Crime: India

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India , The Last Stand “India Today” 13/2/2017

Veerappan's dead body after the encounter

October 18, 2004, 2200 hrs

Minus 60 minutes

It was the fourth night after the new moon. Poor visibility was worsened by the four massive tamarind trees near the location. If this bothered the well-drilled commandos, they certainly didn't show it. Waiting in the dark for long hours in the hope of getting a single shot to be taken within seconds was part of their expertise. In the past, they had lain in ambush in far worse conditions.

Kannan and I stood next to the one-room school in Padi, around 12 km from Dharmapuri. The school overlooked the road. Its roof provided a perfect field of fire. Six of my crack commandos were squeezed together on the school's roof, weapons at the ready. An undercover police vehicle, masquerading as a sugarcane-laden lorry, was parked in the middle of the road. It was named 'Sweet Box', as it was full of sugarcane supposedly heading towards the sugar mill nearby.

The lorry was actually meant to block the path of the oncoming Cocoon. It also housed three tech experts, who would receive signals from the surveillance camera concealed inside the ambulance. It was their job to confirm that the target was inside the vehicle before we intercepted it.

Another lorry-codenamed 'Mobile Bunker'-packed with sandbags and armed STF commandos was parked on the other side of the road, at an angle of about 45 degrees to the school, partially concealed by a tree. If all went off well, the ambulance would be trapped, hemmed in from all sides by the Sweet Box, Mobile Bunker, the school and Tiru's team. Another DSP waited in the east towards Dharmapuri town. His job was to cut out all incoming traffic. We needed a sterile zone to ensure no collateral damage. Unusually for him, Veerappan was not very alert that day. In fact, his mind seemed preoccupied with memories and regrets. But his natural optimism seemed to resurface despite these dark thoughts. As his mind hatched plans, his gaze fell on the 7.62 mm SLR lying near his feet. Many of his comrades had moved on to the deadlier AK-47, but he still liked to carry the weapon, which he had personally taken from a policeman killed during the ambush with SP Gopal Hosur. Veerappan smiled at the memory and glanced out of the ambulance... A few metres down the road, Kumaresan, a seemingly nondescript STF old-timer, sat in a shack. He half-heartedly picked at some food, trying to make sure he was well within the shadows. Except for the driver, Durai, Kannan and I, he was the only other person who was aware of the target's identity. As the ambulance passed by, Durai nonchalantly stretched his arm out of the window, flattened his hand against the side of the vehicle and moved his thumb very slightly. The target, lost in his reverie, didn't notice. But Kumaresan did so instantly. He also spotted two other things-the blue revolving light of the ambulance was on, which meant that the entire gang was inside. So was the fog light, which meant all the gang members were armed.

Minus 10 minutes

Kannan glanced at me and gave a thumbs-up. Just then, we heard a slight clicking sound on our muffled wireless set. It was a signal from Tiru that our prey had come into view. Kannan uttered the words, 'Cocoon in ten minutes.' My AK was dangling on its sling from my shoulders. With all the teams watching, I stretched both my arms, turned 360 degrees and chopped the air to mark the exact arcs of fire for all three teams...

The lights of the ambulance appeared to come closer and closer... 'Would they stop at the designated spot?' I asked myself. It was crucial that they did, since a moving target is much harder to hit than a stationary one. 'Brake hard. Switch on the rear cabin lights. The passengers must not catch sight of anything, but must be seen,' Saravanan recited the instructions to himself one more time. Then, with fumbling fingers, he flicked on a switch and Cocoon's three cabin lights came on. He simultaneously stepped on the brakes with all the force his right leg could muster. Cocoon lurched hard and screeched to a dead stop right in the middle of the designated slot. The smell of burning tyres filled the air. Even as Cocoon shuddered to a halt, a vehicle came up rapidly from behind. Tiru had been trailing Cocoon discreetly, keeping out of sight to ensure he didn't arouse any suspicion. But with Cocoon trapped, he moved quickly into position to block the exit...

Minus 5 seconds

In the heat of the moment, Saravanan had forgotten to douse the headlamps and the revolving blue lamp on the roof. The burning lights engulfed Cocoon's front in a soft halo. It stood there in the middle of the road in all its majesty, still rocking like a boat tossed by waves, its double beam of lights bobbing up and down. Two men shot out of Cocoon with the speed of discharged bullets-the captain and the navigator had abandoned their ship. Saravanan's voice carried clearly, his left hand pointing backwards. 'Gang yulla irukaangoe (The gangsters are inside).'

Kannan's warning rang out over the megaphone, 'Surrender. You've been surrounded.' Then, the unmistakable sound of an AK-47 emerged from the rear of the vehicle... If the four men had come out of the vehicle with their weapons raised, we would have accepted their surrender. But the moment they opened fire, they closed that window for themselves... Our response was instant and overwhelming. Brass hosed down on Cocoon from every direction. Bullets zipped all around along with the rhythmic flashes of guns... I shuffled to my left, flicked my gun to burst fire mode, and let go. After a few bullets, I paused briefly, as did the others. Another couple of reports of a self-loading rifle and a shotgun came from Cocoon.

Kannan reiterated the terms for surrender. There were few more shots, followed by a volley of the STF's response. I signalled the teams to stop. Another pause. This time, there was no return fire... Cocoon was engulfed in smoke and dust. I signalled to Rajarajan and Hussain. Another stun grenade was lobbed into Cocoon. There was a flash and a bang. Rajarajan flashed on a torch, which he held below his gun's barrel, as did Hussain. The two beams of light converged. The two men approached Cocoon warily. They heard a gurgle, followed by a hiss-like air escaping from a cycle tube. It is a sound typically made by air trapped between the lung tissue and the chest. Someone wounded was trying to suck in air. Then, silence. The stillness was finally broken by the cry of 'All clear'. The encounter had started at around 10.50 pm and was over in twenty minutes-a rapid climax to a twenty-year wait! Hussain and Rajarajan saw blood and bodily fluids splashed all over-the walls, floor and seats, food packets and the stretcher. They picked up two AKs, a 12 bore Remington pump action gun and the infamous 7.62 mm SLR. Three persons were huddled together-their final conclave before going down. Men in their death throes, clutching each other! One, later identified as Govindan, was a little distance away. The four men were speedily removed from Cocoon and laid on the ground. I beckoned to Kannan and, ignoring a cramped muscle, hobbled over to where they lay.

