Remittances: South Asia

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BRIDGING THE GULF The Times of India Dec 01 2014

2012: Top 25 source countries

India gets the highest amount of remittances in the world at roughly $70 billion, almost three times the amount of FDI that comes into the country. Where does all this money come from? Data shows that the bulk of remittances come from three different categories of countries: Middle Eastern monarchies such as Qatar, Western developed nations such as the US or Australia, and next door neighbors such as Bangladesh and Nepal. By far the largest amount comes from the Gulf countries -Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait -which sent a combined $32.7 billion, almost half of all remittances received.

Migrant remittances: 2013

Migrant remittances: South Asia and the worldThe Times of India
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