Klrthar Range

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Klrthar Range, 1908

Mountain range forming the boundary between Sind and the Jhalawan country in Baluchistan, between 26 degree 13' and 28 degree 36' N. and 67 degree 11' and 67 degree 40' E. From the point where the Mula river debouches into the Kachhi plain, the range runs almost due south for a distance of 190 miles in a series of parallel ridges of bare rocky hills. At intervals similar ranges run athwart them. The offshoots tail off south-eastwards into Karachi District, but a single line of low hills extends as far as Cape Monze. The greatest breadth is about 60 miles. The highest point is the Zardak peak (7,430 feet), and another fine peak is the Kuta-ka-kabar, or Kuta-jo-kabar, i. e. ' the dog's tomb' (6,878 feet). The principal offshoot is the Lakhi range. The Klrthar hills are pierced by the Kolachi or Gaj river in a fine gorge, and the chief passes are known as the Harbab, Phusi, Rohel, and Garre. These hills give their name to the Klrthar geological group of Nummulitic limestone, which is found on their crests, overlaid by Tertiary rocks of Nari and Gaj beds, the former being soft sandstone and the latter a hard dark-brown limestone exposed on the Gaj river. The tribes residing in the Kirthar are the Marri and Jamali Baloch, Jamot and Chuta Jats, and some Khidrani and Sassoli Brahuis. They subsist chiefly by tending flocks, and by exporting the dwarf- palm (Nannorhops Ritchieana). Sind ibex and mountain sheep are fairly plentiful, and both black bears and leopards are occasionally met with.

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Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts. Some units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.

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