It was my only face-to-face moment with Veerappan, if it could be described as such. He was unable to speak and was clearly dying. I noticed that a bullet had gone through his left eye, just as it had with Senthil in Sorgam Valley almost 10 years ago. With his moustache trimmed and in civilian clothes, rather than his trademark green dress and brown belt, he seemed a stripped-down version of his former self. He had been a wily and worthy foe, with mastery over both strategy and tactics. Even at 52, he was sinewy and extremely fit....

I took stock of the encounter. There were no casualties or serious injuries among my boys. I sent up a quick prayer of thanks... A total of 338 bullets were fired by us. Later, seven were found in Govindan's body; two had pierced Veerappan's body and exited from the other side, while one stayed inside. Gradually, I sensed a growing murmur from the boys. Since the identity of the men inside the vehicle had not been revealed to them initially, they began to mutter in disbelief when they recognised the fallen men...

There was a spontaneous eruption of delight and high-fiving. I was hoisted on the shoulders of my men and effortlessly passed around. I noticed that Kannan had been similarly hefted. As soon as the boys brought me to the ground, I bounded up the school's steps, two at a time. Sitting on the parapet with my feet dangling towards the road, I made the call. 'The CM has retired for the night. Is it urgent?' asked Sheela Balakrishnan, Jayalalithaa's secretary. 'I think she will like what I have to say,' I replied. An instant later, I heard her voice on the phone. 'We got him, ma'am,' I said. Then I quickly recounted the operation and informed the CM that Veerappan was on his way to hospital, but survival seemed unlikely. I replied in the affirmative to her brief query on the STF's safety. Though she was her usual dignified self, the elation in her voice was unmistakable. 'Congratulations to you and the STF, Mr Vijay Kumar. This is the best news I've ever had as CM,' she said, before hanging up.

Monday, October 18, 2004, 11.10 pm

File on Koosai Munusamy Veerappan closed.

Crime against children: 2008-14; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, October 26, 2015

Crime, region-wise

2012: Crime in India's 5 biggest cities

Indian crime statistics 2012

Delhi’s dubious distinction: Maximum murders

NCRB Report For 2012 Reveals That 408 People, Double The Figure In Mumbai, Murdered In City

Dwaipayan Ghosh TNN 2013/06/14

The Times of India

New Delhi: The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report for 2012 has confirmed the notion that it is still some time before Delhi can shed its ‘crime capital’ tag. Though the city showed some promise—doing much better than earlier years in containing street crime—the total number of grievous cases registered last year show that only robust policing can bring down crime. An analysis with other cities perhaps explains Delhi’s own set of problems.

According to the NCRB data, 408 murders took place in Delhi last year—highest among 88 cities—while there were only 215 murders in Mumbai, 180 in Chennai and 85 in Kolkata. However, Delhi Police claimed street crime was down, pointing out that Mumbai registered 29 dacoity and 1131 robbery cases while the capital recorded just 13 dacoity and 522 robberies in the same time. Similarly, though there were 369 instances of attempt to murder in the city —higher than 170 registered in Mumbai and 154 in Kolkata—it is Bangalore with 454 which tops the city table.

Certain crimes in Delhi are at least 10 times more than the other cities. Take kidnapping and abduction cases. While Delhi has registered 3274 registered cases, the next city to even come near this figure is Bangalore with 532 cases. Delhi Police though dismiss this as a “wrong analysis”. An officer explained: “We register a kidnapping case when any minor girl goes missing under directions of the court. Show me another city which does this.”

An interesting figure highlighted in the NCRB data is that a total of 20,99,170 complaints were received in Delhi in writing and on phone, including helplines, the most important one being 100. Yet, only a fraction, 60,397, was converted into cases. The corresponding figure for Maharashtra is 94,3994 and about 3,33,680 were turned into complaints.

Cops say NCRB has “confused” normal PCR calls with genuine distress calls. “Our PCR nerve centre receives over 50,000 calls a day. Will you count complaint of power failure or information sought on DTC routes as a genuine complaint?” asked a bemused cop. But then again, while the Maharashtra police took suo moto cognizance in 77,3376 cases, Delhi Police took suo moto cognizance in 13,318 cases.

In a reply to a question by BJP MLA Sahib Singh Chauhan (No. 237) about the total number of incidents of kidnapping, rape and dacoity in the city in the past 10 years, the Delhi government had stated that “bad and perfunctory investigation” along with “noncollection of scientific evidence during the course of investigation” were reasons behind the low conviction rate (around 30 per cent) in these heinous crimes.

“The large expansion of new colonies like Dwarka and Rohini and thousands of unplanned colonies is a critical crimogenic factor, particularly in respect of street crimes like robberies and snatching,” the written answer had said. The fact that most murders in the past three years have been reported from the border districts (268 of 521), the observation makes sense.

The cops list a number of new initiatives, including. a web-based information system for history-sheeters and a fingerprint bank of over 2.25 lakh criminals.

Violent crimes: 2012

Violent crimes highest in UP in 2012

In violent crimes, UP tops list: National Crime Research Bureau

Isha Jain, TNN | Jun 22, 2013

The Times of India

The annual report of National Crime Research Bureau (NCRB) has revealed that Uttar Pradesh tops the list of states in terms of murders. Also, UP has earned the credit for maximum number of kidnappings, dowry related deaths and robberies in the year 2012. (Editor: UP is the most populous state of India. Hence absolute numbers do not convey the true picture. A better yardstick would be ‘violent crimes per 1,000 of population.’)

