Capital punishment: South Asia

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Death sentence, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the world: 2014, Graphic curtesy: The Times of India

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Death sentence: 2014

The Times of India

Apr 10 2015

A recently released report of Amnesty International on death sentences and executions in 2014 says that capital punishment is being used at an alarming rate because of perceived threats to states' safety because of terrorist activities and internal instability. For instance, Pakistan lifted a six-year moratorium on the death penalty after the Peshawar school attack. The organization estimates that at least 2,466 death sentences were awarded in 2014, 28% more than in 2013. In India, at least 64 were awarded the death sentence in 2014, but no executions were carried out Source: Amnesty International, reliable data not availabe for China, North Korea and South Sudan

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