Abdul Sattar Edhi

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That his humanitarian work transcended all divides made him by far Pakistan's most-loved national hero. Edhi built a temple for deaf and SCAN mute Indian woman Geeta after he reali sed she was a Hindu. Geeta, who returned to India last year, has been among those Edhi has cared for over the years. Geeta was handed over to the Edhi Fo undation when she was found alone at the Lahore Railway Station after she landed there mysteriously after boarding a cross-border train. Edhi and his wife treated Geeta like their daughter during her 12-year stay in Pakistan.
That his humanitarian work transcended all divides made him by far Pakistan's most-loved national hero. Edhi built a temple for deaf and SCAN mute Indian woman Geeta after he reali sed she was a Hindu. Geeta, who returned to India last year, has been among those Edhi has cared for over the years. Geeta was handed over to the Edhi Fo undation when she was found alone at the Lahore Railway Station after she landed there mysteriously after boarding a cross-border train. Edhi and his wife treated Geeta like their daughter during her 12-year stay in Pakistan.
=''The Washington Post:'' hero to Pakistan’s poor and needy=
''' Abdul Sattar Edhi: He was a hero to Pakistan’s poor and needy '''
[https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/08/abdul-sattar-edhi-he-was-a-hero-to-pakistans-poor-and-needy/ By Max Bearak ''The Washington Post '' July 8, 2016]
Abdul Sattar Edhi was a beacon of hope in a country too often mired in despair. He was an ascetic in a country where politicians regularly skim millions of dollars through corruption; a humanitarian in a country rife with sectarian hatred and violence; and ultimately the provider of public services in a country where the government often fails to provide even the most basic ones, like adequate hospitals and ambulances.
In the course of his lifetime, he had gone from being a refugee to running Pakistan's most renowned philanthropic organization, the Edhi Foundation. Established in 1951, the foundation currently runs hospitals, orphanages, morgues, legal aid offices, centers for the abandoned and drug-addicted, and has almost 2,000 ambulances, which it dispatches to the scenes of the terrorist attacks that occur with alarming frequency across the country.
The 88-year-old died Friday night in Karachi, Pakistan's largest city. He had been ill for weeks, and had needed a new kidney since 2013, but was too frail for a transplant. His family's announcing of his death led to an outpouring of grief.
Edhi gave dignity to unwanted kids along with other outcasts like drug addicts and mentally ill. The abandoned kids are fed, clothed as well as educated at Edhi homes to make them respectable citizens.This humanitarianism is complemented by Edhi's fruga lity. He never built a home for himself even as Edhi presided over a charitable empire with Rs 100 crore budget.
Edhi gave dignity to unwanted kids along with other outcasts like drug addicts and mentally ill. The abandoned kids are fed, clothed as well as educated at Edhi homes to make them respectable citizens.This humanitarianism is complemented by Edhi's fruga lity. He never built a home for himself even as Edhi presided over a charitable empire with Rs 100 crore budget.

Revision as of 12:16, 10 July 2016

These are newspaper articles selected for the excellence of their content.


AFP/ The Dawn:True greatness

Edhi: A life less ordinary

Hasan Zaidi AFP/ The Dawn

How does one write about true greatness? When it seems everyone already has remarkable stories to share about Abdul Sattar Edhi. In my lifetime, I have not come across anyone who touched so many lives in so many different ways. What can then one say that does not sound trite and predictable?

In the face of a persona that is as much of a Colossus — straddling ethnic, class and religious divides — one is forced to fall back on personal recollections of a personality that was the opposite: humble, supremely matter-of-fact, ordinary, very, very human.

I became aware of the man at quite a young age. My mother first interviewed Edhi sahib and his steadfast partner Bilquis Edhi for a magazine she was bringing out in the early 1980s.

She still recalls his childlike enthusiasm when he found out my mother was interested in palmistry. She wanted to see what kind of lines someone like him, who’d devoted his entire life to caring for others, had. I remember her bringing home his hand-prints, made with the ink of ordinary office stamp pads. She still has them somewhere.

The next time I heard about them (because Bilquis was inseparable from Abdus Sattar) was when my mother went to them to facilitate an adoption for close friends.

My mother told me about two Edhi drivers who had been fired by Edhi sahib in front of her that day, for eating with the poor they were delivering food to in a settlement.

“You are paid a salary,” he had told them, “you should eat from that money, this food is not meant for you.”