Not only this, but UP has for the third consecutive year retained its top position in violent crimes. The state reported a total of 33,824 incidents in 2012. This included 4,966 murders, 8,878 kidnappings, 3,159 robberies, 2,244 dowry deaths along with other major crimes, according to NCRB. In 2010, UP accorded 27,225 cases of violent crimes followed by 32,987 in 2011.

NCRB data revealed that it is not [a] specific age group which is committing crimes. Rather, people from all age groups are indulging in it. In 2012 alone, 10.7% of the total crimes were committed by people of above 50 years. Those between 18-30 years committed 46% crime. As high as 15% of the total offenders were women.

Social activists say that present situation of increasing crime is worrisome. "There is no stringent punishment for the criminals. As a result, they walk freely with head high on the streets," said an activist.

2015, city-wise

Frequency of crimes in 2015 in India and city-wise major crimes victims per week; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, September 1, 2016


2012: Motives for crime

Statistics show love is the most potent killer

Bharti Jain, TNN | Sep 15, 2013

Crime 2.jpg

The Times of India

NEW DELHI: Love is what makes life worth living but, if the latest crime statistics are anything to go by; it remains a potent killer in India. While love affairs and sexual relations were the third most common cause for murders in the country in 2012 — after personal vendetta and property disputes — they accounted for most murders in seven states, including Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Punjab.

According to the crime data for 2012 — released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) — personal enmity was behind 3,877 of the 13,448 murders, where the figures clearly identify the motives (with the rest of the total 34,434 murders attributed simply to 'other causes'). Property disputes were the reason for 3,169 murders and love affairs and sexual relations led to 2,549 killings across the country.

The state-wise data is even more interesting. In what could make Cupid squirm, romantic liaisons surpassed personal vendetta and property disputes as the single biggest motive behind murders in Andhra Pradesh (445 murders), UP (325), Maharashtra (254), Punjab (83), Jammu & Kashmir (11), Himachal Pradesh (10) and Nagaland (2). The number of people killed for love in Tamil Nadu was 291, Gujarat (116) and Delhi (54) and was almost equal to murders caused by vendetta or property matters.

Haryana, infamous for honour killings, does not figure among the states where love is the biggest killer. As compared to 50 such killings, personal vendetta accounted for 218 murders.

The 'low scorers' were Kerala (3) and most of the north-eastern states. Love-driven murders were also significantly lower in Rajasthan and West Bengal (39 each) as compared to those arising out of vendetta and property disputes.

There are other revelations in the NCRB data on causes and motives of murders in 2012, which mostly stick to the trends seen since 2001. Bihar accounted for most murders over property disputes last year, which at 1,159 are nearly 36.6% of such killings across the country and 32.5% of the total murders in the state. Bihar recorded the highest murders over personal vendetta (570) and was next only to UP in terms of total murders. While UP recorded 4,966 murders last year, Bihar ranked second with 3,566 murders.

Assam recorded the highest murders due to casteist motives (41), accounting for 56% of the total murders in this category.

Dowry had its most victims in Odisha and West Bengal, claiming 415 and 252 lives, respectively. Andhra Pradesh (167), Maharashtra (130) and Bihar (102) also scored high on dowry deaths. Interestingly, a look at data since 2001 shows a sharp rise in dowry murders from 968 in 2001 to 1,339 in 2011 and 1,458 in 2012.

For those who thought witchcraft was an evil of yore, the 119 deaths it caused nationally in 2012 convey the stark reality. Most witchcraft murders were recorded in Odisha (32), followed by Jharkhand (26), Andhra Pradesh (24) and Bihar (13). The all-India figure in 2012 is much lower than the 240 recorded in 2011 or 126 in 2001.

Political motives claimed 120 lives across the country. No prizes for guessing that Bihar outperformed other states with 32 political murders. While Madhya Pradesh follows next with 28 such murders, West Bengal accounted 22. Political murders in 2012 were less than the 240 recorded in 2011 and 174 in 2001. The sharp decline is largely due to the fall in political killings in Andhra Pradesh from 39 in 2001 and 33 in 2011 to just 2 last year.

Arrests, illegal

UP accounts for over 80% of illegal arrests in India

Ahead Of No. 2 Delhi By 3,000%

Deeptiman Tiwary TNN

The Times of India

Illegal arrests.jpg

New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh’s high-handedness is not just reflected in the arbitrary transfer of officers such as Durga Sakthi Nagpal and slapping of bogus cases against dissenters (as in the case of Dalit scholar Kanwal Bharti), it can also be seen in the massive number of illegal arrests made by the UP police.

According to National Human Rights Commission data, UP records an overwhelming majority of illegal arrests in the country, accounting for more than 80% of all such cases. In fact, it tips its nearest competitor, Delhi, by over3,000% almost year after year.

In the past three years (April 2010 to July 2013), UP accounted for 3,397 illegal arrests out of 3,950 such cases recorded across India by NHRC. The count for the rest of the 27 states and seven union territories put together was just 553.

“What do you expect from a state where many politicians themselves are criminals? How do you expect them to have any respect for law and order or human rights?” says Colin Gonsalves of Human Rights Law Network.

From April 2012 to March 2013, NHRC recorded 703 cases of illegal arrests in all. As many as 589 of these were against the UP police. UP accounts for 161 of 192 illegal arrests in ’13

Its closest rivals in this dubious distinction, Uttarakhand and Delhi, were way behind with 14 cases each. Data for this period shows only two other states where the number of illegal arrests had crossed double figures — Karnataka (12) and Andhra Pradesh (10).

