variety of butterflies, most of which are now coming to life after spending the harsh winter in pupal stage. The city’s butterfly parks are now teeming with colourful wings.
At Lodhi Garden’s Butterfly Park, spread over one-anda-half acres, the horticulture department has planted more than 30 species of nectar flora to attract butterflies. Between 9am and 10am, when it starts getting warm, you have a chance to discover grass jewel (the smallest butterfly in the world), Indian cabbage white, common jay, plain tiger and lemon pansy along the trail.
Besides, there is a conservatory where you can see butterflies that have drawn their names from all sorts of flowers, birds and even animals.
New Delhi Municipal Council horticulture director S Chellaiah said: “While the longer winter delayed shedding of leaves in Delhi, it also led to the arrival of spring a little later. That’s why you can still see flowering plants blooming at parks and roundabouts. So is the case with butterflies, which usually get attracted to flowering plants.” Chellaiah said added: “To attract maximum varieties of butterflies at the garden, we have planted a combination of flower plants that provide nectar for adults and host plants for their caterpillars, such as lantana, Limonia, jatropha curcas, camellia, milk weed, justicia, bauhinia, jasmine, anar, phalsa and lemon tree.” The butterflies can also be seen in ample numbers at Yamuna Biodiversity Park, Aravalli Biodiversity Park and Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sancturay.
“We have 67 varieties of butterflies at Yamuna Biodiversity Plant. These include common mormon, striped tiger plan, small salmon arab, plain tiger, white arab, common crow and pioneer. Besides March and April, September end and October beginning are considered to be the ideal months of butterfly sightings,” Faiyaz Khudsar, a wildlife biologist and scientist-in-charge of YBP, said.
Looking for butterflies, said Khudsar, meant looking anywhere from one feet above the ground to the tree canopy. To mark the 83rd birthday of Lodhi Garden, NDMC has transplanted eight new species of trees there. Their lifespan will be more than 300 years, said an NDMC official.
“Since the garden is overcrowded, there is no space for planting more trees. Therefore, this year we decided to plant only eight trees of new variety. These included cochlospermum silk cotton tree, olea sp, kamadal tree and magnolia sp,” said an official.
Species spotted
Sep 23, 2019: The Times of India

From: Sep 23, 2019: The Times of India
Enthusiasts and experts flocked to the green corners of the city on Sunday morning and took part in the third annual butterfly count of the city, organised by Bombay Natural History Society. Around 115 species of butterflies are known from the capital.
September is being celebrated as Delhi Butterfly Month 2019. The celebrations culminated with the Big Butterfly Count, across 45 locations (500 participants) in NCR, and few locations in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The locations were aptly chosen to cater to all the varied habitats of NCR, and more importantly to involve the maximum number of residents across the city, a BNHS official said.
The city locations included Delhi Development Authority’s flagship seven biodiversity parks, namely Yamuna, Aravalli, Neela Hauz, Northern Ridge, Tilpath Valley, Tughlaqabad and South Biodiversity Park.
“Butterflies are the most studied insects in the world and the best pollinators, along with bees. Biodiversity parks and their butterfly conservatories provide special niche for butterflies and bees catering to the requirements of host plants and nectar-bearing plants. Biodiversity parks in a way provide important ecological services through large number of pollinators to the crops in the Yamuna river basin and Aravalli hill ranges,” Faiyaz A Khudsar, scientist in-charge, Yamuna Biodiversity Park, said. He added that this year, rain, along with wind, might have led to sightings of comparatively lesser number of species.
Butterflies are cold-blooded insects and sun-loving creatures. For their survival, they need host plants to lay their eggs on. The caterpillars eat green leaves of host plants and form cocoons. Generally after remaining dormant for a week or two, a beautiful butterfly emerges out of a cocoon.
According to Sohail Madan, CEC, manager, BNHS, the team leaders leading the count on Sunday were all trained by leading lepidopterist Peter Smetacek of Bhimtal Research Centre. “He explained how to observe, identify and document the number of species on the day of the butterfly count with precision, keeping habitat in mind. With participation of so many people across the city, the butterfly month has made a strong statement in bridging the gap between knowledge and implementation, thereby providing a platform to citizens to learn about butterflies, their behaviour, habitat and conservation,” Madan said.
66 new butterfly species in city, some rare
Sep 29, 2019: The Times of India
66 new butterfly species in city, some rare
New Delhi:
As part of the third annual butterfly count in the city, 66 new species were spotted by the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS).
Sohail Madan, CEC, manager, BNHS, said, brown awl, Dingy Swift and common red flash were among the rare species spotted this year, while the common ones included plain tiger, common grass yellow, mottled emigrant and common emigrant.
“The butterfly month (September) shows the results of the habitat improvement in Delhi, as these insects are the indicators of a good ecosystem,” said Ishwar Singh, principal chief conservator of forests, adding that as part of the celebration, butterflies were counted at 45 locations in Delhi on September 22.
Around 700 people participated in the Big Butterfly Count, which was also held in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
“It was a half-day event that involved transects walks for observing and listing the species. The habitats surveyed included wildlife sanctuaries, biodiversity parks, city forests, citizen gardens, nature resorts and institutions,” Madan said.
Madan explained that though the total number of species had gone down compared with last year, the counts in the city parks and citizen butterfly garden have gone up. In 2018, the volunteers spotted 69 butterfly species, while in 2017, the number was 75. Around 115 species are native to the Delhi region.
Butterfly corridors
As in 2019 June
Jasjeev Gandhiok, July 1, 2019: The Times of India