In my mind at the time, they were other-worldly. How could someone be as invested in the happiness and well-being of people they barely knew?

Karachi's real source

When I entered the field of journalism, Edhi was the go-to source for information about any disaster. Karachi was in turmoil, an army operation was on, people were dying left and right. Sometimes a building had collapsed.

It was the easiest thing in the world to contact the Edhi Centre because they were always accessible, always willing to corroborate or correct official figures.

Most journalists had the Edhi Centre on speed-dial. Everyone trusted Edhi’s figures because it was Edhi and his workers who were removing the debris, Edhi ambulances that were ferrying the injured or picking up the dead, and often burying them.

My first substantive interaction with Edhi sahib was over three days in 1997 when I convinced him to allow me to shoot sequences of him for a video I was working on. He was initially reluctant – and most certainly nothing like the photo-hounds that some engaged in social work are.

I wanted to film him, he wanted me to film his workers and his centres. Eventually we reached a compromise, I’d shoot both.

It was a hectic shoot because Edhi had no interest in adhering to our schedules. He’d go about his daily routine and if we wanted we could tag along. The maximum allowance I had was to capture him on a walkabout through the streets of Meethadar where his office was located.

On the streets here, people spontaneously raised their hands to their foreheads to say salaam to him or came to hug him. It barely registered for him.

In between our shooting, during down-times while the filming crew recuperated or had lunch, I’d sit and talk to him. What I discovered during those frank and very candid discussions was a completely matter-of-fact man.

He had seen so much misery, so much ugliness and so much apathy in his work and around him that nothing fazed him.

Not for him the romanticisation of poverty of Mother Teresa, not for him the resignation of the religiously minded, of trusting things to God’s will. He had practical answers for everything and he was very clear in his thoughts — a clarity born out of decades of working with the most disenfranchised, the most neglected in society.

In fact, if anything made him bitter it was how some mullahs had perverted the spirit of religion with literal interpretations. He would rail many times about how the clergy only created problems for other people, never helped those in need. Sometimes, he’d suddenly remember how his statements could affect his work and drop his voice to tell me not to repeat what he’d said publicly. For the most part, I haven’t ever.

I found it ironic that for someone commonly referred to as a ‘maulana’ (religious scholar), he had no time for the rituals of religion. At times he was an agnostic, at times a fiery socialist, and yet, he embodied in himself all the best parts of his Muslim faith as well.

Bilquis Edhi — A bond of devotion

Through Bilquis I learned a different side of him. For her he was the obstinate, sometimes uncaring husband who was more obsessed with his office than home.

She was interested in watching films but he never went with her. She could be bitter too, recalling once how when their own grandson had tragically died in a fire accident, he’d left to go pick up bodies from somewhere else.

And yet, she’d never once wavered from the work they had undertaken together, or from her loyalty to him. Together they presented as human a couple as you could imagine to find.

Over the years, I had plenty of other occasions to see both Edhi sahib and Bilquis Edhi, some for reasons that shall remain unrecounted here; each time it was like visiting grandparents.

Edhi sahib was always restless, as if he were just about to go someplace where he was needed to do something — he didn’t like the idea of sitting and chatting.

There was always something more important to do. Understandable, given the huge empire of services he’d constructed.

And yet, a story my brother told me encapsulated perfectly why people universally loved and trusted him.

While covering an earthquake in Balochistan for the BBC, my brother came across Edhi sahib who was providing tents and health services to the displaced people there, fundraising and arranging logistics for ambulances and other supplies.

“When I was leaving, I gave him whatever money I had on me, around 2000 rupees, and told him I’d seen sports stores in the area, and inquired if he could buy footballs for the displaced children in the camps to play with.”

Many weeks later, my brother ran into Edhi sahib again, this time covering a conference in Islamabad. Not only did Edhi remember him, he called out to him by name.

“Oye Ali, idhar aao!” he yelled.

“When I went over to him,” recalls my brother, “he said to me ‘I mentioned to Bilquis about the money you gave me and she said the stuff would be cheaper in Karachi and that we should buy it from there and send it back here, and that’s what we did. Just thought you should know.’”

This was a man handling millions in donations and interacting with thousands of people on a daily basis, it is no wonder then that he has left us all gobsmacked. That’s what true greatness can do.