In 2013 too (April 1 to July 20), UP accounted for 161 such cases of the total of 192 recorded by NHRC in the entire country. Its closest rival, Delhi, was again was behind with only five cases.

Year 2011 was the worse for UP, with the state police being at the wrong end of the law 1,101 times of the total of 1,249 cases registered by NHRC. Delhi again took the second spot with 38 cases. In 2010 too UP recorded 1,546 such cases of the total of 1,716. These are cases that were brought to NHRC’s notice. The real figures for both UP and other states are bound to be higher as many complainants go to state human rights commissions instead of knocking at NHRC’s doors.

Conversely, sources say, UP being closer to Delhi, more people may tend to approach NHRC in the capital. But if that was true, neighbouring Haryana would also show a high number of illegal arrests. However,Haryana’s figures for many years have remained in single digits.

Policing, immoral: India

Some high profile instances of immoral policing in India in the 21st century; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India

Weapons, illegal: India

2012-June 2015: Illegal weapons seized

States with more than 500 illegal weapons seized/confiscated and persons arrested; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India

Repeat offenders (recidivists)


Repeat offenders in major states, 2015

In Jharkhand, every third convict sentenced is a repeat offender, Sep 24 2016 : The Times of India

Rate of repeat criminal offence, called recidivism, is often the measure of the effect of jail sentence on a convict.High recidivism would, thus, mean that incarceration hasn't led to reform. Recently released data from the National Crime Records Bureau shows that among major states, Jharkhand has the highest rate of repeat offenders and Odisha the lowest

See graphic.

Crime against senior citizens

2014: Crimes against senior citizens in India

The Times of India, Aug 20 2015

Crimes against senior citizens: India; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, Aug 20 2015

Delhi most dangerous city for senior citizens

Deeptiman Tiwary

In an indication of the vulnerability of elderly people to violent crimes, the latest data from National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) shows that more than 1,100 senior citizens were murdered while just as many were robbed. The number of such crimes came second only to cheating which claimed over 1,500 elderly victims. NCRB has for the first time tabulated data on crimes against senior citizens. According to the data for 2014, most number of elderly were killed in UP (174), Tamil Nadu (173) and Maharashtra (170).Among large states Bihar and Odisha, turned out to be safest for senior citizens with elderly murder rates per one lakh of population in these states being recorded at 0.2 each.

As many as 58 rapes were committed on elderly women across the country last year.

As far as robberies are concerned, most elderly victims turned out to be from Maharashtra (627).

The data shows Delhi as the most unsafe city . With a rate of 89 crimes per one lakh elderly population, senior citizens in the national capital are almost five times more likely to become victims of a crime than the rest of the country.

2015: Delhi most unsafe

The Times of India, Sep 05 2016

Delhi has been categorised for the second consecutive year as the most unsafe city for senior citizens in 2015, the data from “Crime in India“ report released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) said.

With a rate of 108.8 crimes per 100,000 elderly population, senior citizens in the capital are almost five times more likely to become victims of a crime than the rest of the country. The national rate for such crimes stands at 20.

This category is followed by Madhya Pradesh 60.5 (3,456 cases), Chhattisgarh 53.7 (1,077 cases) and Andhra Pradesh 51.6 (2,495 cases).

Mostly senior citizens residing in the city were victims of crimes like robbery (145 cases), cheating (123), murder (14), grievous hurt (9), extortion (3) attempt to murder (2), attempt to commit culpable homicide (2), rape (1), dacoity (2) and the maximum 947 of “other IPC crimes“.

In terms of number, a total of 1,248 cases of crime against senior citizens were registered in Delhi in 2015.

Crime against minors


The Times of India, Aug 20 2015

V Narayan

Crimes against minors: Maharashtra in bottom five

Cases of infanticide doubled in Maharashtra, complaints of rape of minors rose by 10.9% and kidnapping of children jumped by almost a thousand cases (54%) in 2014 from the year before, shows the latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report released on Tuesday . Cases of abandonment of children dipped by 13% in the state but were still the highest in the country. The only bright spot: cases of foeticide dropped by 59% from 17 in 2013 to 7 the next year. Yet Maharashtra stayed fifth on the list of worst states in India on that count.

Children, the numbers suggest, are at high risk in the state. Experts blamed growing urbanization that is dis mantling old support systems for the rise in crime. “Apart from urbanization, it is the animal instincts in the accused that lead to targeting of minors as they are easy prey and will not be in a position to protest,“ said Dr Suleman Merchant, dean of Sion Hospital.

Psychiatrist Harish Shetty agreed. Children fall among the most vulnerable sections and cannot defend themselves. “They are objects for kidnapping and blackmail where financial gains can be huge. Moreover, children, particularly those unattended, become relatively invisible in a fast-paced world. The invisibility makes them prone to atrocities, crime and exploitation,“ said Shetty .

Crime against women


The Times of India, Aug 20 2015

Dwaipayan Ghosh

Bengal record of women's safety worst

It was in 2004 that Bengal had perched itself on the top half of the list of crimes against women. Ten years have passed in between but the state has failed to shed its `unsafe' tag. The NCRB data shows Bengal is still among the worst five performers as far as molestation, domestic violence, kidnapping of girls and human trafficking are concerned. Rape cases have declined, but the state still poses a threat to women, and is safer only than UP.

Police brass claimed awareness has increased and they are focused on their `commitment' towards women safety , but women organizations have a different story to tell. They attribute the rise in attack to political ineptitude and the general sense of lawlessness.

The findings show Kolkata has emerged a better performer but there are still certain specific crimes, like voyeurism and stalking, where the city continues to register cases on a par with Delhi.

Tamil Nadu, Kerala

Crimes against women, incidents per lakh population: Tamil Nadu, Kerala, in specific and India, in general; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, May 03 2016

The Times of India, May 03 2016

Subodh Varma

Kerala and Tamil Nadu, headed for elections, show stark con trast in ter ms of violence against women. Violent crimes like rape and assault in particular are at high levels in Kerala, almost in the same league as north Indian states with traditionally high levels.