From: Jasjeev Gandhiok, July 1, 2019: The Times of India
Work on creating butterfly corridors in the city is already underway with close to 100 hotspots set to be connected by September by Bombay Natural History Society and experts from the capital.
At present, there are 17 hotspots where butterfly parks or gardens have been created in the last few years. BNHS said a variety of host plants will be grown at such parks and gardens in the green corridor to attract more butterflies.
Experts said at most locations there are already some native trees and plant species that are hosts to butterflies, but additional plantation is being undertaken to ensure a diversity of species arrive there.
“The closer the green areas, the easier it will be for butterflies to move from one location to another. A large butterfly garden exists at Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary and Garden of Five Senses. We have been targeting parks in an around these locations to attract more butterflies,” said Sohail Madan, centre manager of BNHS at Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary.
In 2017, the first butterfly month was observed in the city by BNHS and Delhi forest department, culminating in a record species count. A total of 69 species, including rare species like psych, chocolate pansy and red flash, were recorded in the first edition at 14 locations.
Madan said in 2018, 75 species were recorded with almost 3,000 people taking part in the count in urban and forested locations. Among the rare species recorded were the common redeye, common short silverline, dingy swift, common blue line, Balkan pierrot and spotted pierrot, among others.
“Our survey over the past two years has shown that diversity of butterfly species was very low at new parks that have ornamental and exotic plants. The diversity was higher at places like the Ridge, which has native species of plants and trees. The biggest surprises were Sunder Nursery and DDA district parks where we saw rare butterflies like Balkan pierrot, common baron and tropical fritillary,” said Madan.
The newest locations where butterfly gardens have been created include a DAV school in Dwarka, Karma lakelands in Manesar, Mitraon city forest, Taj Enclave city forest, Hauz Rani city forest and a government school in Mangar Bani. Peter Smetacek, co-founder of Butterfly Research Centre, said the corridor can be an important addition to Delhi and will help the specie flourish.
Butterfly parks within residential colonies
Mandakini Enclave/ 2019
Jasjeev Gandhiok, August 17, 2019: The Times of India

