Perumal Murugan

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PERUMAL MURUGAN is a well-known contemporary Tamil writer and poet. He was written six novels, four collections of short stories and four anthologies of poetry. Two of his novels have been translated into English to wide acclaim: Seasons of the Palm, which was shortlisted for the prestigious Kiriyama Award in 2005, and Current Show. He has received awards from the Tamil Nadu government as well as from Katha Books.

The 2015 controversy

Tamil author Perumal Murugan announces his ‘death’ on Facebook over lack of freedom of speech

Amrith Lal | January 14, 2015 Indian Express

Perumal Murugan: The author

Murugan, was born in Thiruchengode in a peasant family, grew up working in the small soda shop his father ran outside a cinema hall. This experience provided him the material to write his second novel, Nizhal Mutram (Current Show in English). After studying in a local school, he did his PhD from Madras University in Tamil and started teaching in a college. He was influenced by Marxism in his formative years, which made him write about his land and people with a sense of history and deep empathy.

His six novels, numerous short stories and other writings, classified as regional fiction, evoke the senses and sounds of peasant life in Kongu Nadu (western Tamil Nadu).

2015: His self-proclaimed ‘death’

On his Facebook wall, Perumal Murugan (born 1966) has a post which reads like a suicide note. It is by P Murugan on behalf of Perumal Murugan. “Author Perumal Murugan is dead. He is no God. Hence, he will not resurrect. Hereafter, only P Murugan, a teacher, will live,” it reads.

The note thanks everyone who supported the author and upheld the freedom of expression, and announces the withdrawal of all his novels, short stories and poems. It calls on his publishers not to sell his books and promises to compensate their losses. The readers have been advised to burn their copies of his books. The note ends with an appeal to caste, religious, political and other groups to end their protests and leave the writer alone since he has withdrawn all his books.

Murugan, a much-admired Tamil writer, posted the note on Monday night soon after he agreed at a meeting convened by the Namakkal district administration to withdraw his 2010-Tamil novel, Mathorubhagan, following street protests called by caste-based groups. The protesters, mainly drawn from the Kongu Vellala Gounder community, an influential intermediate caste dominant in western Tamil Nadu, have been on the warpath since December, alleging that Murugan’s novel has insulted the women of the community and degraded a Hindu deity.

The protests, originally launched by leaders linked to local Hindutva groups, took a turn for the worse after a bandh was called in Namakkal, Murugan’s hometownin Jan 2015 forcing the author to issue a clarification that he would remove all references to the place where events in the novel take place. When that didn’t cool frayed tempers, he attended a meeting presided over by Namakkal district revenue officer V R Subbulakshmi and agreed to withdraw the book itself.


Mathorubhagan (Other Part Woman, the English translation, came out in 2014) is a sensitive portrait of the disappointment of a childless peasant couple set in Thiruchengode, a town near Namakkal and close to Erode — the home of the ideologue of Dravidian movement Periyar E V Ramasamy, who spoke and wrote against caste and social dogmas in harsh language. Set in the early years of the 20th century, the novel discusses how the wife is cajoled and convinced by her family to attend a temple ritual that allows a woman to beget a child by entering into sexual union with a stranger. The child born of this union is called sami pillai or God’s child, since the stranger is perceived as a representative of God.

A few people from the Gounder community — to which Murugan too belongs — have claimed that the reference to the ritual has demeaned the women in their community.

Subbulakshmi, the official who chaired the “peace” meeting on Monday, says the administration was forced to get the author to meet the protesters since they wanted to put “a full stop to the protests”. “We tried our best to convince the protesters to end their opposition. It was not just a few people from some groups who were protesting, a large cross-section of the local population was demanding that the book be banned,” she says.

She adds that nearly 10,000 copies of the controversial portions of the novel were distributed by the protesters in houses and among women to mobilise people against the book. She says Murugan’s statement on quitting writing hurt her deeply and that she couldn’t sleep after reading his Facebook post.

Murugan’s supporters too were taken by surprise. His publisher, Kannan Sundaram of Kalachuvadu, had refused to back down when demands to withdraw the book were raised and mobilised public opinion against the protesters. On Monday, a statement was issued defending Murugan, which was signed by politicians including former CPI state secretary R Nallakkanu and VCK leader Thol Thirumavalavan and writers like Su Venkatesan, Baama, K Satchidanandan, Paul Zacharia, Gopalakrishna Gandhi and Ramachandra Guha.

Sundaram points out that the people who wanted to ban Murugan’s novel have declared this is not the end but the beginning. “They have said no writer who dares to touch the so-called Hindu sentiment will be able to live in Tamil Nadu. I see it as a sign of the danger facing the freedom of expression. Like Gujarat, Thiruchengode is emerging as a laboratory of casteist and religious fundamentalists,” he says. “Writers, artists and publishers must get together now and send out a clear message that we will not take this lying down,” he says.

“I would take the state to task for letting this happen and facilitating the mobilisation of people against freedoms guaranteed by Articles 14-17 of the Constitution,” says V Geetha, activist-writer, who has also translated two of Murugan’s novels into English.

