The Ramayan

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At the root of the censorship issue is a refusal to accept that our gods might be fallible  
At the root of the censorship issue is a refusal to accept that our gods might be fallible  
Nilofer Kaul  
Nilofer Kaul  

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The Authorised Ramayan

The Times of India

The Authorised Ramayana

At the root of the censorship issue is a refusal to accept that our gods might be fallible

Nilofer Kaul

In Satyajit Ray’s Samapti, Amulya, the well brought-up city-educated man, visits his prospective bride who sits delicately next to the tanpura. By conventional standards, she is most suitable. Suddenly, from behind her, framed by the window, emerges a wild, untamed Mrinmoyee (Aparna Sen) who unleashes chaos with her mocking laughter. Amulya, till now reluctant to get married, returns home, smitten by the charms of this capricious, uncivilised woman. The scene may be read allegorically – Mrinmoyee represents the repressed; her behaviour is inappropriate both because of the overt aggression and the barely concealed sexuality.

The scene seems to say: there is little we can do with the repressed, because it returns, as indeed, it must. The mother realises this and so gives in to this rather wayward marriage. But the forces of Hindutva do not, as they clamp down on A K Ramanujan’s Three Hundred Ramayanas. Much has been written on this. I don’t want to either mock or condemn the ban, but i do want to understand the anxieties that underlie the obvious irrationality of such censoring. What does Valmiki get which is so right, that others seem to have missed? From the rich repertoire of tellings that Ramanujan brings together, i have picked four instances of ‘wrongness’.

In Kampan’s Ramayana, Indra is punished for having adulterous sex with Ahalya. His body will be covered with vaginas – for that is what he violated. Ahalya is turned to stone, she will never feel anything, for she has indulged in an excess of pleasure. This episode is missing from Valmiki. Why? When we reject this, perhaps we do not want to admit adultery existed, at least not in the realm of our gods, because when you say it is in our sacred epic, it feels as if you are attacking our parents. For after all, gods are mostly imagined as our idealised parents, upholding a fragile fiction. This is what i understand to be at the heart of this censorship panic. It echoes what every child feels – yes, unfortunately people do have sex, but not my parents.

In the Kannada folk tradition, Ravana appears as the father of Sita (as also in some Southeast Asian and Jain tellings). Ramanujan reads this as a recurrent figure in myths, i.e., the incestuous father who pursues his daughter. Interestingly, this demonic version of Ravana also becomes a source of anxiety. Must being the object of desire taint the object? Or is it a cross that all raped and abused women must bear? By being the object of her father’s desire, does Sita also get defiled? Or do we seek to find purity in our family tree which is denied by the lurking incestuous desire?

Interestingly, the Jains represent evolved versions of Ravana and Rama. Given their distaste for aggression, there is a denial of flesh and violence. And yet, we who follow Valmiki’s Ramayana are not enamoured by the purging of violence. The narrative exudes greyness – there is no clear demarcation of good and evil; our bloodthirsty instincts are simply not met! So after all, such a narrative seems to say, my parents are not that much better than the enemy!

In several Rama tales, in Sanskrit and other languages, Sita and Rama are not reconciled. There is a brief reunion followed by separation. Sita returns to the forest with her sons and finally vanishes from the earth into a fissure. This one has all the disadvantages of a tragedy. The reasons for rejecting this are all too obvious. We want our parents to have emerged omnipotent. We also love happy endings, happy families, reconciliation and restoration of order. At least for our families. Never mind if the enemy ends up in flames, or loses her nose. By depriving us of a happy ending, these alternative Rama stories fail to console us.

I have looked very briefly at just a few anxieties linked to some of the existing tales. There must be a good deal more, no doubt. But Valmiki’s Ramayana seems to have struck the right balance in that it keeps good and evil far apart, it doles out a happy ending, it steers clear of insinuating that our parents were mortal and fallible.

In all fairness, one must admit, these childlike wishes to hear, believe and propagate only what is ‘good’ about our parents (and by extension ourselves), is not limited to the Hindutva forces, but is evident in other dominant religions as well. Christianity offers a sanitised mythology, shorn of the body except as a medium for self-flagellation. The Virgin Mother is the obvious embodiment of the childhood fantasy that my father is an absent god and my mother immaculate. The hold of this powerful wish can be seen in the way Christianity wiped out traces of so many ‘strange gods’ of pagan mythology and made the Greek pantheon sound aberrant and monstrous.

Islamic insistence on maintaining a distance between the sacred and the profane is also not discontinuous with this strand of sanitised religions. So is this ‘sanitising’ an inevitable movement, an ineluctable step towards ‘civilising’? To return from where i started, the ‘uncivilised’ Mrinmoyee in Ray’s film must be brought into the fold of civilisation, through the taming of her instincts. Indeed, how precarious must we feel with the dark stranger that resides within us?

The writer is a psychoanalyst.

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