From: Jasjeev Gandhiok, August 17, 2019: The Times of India
Residents of Mandakini Enclave in Alaknanda celebrated a green Independence Day. They, along with volunteers from Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), planted a number of plants that host butterflies, thereby inaugurating the first dedicated butterfly park in a residential colony in Delhi.
The park will be part of a dedicated ‘butterfly corridor’ being created by BNHS, which will see close to 100 butterfly hotspots created by the end of next month. At present, BNHS says, 28 hotspots exist, but this is the first dedicated butterfly habitat in Delhi.
“We have been working hard to create butterfly hotspots in Delhi. The closer they are, the easier it is for butterflies to travel from one hotspot to another. Different host plants attract different butterfly species which can ultimately improve the habitat of the area. Locals will ultimately be taught how they can identify different butterflies,” said Sohail Madan, centre manager of BNHS at Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary.
According to him, four more such residential butterfly parks will be created by the end of the month with parks targeted in Saket, Paschim Vihar, Karkardooma and Anand Vihar. The park on Thursday was inaugurated by AAP MLA Saurabh Bharadwaj.
In 2017, the first ever ‘butterfly month’ was observed in the capital by BNHS and the Delhi forest department, culminating in a butterfly count to record species found in Delhi. A total of 69 species were recorded in the first edition from 14 locations with rare species like psych, chocolate pansy and red flash recorded.
Madan says in 2018, 75 species were recorded with almost 3,000 people taking part in the count, which included a mix of urban and forested locations. Among the rare species recorded were the common redeye, common short silverline, dingy swift, common blue line, Balkan pierrot and spotted pierrot among others. “The aim is to increase these numbers and with more hotspots created, we can hope for more butterfly species thriving in the capital,” said Madan.
Anil Kapur, a local resident and volunteer at BNHS, says he had approached the organisation, asking for a butterfly park to be created in the locality. Kapur says members from BNHS came and after surveying all parks in the area, chose the one that would be ideal to attract butterflies, providing locals with a map to follow.
“We have finished this park in about 12 days. This started with cleaning all the garbage that was incorporated in the footpaths we created,” said Kapur, who is also a member of the Mandakini Enclave Welfare Association.
Kapur said once the plants grow to a certain height to attract butterflies, they will start distributing booklets which can help residents identify different species. “We will start counting butterfly species once they arrive and this will be submitted to BNHS. Residents who are interested will be provided booklets which can help them identify the type of species seen here,” said Kapur.
2021: New species spotted
Priyangi Agarwal, Nov 2, 2021: The Times of India

From: Priyangi Agarwal, Nov 2, 2021: The Times of India
A systematic field exercise to assess butterflies and their population at the seven biodiversity parks has found 71 species, one being Beavan’s Swift butterfly that has been recorded for the first time in the capital.
Faiyaz A Khudsar, in-charge scientist, Biodiversity Parks Programme, said, “Beavan’s Swift butterfly, which was sighted at both Yamuna and Aravalli biodiversity parks, has grasses as its host species.” The other rare sightings were Parnara Swift, Great Eggfly, Common Albatross and Psyche. “Psyche is a shy white-coloured butterfly and flies persistently, close to the ground with frail wing beats, never rises above the knee-level and is difficult to spot. This time, Psyche has a strikingly high population and the topmost butterfly in Northern Ridge Biodiversity Park. Capparis and Crataeva are its host plants,” said Khudsar.
The survey was conducted between October 25 and 30 at Yamuna, Aravalli, Tilpath Valley, Northern Ridge, Neela Hauz, Tughlaqabad and Kalindi biodiversity parks. For six days daily from 10am to noon, 15 fixed nature trails as transects (varying from 500m to 2,000m) were walked by each group of 2-5 observers to count, enumerate and photograph the butterflies.
“It was observed that butterflies become active after 10.30am when temperature rises above 24 degrees Celsius. Adult butterflies were seen basking in the sun and mudpudding in their specialised habitats developed in the biodiversity parks. Their larvae and eggs were also observed on the host plants,” said an official.
While 71 species of butterflies were seen in the seven biodiversity parks, the total number of known species recorded is 113. A maximum of 63 species were found in Aravalli Biodiversity Park, while a minimum of 15 species were sighted at Kalindi Biodiversity Park.
Officials have decided to carry out similar exercises for birds, mammals and other species along with butterflies every year. “Spread over an area of more than 920 hectares in five districts, the DDA biodiversity parks now become a model for urban sustainability and resilience. Diversity and density of plants and animals are critical to establishing functional ecosystems, especially in the face of climate change and its impacts,” said Khudsar.
Apart from Delhi, citizens, students and experts from Hindon river basin districts — Ghaziabad, Baghpat, Shamli and Saharanpur — joined this exercise by counting butterfly species in their respective cities. They observed 65 species from Saharanpur to Ghaziabad. Cabbage white butterfly, which migrates from Shivalik hills, was observed in Saharanpur and Shamli and was yet to reach Delhi.
Swift, large branded / 2024
Kushagra Dixit, April 13, 2024: The Times of India

