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The prices of domain name registration and web hosting have dropped to the stage it is possible to possess numerous websites without going broke. If you plan to perform multiple sites, here is some info on different options available to you.

The very first thing when setting up numerous web sites to consider is if to host them all with exactly the same hosting company. Several net hosts offer packages that let you set up multiple web sites on a single account and virtually all will let you set up multiple accounts, one for every site.

One benefit of using them for another site could be the proven fact that you know they provide good service and service, if you are pleased with the hosting organization you're using for your present website( s).

They might also provide discounts for multiple websites, which means that your costs might be lower in the event that you stick to them again.

On one other hand, if you select a different number you'll have the ability to compare the grade of still another company with whomever you are currently using. Should anyone ever encounter difficulties with them, you'll have an alternative. It's wise never to "put your entire eggs in one single basket" since the saying goes.

Still another advantage of utilizing a different variety is that you'll get a different IP address for every single of your sites. If your sites are associated with one another and you want to link them together, having different IP addresses can sometimes help your website rank higher in the major search engines.

Links from other sites are one of the most critical facets in getting the site ranked highly. If those links come from sites on the same IP address, it's a signal to the search-engines that they're ready all held by the same individual, and they may discount the value of those links.

Should you elect to host all your websites with one company, there are essentially 3 options - separate accounts for each site, a supplier account where they are all hosted or perhaps a specific server, again where they're all hosted.

Split accounts are self-explanatory, so let's look at merchant accounts. As a merchant, you are ostensibly acting as an agent for the hosting company - a middleman between them and the finish user.

The idea is that you can set up your own company providing website hosting that is finally managed by the company. You don't have to sell this hosting however - you can use the hosting services on your own websites, primarily "reselling" the hosting to yourself.

A reseller account is great because all your internet sites are "under one roof" and you've a single point of contact for any technical problems.

Hosting on a passionate server provides you with full get a handle on of the computer that's the net server. You can install any application you want, any operating-system you want and you can allocate assets like hard and memory disk space however you want to split it up between your websites.

The disadvantage of a dedicated server is that you're responsible for keeping the often even and server for the technical side. If you are not familiar with the technical side of running a web server, you might need to select a managed dedicated server, where in fact the hosting company looks after these problems.

Dedicated server are, of course, more costly compared to other options, so until your sites are well established, with a lot of traffic, they may unfit within your budget. logo

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