May he rest in peace, may his amazing work continue through the institutions he built, and may we come to a point where the Pakistani state does not require more Edhis to do the work for it.

Abdul Sattar Edhi's namaz-e-janaza was attended by thousands of mourners. —AFP

Hasan Zaidi is an award-winning filmmaker and journalist. He runs the independent media consultancy and production house Tamarind Media and is also the festival director of the KaraFilm Festival.

He tweets @hyzaidi.

The New York Times: Pakistan’s ‘Father Teresa’

Abdul Sattar Edhi, Pakistan’s ‘Father Teresa,’ Dies at 88

[http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/09/world/middleeast/abdul-sattar-edhi-pakistans-father-teresa-dies-at-88.html By SALMAN MASOOD The New York Times JULY 8, 2016

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Abdul Sattar Edhi, the Pakistani philanthropist whose name became synonymous with charitable causes and who achieved an almost saintly status in Pakistan, died on Friday in the southern port city of Karachi. He was 88.

His son Faisal said Mr. Edhi had been undergoing treatment for renal failure at the Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation when he died.

The death was widely mourned in a country that is hungry for role models and heroes. To many, Mr. Edhi was known as the “Father Teresa” of Pakistan.

“We have lost a great servant of humanity,” Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said in a statement. “Abdul Sattar Edhi was the real manifestation of love for those who are socially vulnerable, impoverished, helpless and poor. If anyone deserves to be wrapped in the flag of the nation he served, it is him.”

Mr. Edhi was known throughout Pakistan for his Edhi Foundation, which he single-handedly set up almost 60 years ago, starting with meager resources and then expanding through private donations. Today, it operates nursing homes, orphanages, soup kitchens and family planning centers — all free of charge — as well as Pakistan’s largest ambulance service. With his lush white beard, Mr. Edhi was known in the orphanages as Nana, or grandfather.

In a country where government-run services have been glaringly ill equipped to deal with humanitarian crises, Mr. Edhi’s social welfare system has become a trusted household name.

The ambulance service, with at least 1,500 vehicles, has become grimly familiar in Pakistan, whether ferrying people maimed in terrorist attacks or carrying those injured in natural disasters.

Mr. Edhi maintained an austere lifestyle. He dressed simply and lived with his family in a sparsely furnished apartment adjacent to his foundation’s headquarters, always spurning attention from the news media. He was nominated several times for the Nobel Peace Prize.

His wife, Bilquis, a nurse by training whom he married in 1965, worked closely with him in the foundation. The couple received no salary for their work and lived off government securities. Mr. Edhi’s wife, two sons and two daughters survive him.

Though a revered figure, Mr. Edhi was once the target of an armed robbery, in 2014. Thieves entered his headquarters, an office building in the Mithadar neighborhood of Karachi, and held him at gunpoint, taking more than $1 million and more than 10 pounds of gold jewelry that had been donated to his foundation.

The robbery left Mr. Edhi bitter. “I had never imagined that this could happen to me,” he was quoted as saying then.

Mr. Edhi was born in Gujarat, India, in 1928 and moved to Pakistan in 1947 after the country gained independence from the British Empire. Mr. Edhi initially sold cloth in Karachi’s wholesale market, but he soon gave up the trade to start a free medical dispensary.

The seeds of his devotion to social work were sown in his teenage years, when his mother became paralyzed and mentally ill. Mr. Edhi tended to her every need until she died when he was 19. He never completed his high school education.

Mr. Edhi said he believed in humanity and was wary of people who used religion for their vested interests. He was criticized by the country’s religious right for not offering Islamic prayers.

He also worried that social progress had not matched the world’s material and technological advances.

“People have become educated,” Mr. Edhi said, “but have yet to become human.”

A version of this article appears in print on July 9, 2016, on page A19 of the New York edition with the headline: Abdul Sattar Edhi, Pakistan’s ‘Father Teresa,’ Dies at 88. ,

The Times of India: The foundation of selflessness

PAK SCAN - Gujarat-born face of compassion in Pak passes away

Sameer Arshad The Times of India Jul 10 2016

Abdul Sattar Edhi was traumatised to see his mother struggle with mental illness and paralysis without much care when he arrived in Pakistan as a penniless refugee in 1947.

His agony mirrored millions of poor whom the infant state was unable to take care of.Instead of despairing, Edhi took it upon himself to look after destitute PAK left to fend for themselves in the absence of a welfare system.He begged on Karachi streets to collect funds to buy a rickety ambulance for the first charitable clinic he started in 1951.