From: Kushagra Dixit, April 13, 2024: The Times of India
New Delhi: For the first time, the large branded swift, a butterfly species seen commonly in the Himalayas and Northeast, has been spotted in Delhi. The species has never been found previously in northwest India due to its arid or semi-arid climate.
The findings were published recently in Journal of Threatened Taxa by ecologist Rajesh Chaudhary of Acharya Narendra Dev College’s biomedical science department and Sohail Madan, an ecologist and former member of Ridge Management Board. They observed three specimens of the butterfly, with dark olive brown uppersides and paler undersides, at a farm in southwest Delhi’s Najafgarh during the previous monsoon and are trying to establish the reasons behind the presence of the Himalayan butterfly in the region.
“It’s an exciting development as it highlights the hidden biodiversity that exists even within urban environments. The findings signify the importance of preserving green spaces and creating butterfly corridors within the city,” said Madan, adding that further studies are needed to identify more such gaps and understand ecological needs to ensure the conservation and development of habitats in Delhi.
“The species were recorded in Najafgarh, which signifies the importance of such wetlands not just for birds but also for other creatures. We must focus on protection of the lake and development activity should be carried out with sensitivity,” he emphasised. Chaudhary said it might be a migratory species, but further studies were required in the coming years to confirm whether the sighting was due to migration or a case of range extension of the species in the region.
The journal noted that this was the first reported sighting of the species in the semi-arid regions of northwestern India, and likely to be a range extension. “Three male butterflies were spotted roosting on foliage in a private farm compound on July 30, 2023 at 1700-1800 hours in Najafgarh. The weather was humid, the temperature was 33-34°C, and the sky was clear. The butterflies were photographed, and the species was identified as Pelopidas sinensis,” it stated.
The farm compound, surrounded by agricultural fields, has medicinal herbs, grasses, and ornamental and fruit plants. While aperennial canal with reeds and aquatic flora flows by it, “about 5-6km from the site... exists a large freshwater reservoir –– Najafgarh Lake”, the journal noted. In 2022, the ecologists had recorded Common Cerulean, another butterfly species, for the first time in National Capital Region. Another species, Tailless lineblue, was also spotted in the region in 2022.
Tailless Lineblue/ 2022
Kushagra.Dixit , May 9, 2022: The Times of India