“Murugan has contributed a lot to the region, language and his own community,” says D Ravikumar, writer and a former MLA of VCK. Ravikumar points out that the protests were initiated by politically motivated groups — state leaders of the BJP had disassociated with the protests — and wants the state government to act. “These are people coming together in the name of caste and community and turning democracy into mobocracy,” says Ravikumar.

Caste-centric mobilisations in TN

Caste-centric mobilisations have been a feature of western Tamil Nadu and the Gounder community had in the last decade formed its own political groups to assert their demands. M Vijayabaskar of Madras Institute of Development Studies says right-wing groups have been working among the Gounders for a while.

“The Hindu Munnani has been organising people in Tirupur and other parts (close to Namakkal). Campaigns have been organised to fight cases filed against Gounders and other intermediate castes under the SC/ST Atrocities Act. Hindu Munnani is using this opportunity to gain further foothold in the region and in the community,” he says.

Vijayabaskar says the resurgence of the caste identity has a lot to do with the changing political economy in the region. Distress among peasants is acute in the region, which has led to a social crisis. Intermediate castes, he says, are deeply fragmented and those people who have failed to advance economically have been forced to depend on caste and kinship alliances to survive. Caste groups, he adds, have been building histories of their “glorious past”, essentially to strengthen community pride and survive the social churn.

Ironically, Namakkal, the centre of the controversy, is home to a large number of boarding schools that churn out rank holders in the state board exams. The small built and soft-spoken Murugan, who has written critically about the rote learning promoted in Namakkal schools and even edited a volume of his students’ experiences of caste in schools, may have angered quite a few in this arid town.

Persecuted for his views

Who killed Perumal?

N Kalyan Raman The Times of India Jan 18 2015

Writer Perumal Murugan paid the price for taking on the caste system

The harassment and finally , the silencing of leading Tamil writer Perumal Murugan for his controversial 2010 novel, Mathorupaagan, was an assault on the freedom of expression. But, it is the social and political realities of contemporary Tamil Nadu that allow such assaults on constitutional guarantees to continue.

In Mathorupaagan, Murugan makes reference to a custom that was reportedly in vogue until the first half of the last century. It is said that at the annual festival of the Shiva temple in Thiruchengode, childless women sought sex with strangers -interpreted as `divine figures' -so that they could conceive. Four years after the original Tamil novel was published, and one year after an English translation (One Part Woman) was published to critical acclaim, certain caste organizations in the Kongu region (western districts of Tamil Nadu) launched a campaign against Murugan. The protests became so vicious that five days ago he declared himself `dead'.

Reports so far have blamed the situation on Hindu religious bodies, omitting all reference to caste organisations that actually drove the campaign. There are two reasons for this.

First, the Dravidian parties have never acknowledged, leave alone addressed, the oppression perpetrated by dominant non-brahmin castes.

Second: the R.S.S. and BJP are trying hard to gain a foothold in the state, and it is convenient to blame Hindu fundamentalism for the attacks on Perumal. The author and his supporters have openly spoken about the caste factor at work in the case but hardly anyone who has written on the subject has stressed on it. Four days after Murugan's startling statement, DMK treasurer MK Stalin is sued a vague statement of support saying that the author “is targeted by fundamentalists whose aim is to create a rift among the peace and freedom loving people of Tamil Nadu.“

How did local caste groups, in this case the Kongu Vellalars, become powerful enough to intimidate men like Perumal? (See Konga Vellāla

Over three decades, a handful of numerically strong caste groups, loosely referred to as “intermediate castes“, have acquired enough political clout to exercise control over several state agencies and institutions, including educational institutions. This is very similar to the post-Mandal rise of the numerically strong Other Backward Castes (OBCs) in north India. Such groups use myth-making and muscle-flexing in the name of caste pride to exert their influence in the public sphere. Cinema and literature are fields where they do this often.

Tamil Nadu has witnessed several such incidents in the recent past. An incumbent chief minister was forced to back down in the face of prolonged caste riots over the naming of a state road corporation after a dalit leader. A brahmin author was forced to discontinue a serialized novel in a weekly magazine at the insistence of a caste group which felt slighted by its contents. In 2012, a rioting caste mob vandalized a dalit village because a boy who lived there married a girl from the community . He was later found dead under suspicious circumstances. The assault on Murugan can be seen as a similar act of resentment.

Murugan has had leftist associations since his youth, and he has focussed on the social reality of the Kongu region, which is also his home. In his novels, he has dealt with several aspects of its social problems -the disenfranchisement of communities caused by modernization, the exploitation of children from depressed castes and the complexity of the man-woman relationship in working class environments.

Pookkuzhi (2013), his seventh novel, is about an inter-caste marriage that ends in tragedy precipitated by a hostile world. It is dedicated to Ilavarasan, a dalit boy who married an upper caste girl in Dharmapuri, and paid for it with his life in 2013. Two years ago, Murugan edited and published an anthology of first-person accounts of those who have witnessed caste discrimination — as perpetrators, victims and onlookers. His work lifts the anti-caste discourse in Tamil Nadu from abstract polemics to a more nuanced awareness.

But Murugan is an artist, not a sociologist or historian. The predicaments and frailties of the people around him are at the core of his fiction. That these frailties are beyond constructs like caste is his assertion in many books, particularly Mathorupaagan. Murugan paid the price for pointing out the inhumanity of the caste system.

Raman is a translator of Tamil fiction

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