In Kerala, the rate of crimes against women is 63 per lakh population, higher than the national average of 56.3, and over three times the rate for neighbouring Tamil Nadu (18.4), as per National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). Rate of crimes is the number of incidents per lakh population. This measure enables comparison between states with unequal populations.

This is ironic because in Kerala, women are not only half the electorate as elsewhere, but are much more organised in various ways. The state has one of the largest community-based women's networks called Kudumbashree with over 41 lakh members.

Pressure from the women's movement paved the way for the government's move to make prohibition a reality: Alcoholism being directly linked with violence against women. It is expected that as poll campaign gathers pace, the issue of violence and crimes against women will be taken up.

Kerala's violence is more astonishing as on most other parameters, it is way ahead of other states -highest literacy (94%), highest women's literacy (92%), a healthy sex ratio at birth (966), and India's lowest maternal mortality rate of 167. Women are more involved in politics, especially panchayats; they have longer years of education, and Kerala has a huge network of poor women organised in self-help groups.

While TN is not bad in most of these indicators, it is not as good as Kerala. And yet, rape incidents are six times lower, assaults eight times lower and domestic violence three times lower in TN compared to Kerala. Even more shocking is that the violence against women is growing at a faster clip in Kerala than in TN, and in fact, is one of the country's fastest growing. Between 2005 and 2014, rate of rape grew by a stagger ing 436%, assaults 246%, sexual har assment 980% and cases of cruelty by husband by 82%. Overall, crimes against women zoomed by 210% in Kerala, compared to 38% in Tamil Nadu, and 299% for India as a whole.

Part of this high levels of violence could be because of better report ing, says Praveena Kodoth, professor at Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.

“Better education, stronger com munity networks enable women to set aside patriarchal pressures and report violent crimes. Having said that, there's no denying that there's a high degree of violence against women in Kerala, as primary studies have shown too,“ she told, adding “Studies have shown that women who have property rights face less violence compared to those that don't and increased alienation of such rights has perhaps heightened violence,“ she added.

Neetha P of Delhi's Centre for Wom en's Development Studies underscored the role played by a religious or com munity-based educational institution system in Kerala to creating a more submissive generation of women.

She also pointed at the declining levels of employment in Kerala, espe cially for women, as one of the factors contributing to the ethos of violence.

Sexual abuse

2015: Delhi

The Times of India, Sep 04 2016

Somreet Bhattacharya

In Delhi, 3 kids face sex abuse daily: NCRB data

With 927 incidents of child rapes reported in 2015, Delhi has no doubt become most unsafe for children. According to the latest National Crime Records Bureau data, at least three cases of rape took place every day in 2015, though police and child rights activists agree that the actual number could be much bigger.

With Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act facilitating the registration of complaints, the figures are going up. Among those raped last year, 585 were below the age of 16. Of them, 95% were assaulted by people known to them. Police claimed that almost all the accused were arrested within 24 hours of the incident.

The police, however, add that bringing paedophiles to book isn't easy. “The number of cases being reported has increased marginally due to the interaction programmes we conducted. But the rate of reporting is still much lower than expected,“ said a senior police officer. Many offenders get away because yo unger children cannot distinguish between an affectionate hug and an embrace loaded with sexual intent.

Even when uneasy , they usually hesitate to complain. In addition, parents themselves rarely approach the police whenever a child opens up to them. On August 23, an eight-year-old girl was kidnapped from outside her house near the Yamuna at Mandawali and raped by three men who had a grudge against her brother. The three were identified by the girl and police hauled them in. A week later, a three-yearold, visiting her uncle's house in Govindpuri, was ravaged and tortured. On Friday , an 11-month-old infant was raped in Vikaspuri. According to psychiatrist Avdesh Sharma, in almost all cases, the rapist is found to have acted on an impulse. “We have noticed that the accused are people close to the victim, who feel reassured that the proximity to the victims will keep them from reporting the matter. This is a dangerous trend,“ said Sharma.

According to the NCRB data, almost all the perpetrators in the 86 cases registered under POCSO Act in 2015 were convicted. The statistics showed that 60.83% of the cases were reported from the poorer sections of society. What is alarming is that around 20% of the criminals involved in sexually abusing children are themselves juveniles.

Of the 7,730 cases of abduction reported in Delhi last year, around 60% were of children. Police said in most of these cases, the children were sexually assaulted. According to the Centre for Child Rights, 53.2% of all children are sexually abused, with 20.9% suffering severe abuse. These go unreported due to the stigma attached to rape. “It is a baffling trend that cannot be addressed by just policing activities,“ said the NGO's Enakshi Ganguli.

Drunk driving

Pune the city to drink and drive: Pune Mirror

Yogesh Sadhwani & Dheeraj Bengrut | Pune’s the city to drink and drive, Pune Mirror | Nov 3, 2016, The Times of India

While cops boast of having caught over 21k drunk drivers this year, they have no idea that most of the accused are being let off in court, since a breathalyser test is not seen as clinching evidence. The only way to close cases is a conclusive medical examination

On April 10, 2016, Hadapsar resident Abhijit Gangawane was caught near Vaiduwadi Chowk, for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol. The breathalyser test revealed that he had an alcohol content of 44.8 mg per 100 ml of blood. Similarly, Ashish Lokras of Hinjewadi was caught allegedly drink driving on New Year's Eve, 2015, near Saundarya Garden, not far from his residence, with 330 mg per 100 ml. A few weeks earlier, on December 24, 2015, Ganesh Pandit from Kothrud was caught under similar circumstances with 227 mg of alcohol showing up on the breathalyser.

