Doping in sports: India

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Doping in sports, discipline and number of sportspersons; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India
London Olympics, India and the world: 2012, Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, Jun 27 2015

This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content.

India and the world: 2012, London Olympics

The Times of India, Jun 27 2015

Despite its best ever haul of six medals in the 2012 London Olympics, India finished 55th in the overall tally. However, when it comes to athletes caught using performance enhancement drugs, the sporting minnow is well ahead of many countries that do much better at the Olympics.A recent report of the World Anti-Doping Agency shows that the total analytical anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) results for Indian athletes in 2013 were the third highest in the world. Russia, which topped the dope cheat list, was ranked 4th in the Olympics

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