From: Kushagra.Dixit , May 9, 2022: The Times of India
New Delhi:Ecologists have spotted “Tailless Lineblue”, a species of butterfly, for the first time in Delhi.
Several sightings of the species found around Himalayan foothills, peninsular India, and the northeast, have made the ecologists curious as they believe that the butterfly migrated from areas high in moisture.
They have associated extreme climate events with the sighting of the species in many areas in the city, stressing that the presence of the butterfly doesn’t indicate any improvement in Delhi’s environment.
“So far, there are no records of this butterfly. For the last few decades, they have started to record the butterflies in Delhi or surrounding areas. Now since there have been multiple spotting of this species. There is a clear sign of migration, possibly from Himalayan foothills. It also shows that the range of this butterfly is extending,” said Rajesh Chaudhary, associate professor, department of biomedical science, Acharya Narendra Dev College.
In a paper, Chaudhary and his colleague, Chandra Bhushan Maurya, wrote: “Two individuals of the Tailless Lineblue were sighted in the Sanjay Van area of South Delhi during the late morning in October 2021. Both the individuals were found puddling together on a footpath. These were observed for about 10 minutes and photographed. Another individual of this species was again sighted and photographed while basking on a tree in the R. K. Puram area of New Delhi.
“It is noteworthy that this butterfly species was also sighted by us in Aravalli Biodiversity Park, Gurugram, Haryana. Therefore, it is likely that the Tailless Lineblue is present in other parts of Delhi NCR as well. To the best of our knowledge, the Tailless Lineblue has not been reported previously from Delhi or its immediate vicinity. Thus, this butterfly is a new addition to the checklist of butterflies of Delhi,” added the paper published by Entomological Society of India (ESI), New Delhi and Butterfly Research Centre, Bhimtal.
The experts are now speculating if the species may also breed here given the abundance of its host plant in Delhi, on the lines of Common Lineblu which was spotted in Delhi in 2018 and is now breeding here. “This is interesting to see how these butterflies from moisture rich areas are increasing their range. It’s a matter of time, we need to observe the Tailless Lineblue for another few years, to confirm if it breeds too,” Chaudhary said.
According to Sohail Madan, assistant director, Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), there are over 101 species of butterflies found in Delhi. “Studying solitary insects like butterflies is very important and can be used as a very effective tool to understand climate change, global warming, especially for a city like Delhi,” said Madan.
Butterfly conservatory: Kamla Nehru Ridge
Priyangi Agarwal, May 23, 2022: The Times of India
New Delhi: A butterfly conservatory was inaugurated at the Kamla Nehru Ridge for the public on International Biodiversity Day on Sunday. As the Northern Ridge has thousands of monkeys who end up uprooting host and nectar-bearing plants, this conservatory has been fenced with a mesh in a way that butterflies can easily enter.
Spread over 672 square metres, the conservatory has 65 butterfly species, including rare sightings like Great Eggfly Butterfly and Red Pierrot. The butterfly conservatory was inaugurated by Delhi Development Authority (DDA) vice-chairman Manish Gupta.
The conservatory has been specially designed for monkey-dominated landscapes and for areas where other biotic pressures are rampant, said C R Babu, who is the project incharge of two biodiversity parks — Yamuna and Aravalli. Faiyaz Khudsar, incharge scientist, Biodiversity Parks Programme, Centre for Environment Management of Degraded Ecosystems (CEMDE), said: “For attracting butterflies, we need to plant host and nectarbearing plants along with creating a small water body with aquatic plants as butterfly indulge in mud puddling for maturity. ”
“However, as thousands of monkeys live at the Kamla Nehru Ridge, it becomes difficult for these plants to survive. We considered another method in which caterpillars are grown somewhere else and are later transferred to a fully closed structure but later decided to design the conservatory using the iron wire mesh,” he added.
Scientists first studied the area and found big butterfly species like Common Mormon, Common Rose, and lime butterfly, which have wing stands of three-four inches.
“Iron mesh has holes of four inches so that butterflies can easily travel. Even some birds like Common Myna, Bulbul, and Brown-headed barbet enter the enclosure to catch a butterfly and hence the natural process is going on,” said Khudsar adding some host plants have also been planted outside the conservatory. Butterflies lay eggs on their host plants, while the caterpillars feed on the leaves of these plants.
Some of the common butterfly species which have been spotted here are Plain Tiger, Striped Tiger, Common Gull, Pioneer, Red Pierrot, White Orange Tip, and Yellow Orange Tip. At Kamla Nehru Ridge, which is located near Delhi University, a team of CMEDE is also restoring two lakes here. To celebrate International Biodiversity Day, senior officials from DDA, students from Hansraj College and other DU colleges, and many morning walkers joined the celebration.
2016/ Southern Bird Wing: State butterfly of Karnataka
Mohit M. Rao, September 22, 2016: The Hindu