Since the permissible blood-alcohol content is 30 mg per 100 ml, all three were booked under Section 185 of the Motor Vehicles Act. Like many others, they were made to pay a deposit and let off. A few days later, they were summoned to court, where they pleaded not guilty.

Recently, all three were acquitted by the judicial magistrate's court after it was found that cops had not gathered enough evidence against them.

These are just three of several cases where the accused in drink driving cases have been acquitted by Pune courts. While Pune cops can't stop gushing over having booked over 21,000 drunk drivers this year, they have no clue that they are losing most cases in court. The acquittals far exceed the convictions since only those who plead guilty are being convicted. Those who hire lawyers and take on the might of the police are let off.

Mirror is in possession of two dozen such acquittal orders. In each of the cases, the court has remarked that though breathalyser tests were done, the statement of the officer conducting the tests has not been attached with the charge sheet. Moreover, cops have not been able to prove that the person was actually driving a vehicle. Most importantly, the court found that breathalyser results are of electronic nature and not admissible as evidence. Under Section 22A of the Indian Evidence Act, (oral admissions as to the contents of electronic records are not relevant, unless the genuineness of the electronic record produced is in question), such evidence cannot be treated as clinching. On these grounds, all the accused have been acquitted.

Interestingly, traffic cops in Pune had no idea of these acquittals, being focused only on the number of cases they have caught and the deposit collected from each one. Unfortunately, the glee at their own success is rather misplaced as it is only when an accused gets convicted that the case is considered to be closed.

When Mirror contacted Dr Pravin Mundhe, DCP, traffic department, Pune, he said, "Since the number of people caught on a regular basis is so huge, it is not possible for us to take them for medical tests. We nab around 150 people on a single day as and when we take up a drive. I will have to consult the legal team and find a way out."

Pune police commissioner Rashmi Shukla said that she was not aware of such acquittals. "Now that it has been brought to my notice, I will ensure that drivers caught driving under the influence of alcohol are subjected to medical tests. Also, we will take other measures to ensure that we get conviction of every person caught during the drives," she said.


Advocate Ashok Adulkar, defence lawyer for Ganesh Pandit who was acquitted on September 26, 2016, told Mirror, "The main argument from our side was that the traffic police did not take Pandit's medical test. The breathalyser machine was found to be defective. So, my client was acquitted in the case and it's turned out to be fortunate for many people, who were acquitted due to the lack of a medical test. Also, now people are afraid that if they plead guilty to being drunk, they can be fined up to Rs 15,000 or get five years in jail, according to the new Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Bill 2016, approved in August this year. Hence, the number of DD cases continues to increase even for us, due to the simple fault of not conducting a medical test."

Since the number of people caught regularly is so huge, it's not possible for us to take them for medical tests. We nab around 150 people per day when we take up a drive. I will have to consult the legal team and find a way out - DR PRAVIN MUNDHE, DCP, traffic department


2016: 21,050 (till October-end)

2015: 5,800

2014: 3,000

Drunk-driving deaths: 2013

Drunk-driving deaths show sharp decline

Dipak Dash New Delhi:

The Times of India Sep 01 2014

Drunk driving in India: 2013; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India Sep 01 2014

But Cops' False Reporting May Be Real Reason

States known for their high consumption of liquor have reported less road deaths caused due to driving under influence of alcohol. Goa, Kerala, Sikkim and Tripura reported only one fatality each while Bengal, Manipur, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep and Puducherry registered no death due to drunk driving in 2013.

Six other states and UTs including Delhi and Gujarat reported less than 10 deaths. The data is encouraging at a time when India is struggling to reduce its road fatalities. According to the latest road accident report of the road transport ministry , the number of accidents caused due to driving under influence of al cohol and drugs decreased to 20,290 in 2012 from 23,979 the previous year. Total deaths decreased significantly to 6,463 last year from 7,835 in 2012.

The big change is primarily on account of UP and Jharkhand witnessing sharp drop in fatalities due to drunk driving. The data shows that though UP topped the list in total fatalities last year, it saw fewer deaths attributed to drunk driving.About 658 died in such accidents in 2013 against 2,414 the previous year. In case of Jharkhand, such deaths fell to 241 in 2013 compared to 438 in 2012.

States that saw significant increase in such deaths included Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Jammu & Kashmir.

Delhi did not see any change, though the city police have intensified their crackdown. According to government data, six people died in such accidents last year the same as the year before.

While the decline in drunk driving deaths may be a positive sign, questions have been raised whether police “honestly“ record the cause of death in such cases. This is because cops often do not show a victim killed in a road accident as “under influence of alcohol“ so that his family can get the insurance claim.

Highway crimes: 2011-13

UP, Bihar top in highway crimes; Goa, J&K safest

Deeptiman Tiwary New Delhi:

The Times of India Sep 01 2014

Highway crimes, state-wise: 2011-13; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India Sep 01 2014

You are most likely to be waylaid, robbed or become a victim of theft if you are driving on a national highway through Uttar Pradesh or Bihar. However, if you are crossing Goa, terror-infested Jammu & Kashmir or the insurgency-affected northeast, you are most likely to reach your destination safe and sound.

Government data on highway crimes show it is most dangerous to drive through UP and Bihar with both states registering highest number of highway robberies in the past three years. The two states together account for almost 50% of all highway robberies in the country .

At third, fourth and fifth are Odisha, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh accounting for around 18% of all robberies on the highway .

In the category of theft on highways, however, UP tops the chart by a huge margin. Of the over 82,000 cases of theft across the country on highways in the past three years, UP accounted for over 64,000 (almost 80%). Here too, Bihar is placed second but with just over 1,500 cases.

Experts cite a slew of factors leading to crimes on highways. Since both Uttar Pradesh and Bihar already have very high incidence of crime, it is natural it would be reflected on the highways. Secondly , for most states, maintaining day-to-day law and order within towns and cities takes priority over securing highways which suffer from lack of enough personnel and vehicles for highway patrol. Not far from Delhi, parts of highways in western UP are regularly shut off by UP police and traffic diverted through sleeping towns as they are unable to ensure safety along deserted stretches.