Six decades on, Edhi, 88, left behind Pakistan's biggest and one of the world's largest welfare organisations when he died on Friday . Edhi ran his charity empire of 1,500 ambulances, shelters for the elderly, orpha nages, maternity wards and morgues entirely on public do nations that continued to grow in a measure of trust that very few in Pakistan enjoy .

That his humanitarian work transcended all divides made him by far Pakistan's most-loved national hero. Edhi built a temple for deaf and SCAN mute Indian woman Geeta after he reali sed she was a Hindu. Geeta, who returned to India last year, has been among those Edhi has cared for over the years. Geeta was handed over to the Edhi Fo undation when she was found alone at the Lahore Railway Station after she landed there mysteriously after boarding a cross-border train. Edhi and his wife treated Geeta like their daughter during her 12-year stay in Pakistan.

The Washington Post: hero to Pakistan’s poor and needy

Abdul Sattar Edhi: He was a hero to Pakistan’s poor and needy

By Max Bearak The Washington Post July 8, 2016

Abdul Sattar Edhi was a beacon of hope in a country too often mired in despair. He was an ascetic in a country where politicians regularly skim millions of dollars through corruption; a humanitarian in a country rife with sectarian hatred and violence; and ultimately the provider of public services in a country where the government often fails to provide even the most basic ones, like adequate hospitals and ambulances.

In the course of his lifetime, he had gone from being a refugee to running Pakistan's most renowned philanthropic organization, the Edhi Foundation. Established in 1951, the foundation currently runs hospitals, orphanages, morgues, legal aid offices, centers for the abandoned and drug-addicted, and has almost 2,000 ambulances, which it dispatches to the scenes of the terrorist attacks that occur with alarming frequency across the country.

The 88-year-old died Friday night in Karachi, Pakistan's largest city. He had been ill for weeks, and had needed a new kidney since 2013, but was too frail for a transplant. His family's announcing of his death led to an outpouring of grief.

Edhi gave dignity to unwanted kids along with other outcasts like drug addicts and mentally ill. The abandoned kids are fed, clothed as well as educated at Edhi homes to make them respectable citizens.This humanitarianism is complemented by Edhi's fruga lity. He never built a home for himself even as Edhi presided over a charitable empire with Rs 100 crore budget.

He lived with just two sets of clothes, a karakul cap in a windowless room with just a bed, a wash basin and a stove. Edhi's asceticism attracted donations from even the poorest as he continued his practice of sitting outside a posh Karachi locality to collect money for his work that earned him several Nobel Peace Prize nominations.

Edhi's selfless service has earned him a place in the pantheon of most revered Pakistanis like Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Like Jinnah and his contemporary Mahatma Gandhi, Edhi had his roots in Gujarat's Kathiawar Peninsula. Edhi was born barely 60km from Gandhi's place of birth -Porbandar -at Bantva in 1928. He was schooled in Gujarati in Bantva before partition uprooted his family.

Thousands of Gujaratis like Edhi arrived in Pakistan penniless but have contributed disproportionately to its economy and culture of philanthropy. Among them is Muhammad Ramzan Chhipa, whose Chhipa Welfare runs automatic bread baking plants and a kitchen to feed over 30,000 people.

Gujaratis are even betterknown for their business acumen. They account for less than 1% of Pakistan's population but are the mainstay of the country's GDP . Gujarati trading communities like Memons, Khojas and Bohras own multi-national firms, five-star hotels, banks and multiplexes, besides dominating Pakistan's biggest stock exchange.

TV journo reports from grave, draws flak

With the news of Abdul Sattar Edhi's passing away on Friday, a Pakistani TV news channel found itself at the receiving end of social media ire. A reporter from Express News reported from inside the grave dug up for the burial. As many Pakistanis and Indians expressed online anguish at the treatment of the story, the channel's executive director of news Fahd Husain apologised for the clip violating “all social and journalistic ethics“. “The most disgraceful thing is #ExpressNews' reporting. They could have spared his grave! #DownWithTRPs #Edhi“ tweeted @ahsannag. A tweet from @shaheershahid said: “Hey @ExpressNewsPK. Are these your reporting standards that your reporter has to disgrace Edhi's grave by reporting from inside it?“

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