The red and yellow stripes of the insect matches the colours of the State flag
Fluttering with distinctive red and yellow stripes amongst the verdant green of the Western Ghats, the Southern Bird Wing butterfly was in-principle approved to become the “State butterfly” of Karnataka.
The proposal for the State butterfly was given approval from the State Wildlife Board during its meeting on Wednesday, said B. Ramanath Rai, Minister for Forest, Ecology and Environment.
This makes Karantaka the second State in the country after Maharashtra to adopt a State butterfly. Maharashtra chose the Blue Mormom butterfly as its State butterfly a year ago.
The proposal to adopt Southern Bird Wing butterfly as the State butterfly had been sent by Sanjay Mohan, Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Research and Utilisation).
“We short-listed a few butterflies and selected the Southern Bird Wing as its colours match the colours of the Karnataka Flag,” Mr. Mohan said.
The Southern Bird Wing is the largest butterfly in India, with the females growing up to 190 mm in length. Primarily endemic to South India, it is found in abundance in Karnataka.
“As it is easily sighted, we can hope that more people become aware of the importance of butterflies in the eco-system. These are important pollinators, and their preservation is necessary for the eco-system,” said Nitin R., an entomologist with the National Centre for Biological Sciences.
However, he said there could be a downside to this, particularly as the declaration of a State butterfly does not come with the additional protection.
With this particular species of butterfly shooting to prominence, there could be a chance of the colourful creature being targeted and becoming collectibles, he added.
Parambikulam Tiger Reserve: 221 varieties
K.A. Shaji, A forest filled with butterflies, November 18, 2018: The Hindu

From: K.A. Shaji, A forest filled with butterflies, November 18, 2018: The Hindu
Survey spots 221 varieties in Parambikulam Tiger Reserve
As dawn breaks, Parambikulam Tiger Reserve, one of India’s protected forest areas, turns a garden with dream flowers floating all over. The sight repeats as dusk falls in. Wafer thin canvases bearing a splash of colours flutter all around, filling the reserve with a splendour that matches the aura of a forest full of butterflies.
A recent survey held in the reserve spotted 221 varieties of butterflies, 11 of which were endemic to the area.
With such a rich spread, the reserve could also hit spotlight as a haven of butterflies.
The survey, initiated jointly by the Department of Forest and Wildlife, Parambikulam Tiger Conservation Foundation, and the Wayanad-based Ferns Naturalists Society, was held between November 9 and 12.
Sixty experts and 50 forest protection staff participated in the survey in the reserve.
Major species
According to butterfly expert V.K. Chandrasekharan, the major species spotted during the four-day initiative include Small Palm Bob, Silverstreak Blue, Orange-tail Awl, and Red-disc Bushbrown. Among them, Orange-tail Awl gets active only during early morning hours and late in the evening.
The survey was held in different topographies and forest areas, including evergreen forests, dry deciduous forests, moist deciduous forests, shrubs and meadows, which lie in areas such as Aanapanthi, Parambikulam, Kuriarkutty and Nelliampathy.
Seventeen separate camps were arranged in these areas to ensure comprehensive surveying.
Surprise find
“One of the biggest surprises of the survey is the spotting of Red-disc Bushbrown, a high-altitude species endemic to Western Ghats. We found them in an area of Nelliampathy region at an altitude of 1,320 m. It would be difficult to spot them in any part further north of Western Ghats,” said Mr Chandrasekharan.
The survey team had also recorded migration patterns of the rare species — Dark Blue Tiger and Common Crow.
Buddha Peacock or Buddha Mayoori, which was recently declared as State butterfly of Kerala, was found in abundance in some areas of the forest. The survey had also recorded over 100 butterfly host plants in the reserve.
The survey team included members of the Travancore Natural History Society, Malabar Natural History Society, and students of Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University in Wayanad.
This is the fourth consecutive year that the butterfly survey is being organised in Parambikulam.
Involvement of tribes
A pioneer in community-based ecotourism, Parambikulam tries to ensure foolproof conservation with the active involvement of 234 members of six tribal settlements inside its limits. The reserve has many firsts to its credit, made possible through the participation of tribespeople.
Being a protected forest area, the reserve has nearly five endemic flora varieties and has had 29 direct sightings of tigers. Ever since the Joint Forest Participatory Management was introduced, there have been no incidents of poaching in the reserve.
Mating habits
Inter-generic mating/ 2019
Jasjeev Gandhiok, July 1, 2019: The Times of India