Goa has turned out to be the best state in terms of threat of highway robberies recording merely nine robberies in three years. The figure for thefts too is barely in double digits.

Deaths from poisonous liquor: 2004-13

The Times of India

Deaths caused by spurious liquor in India:2004- 13

Hoax calls: 2012- 2014

The Times of India Dec 22 2014

Hoax calls of bomb threats at railway stations and airports hugely inconvenience both public and police. The reply to a recent Parliament question stated that there is no specific state-wise record maintained of such calls.The data collated to answer the particular question on prank calls regarding railways and airports shows that in the past three years, Maharashtra police received 66 such calls regarding railways ­ the highest in the country. For the same period, Tamil Nadu police received four such misleading calls about Chennai airport -higher than other airports.

Reducing pendency of criminal cases

The Times of India, Sep 09 2015

Five Indian states routinely review and withdraw cases relating to relatively ‘petty’ crime; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, Sep 09 2015

Five states start culling stale criminal cases, cut pendency

Chargesheets filed 5 years ago, but parties now missing

At least five state governments have informed the law ministry that they have set up state-level committees headed by chief secretaries and consisting of registrars general of high courts as member to recommend withdrawal of petty criminal cases which are older than five years. Cases older than five years are routinely reviewed in the HCs of Himachal Pradesh, Madras, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Bombay where the states have started withdrawing those cases in which charge-sheets had been filed five years ago (before 2009), but became ineffective for nonavailability of complainant, victim, witnesses or accused. The offences include petty crimes such as theft and pickpocketing, gambling, prohibition-related crimes and those related to traffic offences and bouncing of cheques. These form majority of the 2.60 crore cases pending in subordinate courts across the country .

The law ministry had earlier written to states and chief justices of HCs to review pen dency of cases in subordinate and HCs and set up committees to withdraw cases.

Recent data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) had said that in 2014 as many as 6,961 such cases were withdrawn by the states.According to guidelines issued by the MP government, cases in which charges had been filed five years ago will become `stale and ineffective' in 2015.

According to the NCRB, the 6,961 cases withdrawn by the state governments in 2014 were for offences under IPC.The study revealed more than 35,000 IPC cases were disposed of through plea bargaining -a concept introduced through a 2005 amendment in the CrPC to release undertrials through compounding of offences.

Adolescent/ youth deaths

2013 data

The Times of India, May 10 2016

Leading casues for adolescent deaths in India, 2013; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, May 10, 2016

Self-harm causing most youth deaths

Sushmi Dey

Self-harm is the top reason for adolescent or youth deaths in India causing close to 60,000 deaths annually in the age group of 15-24 years, a latest global study shows. It is also the biggest reason for disability among youths.

Self-harm includes suicide, attempted suicide or any form of self-inflicted wounds.Self-harm is followed by road injuries leading to over 37,000 mortality in the same age group during 2013.

The findings are part of new research conducted by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) based on 2013 data. The study will be published in the upco ming issue of the international medical journal Lancet.The data shows self-harm has increased rapidly over the last two decades, indicating a rise in stress, mental disorders and changing lifestyle and behavioural patterns. In 1990, self-harm caused a total of 37,630 deaths among youngsters between 15-24 years age.

Data from 2013 shows self harm has replaced tuberculosis as the leading cause for adolescent deaths. In 1990, a total of 52,038 youngsters between 15-24 years of age died due to tuberculosis, of this 18,221were in the age group of 15-19 years and rest were aged between 20-24 years.

“We are certainly not doing enough, for the death toll in youth has been rising for the past decade, even while many other countries like China and Sri Lanka have been able to achieve just the opposite. As an immediate priority, the government must launch a national programme, with the active participa tion of youth, to address these leading causes of death and illness,“ says Vikram Patel, professor for mental health in Centre for Global Mental Health at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

A comparative analysis shows deaths due to self-harm are relatively less in other developing countries like China and Brazil. In China, 11,074 deaths were caused due to selfharm among adolescents (1524 years) during 2013, whereas Brazil reported only 2,697 deaths in the same period and among the same age group.

However, researchers maintain mental health disorders and road injuries are the two main contributors to health loss worldwide for both sexes.The findings of the IHME study shows self harm, road accidents and violence were the leading causes of deaths for 15-24 year olds worldwide in 2013. In India, apart from self-harm and road accidents, diseases like tuberculosis, intestinal infections, heart disorders, and lower respiratory infections are also found contributing significantly to adolescent deaths.

Researchers say evidence shows behaviours that start in adolescence can determine health and well being for a lifetime. “Adolescents today also face new challenges, including rising levels of obesity and mental health disorders, high unemployment, and the risk of radicalisation,“ the report said. Seeking more investments in adolescent health and well being, the study pointed out adolescents aged 10­24 years represent over a quarter of the world's population, 89% of whom live in developing countries.

Interval between two incidents


The Times of India, Sep 04 2015

Interval between two incidents(in minutes) ; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, Sep 04 2015

 In 2014, about 29 lakh incidents of cognizable crime under IPC were reported in the country.That works out to an average time interval of just 11 seconds between two criminal acts. The time gap between two murders was 16 minutes, while kidnapping incidents had a frequency of 7 minutes. One rape took place in every 14 minutes, incidents of assault on women with the intent to outrage their modesty happened once every 6 minutes and a woman was killed every hour for dowry.Similarly, every fourth minute somebody died because of someone else's negligence.

