Bengali cuisine (West Bengal)

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Bengali cuisine

Bengali recipe: Ghugni koraishutir kochuri

Meghna Mukherjee, TNN | Aug 10, 2013

The Times of India

Here's the recipe to make Ghugni koraishutir kochuri at home



Ingredients: 2 cups of soaked white peas, ½ cup chopped onions, 1 chopped tomato, 1 tsp crushed garlic, 1 tsp ginger, ½ tsp cumin seed powder, ½ cup coriander powder, 1 tsp garam masala, ½ cup oil and salt to taste

Method: Boil the soaked white peas until soft. Heat oil in a separate pan. Fry the onions, ginger and garlic on medium heat. Continue frying till the onion gets brown. Add the tomatoes and stir it properly. Now mix this with the cooked peas. Add the cumin seed powder as well as the coriander powder. Now allow this to come to a boil. Add the garam masala and adorn with coriander and chopped onion. You can also sprinkle some coriander leaves for garnishing.

Koraishutir kochuri

koraishutir kochuri

Ingredients: ¼ tsp salt, 3 tbsp ghee

For the filling: ¼ kg peas, 1 inch ginger, 4 small chillies, 4 tsp saunf, ¼ tsp asafoetida, salt to taste and ghee to deep fry

Method: Sift the flour with ¼ tsp salt. Mix in 2 tbsp of ghee and knead to soft dough. Grind the peas, ginger, green chillies and saunf to a fine paste. Fry the asafoetida till light brown. Mix in the peas paste and salt. Fry well till the paste is thoroughly cooked. Take off from heat and let it cool. Divide the dough into eight balls. Press each ball in the centre and fill it with the pea mixture. Close the opening well and flatten them. Roll out the puris. Heat up the ghee in a kadhai. Deep fry the puris on low heat up till golden brown. Remove and serve hot.

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