From: Jasjeev Gandhiok, July 1, 2019: The Times of India
In a rare occurrence, a butterfly enthusiast recorded the mating of two different species — the zebra blue (leptotes plinius) and the pea blue (lampides boeticus) — in Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Experts said this was a rare phenomenon as butterflies only mate with species that are closest in apprearance to it. As these species look very different, this could be the first such sighting of inter-generic or inter-familial mating in Delhi.
Surya Prakash, a zoologist from JNU, said he made the sighting on April 28 near Parthasarathy pleateau during mud-puddling of different butterfly species. Photos taken during the sighting helped confirm his rare sighting. “This could well be the first proof of inter-generic mating in Delhi. We are still trying to figure out if it is due to climate change or an adaptive change,” he said. According to the zoologist, any offspring produced in these cases are either not viable or sterile. Past observances from inter-species mating in China and North America suggests that in some areas, certain species may have fewer mating barriers in terms of species compared to others.
Peter Smetacek, a lepidopterist and co-founder of Butterfly Research Centre at Bhimtal, said that it is difficult to pinpoint the exact reason but certain locations in India have more instances of interfamilial mating than usual. This includes the mating of Lycaenidae in Maharashtra, while inter-generic mating in catocrysops strabo and lampides boeticus was also recorded in Purulia district of West Bengal.
West Bengal
2017/ Butterflies in Singur
Shiv Sahay Singh, October 21, 2017: The Hindu

From: Shiv Sahay Singh, October 21, 2017: The Hindu

From: Shiv Sahay Singh, October 21, 2017: The Hindu

From: Shiv Sahay Singh, October 21, 2017: The Hindu

From: Shiv Sahay Singh, October 21, 2017: The Hindu
69 species of butterflies belonging to 54 genera and five families were recorded in a study by the Zoological Survey of India
A study by researchers of the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) shows for the first time that thehamlet is home to at least 69 species of butterflies. “A total of 69 species of butterflies belonging to 54 genera and five families were recorded from the study area. Family Nymphalidae was the most dominant among the five families with 22 species, followed by Lycaenidae, comprising of 19 species,” the paper titled ‘A study of butterfly diversity in Singur’ says.
Researchers found butterflies in the rice and vegetable fields of the area, as well as in bushes and shrubs along railway lines and National Highways.
No forested land
Singur has no forested land and the area is known for rice, potato and vegetable cultivation.
Mr. Dey said that more intensive studies on different ecological parameters that can help access diversity of Singur’s fauna are being planned.
The presence of so many species of butterflies has provided a great deal of joy to the farmers who had waged a long battle against the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) led West Bengal government against the acquisition of 997 acres of agricultural land for Tata Motors’ Nano car plant in Singur.
“While our struggle was aimed at the return of the land acquired for the proposed car plant, we are happy that it has helped the environment of Singur. There would have not so many butterflies had the car plant been operational,” said Mahabdeb Das, a farmer who was at the forefront of the land acquisition struggle. He was pleasantly surprised to learn about the butterfly diversity of the region.
On August 30, 2017, the Supreme Court quashed the Left Front government’s acquisition of 997 acres of agricultural land for the car plant in Singur. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee returned the acquired land to farmers on September 14, 2016.
See also
Butterflies: India