Wanted International fugitives: India and the world, The Times of India

Gunfire, accidental

Casualties due to ‘celebratory firing’: 2012-2016; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, April 20, 2016

2014: Accidental gunfire killed more people than terrorists

The Times of India, July 26, 2015

Deeptiman Tiwary

More people died in accidental gunfire in 2014 than in terrorist attacks or Maoist violence. While 561 people (including security forces and terrorists) died in various terror and Maoist-related incidents across the country, 633 died from accidental gunfire. Curiously, close to 50% of these cases happened in UP alone. MP accounted for about 18% of such incidents while Chhattisgarh had 11% fat alities of all deaths due to accidental gunfire. According the three states together accounted for close to 80% of to NCRB data, the three states together accounted for close to 80% of all such deaths. Police sources explained the difference in fatality in accidental gunfire and terror-related incidents to the sheer number of guns in the country. “Private gun licenses run into several lakhs. Even if there is a 0.1% probability of accidental gunfire, it would weigh more than the few hundred terrorists who enter the country with a purpose to kill,“ said an officer with a central force. As far as UP is concerned, police sources attributed the high number of fatal gunfire accidents in the state to its prevalent gun culture and the propensity of its people to randomly fire during social events.



The Times of India, Aug 20 2015

Dipak Dash

Road dacoity cases highest in Maha, Bihar, UP

Indian roads and highways not only account for highest number of deaths due to accidents across the world, but they are also vulnerable to crime. The worst performing states in this regard are Maharashtra, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, which have recorded highest numbers of dacoity , robbery , burglary and thefts. According to the data released by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) for last year, the total loss in terms of value of the items or cash stolen and robbed was about Rs 588 crore.

The analysis of recorded crimes indicates that one fourth of total dacoities and almost 40% of the robberies reported in 2014 happened on roads and highways.

While there were reports of total 1,703 dacoities across all roads and highways in the country , Bihar recorded maximum number of such cases (213), followed by Maharashtra. Roads and highways in Uttar Pradesh registered 76 dacoities.

Rail travel, unsafe


The Times of India, Aug 20 2015

Crime in rail travel; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, Aug 20 2015

Mahendra Singh

Rail travel has got even more unsafe

Even as railways tries to get control over maintenance of law and order in trains and station premises from state government, the latest government data could bolster its case as it shows security for travelers getting worse over the years. Crime in railways has now touched a new high as 392 cases of murder, 122 of rape, 440 of kidnapping and abduction, 1,128 of robbery , 80 of dacoity and 22,477 cases of theft has been reported across India in 2014, according to a National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) report.

In 2013, 270 cases of murder, 54 of rape, 1,096 of robbery and 48 of dacoity were reported. The number of thefts and robberies of passengers' belongings has reached 23,605 in 2014 as against 19,133 in 2013 in trains and railway premises.

In 2014, maximum cases of murder (120) in trains or railway premises were reported from West Bengal, followed by Bihar (60) and Uttar Pradesh (30). West Bengal tops the chart when it comes to cases of rape in rail premises (85), followed by Madhya Pradesh (11) and Maharashtra (6).

Interestingly, maximum cases of robbery were reported in Maharashtra (709), followed by Karnataka (96) and Delhi (62). Many in railways were surprised with only 27 case of robbery being reported from Uttar Pradesh and 22 from Bihar. Maharashtra also reported maximum number of theft cases (4,321), followed by UP (4,061) and Madhya Pradesh (3,013). Bihar reported only 1,496 such cases. The new dispensation in railways led by minister Suresh Prabhu is pushing for installing integrated security system aimed at improving security on railway premises, ensuring safety of the people and averting terror attacks. With law and order being a state subject, the security of passengers is dealt by state-controlled General Reserve Police (GRP) half of whose pay bill is paid by the transporter, but the blame of any untoward incident lands squarely on the railways.

Not satisfied with GRP's functioning, railways has been pushing for more powers to its own Railway Protection Force (RPF) for seamless policing at rail premises.Prabhu has said that the existing system of managing security by the GRP was causing glitches in seamless policing.

Foreigners, crime against and by

2014: Crimes by and against foreigners, state-wise

The Times of India, Sep 03 2015

Lisa Monteiro

Goa tops list of crimes against & by foreigners

With 73 cases, Goa stands unflatteringly at the top of the list of India's 28 states for crimes committed against foreigners in 2014. It has also topped the list for the highest number of foreigners, 27, arrested under the Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act last year. India's smallest state comes a distant second to Delhi (164) when the country's seven Union territories are added to the list. But the nation's capital city has recorded three cases lesser than Goa of foreigners caught under the NDPS Act last year.

`Crime in India', an annual release of the home ministry's National Crime Re cords Bureau (NCRB), has for the first time collected, collated and published statistics of crimes committed against foreigners and by foreigners in India. While the category known as foreign tourists has been specified, foreigners living in the country on business visas, or as students, or as long-stay visitors have been clubbed under the category `other than tourist for eigners'.

Goa received 5.14 lakh foreign tourists last year. Of the 73 crimes recorded against foreigners in the state, 66 were against such foreigners. Of these 73 crimes, a majority , at least 25, were thefts, all registered between sections 379 and 383 of IPC.

Following Goa, among the states, are Uttar Pradesh (66), Maharashtra (59), Rajasthan (36) and Karnataka (14) for crimes against foreigners. Union territory Delhi, with 164 crimes against foreigners tops the overall list.

India, as a whole, recorded 486 crimes against foreigners, of which 384 were against tourists.

2014: Crime against foreigners

The Times of India, May 05 2016

Delhi most unsafe for foreigners

 The capital recorded the highest number of crimes against foreigners with 164 cases in 2014, according to data tabled in Rajya Sabha.

Delhi is followed by Goa which had registered 73 cases related to crimes against foreign nationals.

No such cases have surfaced in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Manipur in 2014, the data says. “ As per data collected from statesunion territories, a total of 486 cases were registered under crime against foreigners including students during the year 2014,“ said minister of state for home affairs Haribhai Chaudhary . 

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